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Understanding the SLD Rule in Multi-Level Systems of Support

Discover how to meet the requirements of the Specific Learning Disability (SLD) rule effectively within your Multi-Level System of Support (MLSS). Gain insights on systems, data sources, and best practices for implementing interventions while considering exclusionary factors.

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Understanding the SLD Rule in Multi-Level Systems of Support

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  1. Deb Heiss Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction Consultant for Specific Learning Disabilities Dana McConnellWisconsin RtI Center Coordinator of Instructional Supports for Students with Disabilities An Authentic Conversation: Systems, Data, and Practices to Consider When Meeting the Requirements of the SLD Rule Through a MLSS

  2. Agenda • System • When do you initiate the specified requirements identified in the SLD rule? • What about parent requests for a special education evaluation? • Data • Decision System vs. Data System • Data Sources • Exclusionary Factors • Practices • Resources

  3. Think About Your Multi-Level System of Support? Where within your MLSS do you begin implementing the requirements of the SLD rule?

  4. SLD: Raise your hand… When do you initiate the specified requirements identified in the SLD rule? Core/Universal Selected Intensive

  5. Fewer than 4% of Wisconsin’s student population are identified as eligible for Special Education services under a Specific Learning Disability What percentage of students are meeting expectations with only core/universal instruction? Can your system sustain these efforts if SLD rule requirements are implemented too early in your system? Is your system and staff overwhelmed? How sustainable are current efforts regarding your decision rules? Let’s Think About This…

  6. Parent Request What if a parent requests a referral for SLD as soon as they hear their child is not being successful with core/universal instruction alone? Some things to consider: Clarify request. Is it just for additional help or really a request for a special education evaluation? If truly a request for a special education evaluation, then we can NOT delay due to implementing interventions REMEMBER: When setting up your Multi-Level System of Support, plan for the majority and not for the exception to the rule!!! “

  7. It will help you organize and articulate: • Curriculum • Instruction • Assessments • Collaboration practices • This organizational structure helps us do that. WHY is Defining Your Culturally Responsive MLSS Important?

  8. Have clear and agreed-upon definitions for common terms – especially those with multiple meanings “intervention” “collaboration” “RtI” “differentiation” “research-based”

  9. A Multi-Level System of Support Is the Foundation for Establishing a Fluid and Efficient Process for SLD Referrals A MLSS is designed to be a framework for meeting students’ needs and is NOT just interventions SOLELY for SLD eligibility Impact and connection to family engagement It is so crucial for parents to truly understand the PURPOSE or intent of your system (support needs and NOT just SLD eligibility), process and general understanding of what MLSS means and looks like in your school

  10. Within your MLSS, what are your decision rules regarding when to start implementing the requirements of the SLD rule? How do you engage with families in… Defining your MLSSand its purpose or intent Understanding the Process General understanding of what a MLSS means and looks like in your school ACTIVITY: Turn and Talk

  11. Think About Data Within Your MLSS • Decision system vs. data system • Shift your mindset • What are your decision rules regarding when to begin implementing the requirements as stated in the SLD rule? • Intensive research-based or evidence-based interventions • Weekly progress monitoring data collected with probes • Observations • Other formal and informal data

  12. Data Sources or Evidence Brought to the Conversation What are the questions you are trying to answer? “What data are you looking at?” Start with the family and teacher (classroom lens) Any specialist data/evidence Progress monitoring vs. progress monitoring with probes Continuum of progress monitoring Acknowledge and honor the story behind the data Discrepancies should enhance conversation to further guide decisions and next steps Achievement test data Behavioral/social emotional data Any other data? (e.g., ACCESS)

  13. Environmental or economic disadvantage, or cultural factors Lack of appropriate instruction in reading, math or any other areas of SLD being considered Limited English proficiency Other impairments Exclusionary Factors

  14. Data or evidence that supports the idea of an exclusionary factor as the primary cause of their challenges? e.g., attendance, family mobility, interviews Data or evidence that suggests the exclusionary factor may NOT be the primary cause of their challenges? It may be a contributing factor but may not be the PRIMARY cause. e.g., attendance, classroom observations during culturally appropriate instruction Exclusionary Factors in Reference to the Data

  15. Student’s personal history At least one person on IEP team knowledgeable about English acquisition and related achievement Student performance when individual positive support or instruction in social/emotional behavior is implemented Grade-level information Exclusionary Factors:More In-Depth

  16. Activity: Turn and Talk Does your MLSS have a continuum of progress monitoring? We hope so! How are you using and honoring the data? Depending on the purpose of your meeting, what is your meeting protocol? What data/evidence are shared? Systems level Group – grade, class, intervention Individual student, etc.

  17. ‘What do we need the intervention to do’ NOT ‘Which intervention’ Then, identify which intervention will meet that need. Match the intervention to the student’s need! Think About Practices Within Your MLSS

  18. Activity: Turn and Talk Within your MLSS, what is your current process for determining WHICH particular intervention a child will receive?

  19. Resource Tool Reviewing Your Selected and Intensive Levels of Support How to use this: Needs assessment Explore the site Module Facilitator Guide Select a module and scenario(s) Read the module narrative Review vocabulary with team Guiding questions and current status Read and analyze scenario Identify desired future Identify priorities requiring action Explore resources for priorities How does this connect?

  20. Needs Assessment Selected and Intensive Levels Handouts1.3-1.5

  21. Resources • RtI Action Network • RtI-Based SLD Identification Toolkit • RIOT • Review, Interview, Observe, Test • Intensive Intervention Selection Toolkit • Support in refining systems processes • When Students Fail to Learn: Protocols for a School-Wide Response  by Catherine Glaude • Wisconsin’s SLD Rule: A Technical Guide

  22. THANK YOU!!!

  23. Deb Heiss 608.267.9271 debra.heiss@dpi.wi.gov Dana McConnell 608.617.0867 mcconnelld@wisconsinrticenter.org For More Information

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