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Class of 2017. Grapevine High School. Your GHS Counselors. A - C Cathy Lamb D – Hn KellyWallace Ho- Mc Gail Madden Md -Sa Nan Poe Sb -Z Sonya Barron. Visit our website for additional information: http://www.gcisd-k12.org/Page/2998 (Look for Counselors). d. d.
Class of 2017 Grapevine High School
Your GHS Counselors A - C Cathy Lamb D – HnKellyWallace Ho-McGail Madden Md-Sa Nan Poe Sb-Z Sonya Barron
Visit our website for additional information: http://www.gcisd-k12.org/Page/2998 (Look for Counselors) d d
Incoming Freshmen & New Student Information • Timeline for course Selections • Program of Studies • Clubs and Organizations • Frequently Asked Questions • Athletic Options and Contacts • PAP and AP Information
Begin with the end in mind… What post-secondary institution do you want to go to? What do you want to study? What kind of career goal(s) have you set for yourself? What kind of life do you want for your family?
State Recommended Graduation Requirements English - 4 Mathematics - 4 Science - 4 Social Studies – 3.5 Economics - .5 Health - .5 Physical Education - 1 Fine Arts - 1 Speech - .5 Technical Credit - 1 Other Languages-2 Electives- 4 Total Credits-26 State Credits State Recommended Plan requires taking Levels I and II in the same language other than English courses.
State Distinguished Achievement Graduation Requirements English-4 Mathematics-4 Science-4 Social Studies-3.5 Economics-.5 Health-.5 Physical Education-1 Fine Arts-1 Speech-.5 Technical Credit-1 Other Languages-3 Electives-3 Total Credits- 26 State Credits • PLUS • Four of the following advanced measures are required: • A score of 3 or above on any College Board Advanced Placement Exam • A grade of 3 or higher on courses that count for college credit, including tech prep programs • A commended (semi-finalist or finalist) score on the PSAT • Locally articulated courses identified in a local tech-prep articulation agreement between a college and a school district.
Mathematics The Recommended Program requires: • Algebra I • Geometry • Algebra II • Additional SBOE approved Math course
Science The Recommended Program requires: • Biology • Chemistry • Physics • Additional Science Elective (Aquatic Science, Astronomy, Forensics, etc.)
Social Studies The Recommended Program requires: • World Geography • World History • US History • US Government (+ Economics)
Fine Arts • Art • Dance • Choir • Theatre • Band
Physical Education 1 Credit Required The following substitutes for PE • Marching Band (Fall Only) • Drill Team • Cheerleading Dance 1 may count as PE or Fine Arts Credit
Athletics If y0u plan to take a sport in high school, make sure to check the website for tryout times. If you would like to contact the coach, their information is on the Counseling Website under Upcoming Freshmen tab “Athletic Contacts”.
Speech Professional Communications is a ½ credit requirement.
Technical Credits 1 Credit required See Program of Studies pg. 2 for a list of possible courses. You may already have all or part of your Tech Credit. Touch Systems and Concepts of Engineering count as ½ credit each toward you technology credit.
Other Languages • Levels I and II of the same language (State Recommended) • Levels I, II, and III of the same language ( DAP) Any language other than English Latin A S L Spanish French
Why the fuss about Pre-AP/ AP Courses? • Receives more weight and can increase a student’s GPA. • Provides more advanced curriculum and challenging course work. • Usually requires additional time outside of class – 1.0 -2.0 hours per class.
How do I decide if pre-AP or AP courses are right for me? • Do you complete homework when it is assigned? • Do you enjoy completing projects to demonstrate understanding of material? • Are you an independent worker? • Are you willing to work hard and challenge yourself?
Schedule Changes (pg. 1 of Program of Studies) Students are expected to make informed decisions during the course selection process. Students enrolled in Pre-AP, AP, or GT class will only be able to change levels: During 1st 5 days, at 6 weeks or at semester. This is ONLY for level changes, not for “change of mind”! Students will NOT be able to make any other changes to their schedule after May 1st.
How credits are awarded Every class you are in counts!! At the end of the semester, every class with a grade above 70 you receive ½ a credit. Every class with a grade below 70 you receive 0credits and a 0 is factored into your GPA! Your goal: Credit in every class you take each semester you are in high school.
To be promoted: You need a total of 6 credits at the end of your freshman year to become a sophomore. Basically, that means passing 6 of your classes first semester and 6 of your classes second semester. Remember that too many absences in any class could cause you to lose credit. You may need to do “seat time” to regain credit. Attendance is important!!!
If You Want To Do Several Years Of An Activity, Read This! If you plan to do several years of an activity, such as band, athletics, choir, etc., it is very important to update your Personal Learning Plan (4 yr plan)each year to make sure that you have enough time to take all the courses that are required. You may need to take summer classes, online courses, etc. See your counselor for help.
Get a Jump on High School Several summer courses for credit will be offered such as: Health Professional Communications Digital Multimedia And others…… ***The information will be available on line on the district website soon after Spring Break***
Hints for Course Selection • Choose classes that will stretch, but not stress you. • Gains in GPA and class rank come from a combination of challenging courses AND good grades. • If a course was too difficult in the past, it is quite possible that the next level course will be too difficult as well. Talk with your teacher for advice. • Map out a time management plan identifying preparation time for classes, time requirements for extracurricular activities and free time.
Course Request Verification will be available online April 19- - April 29. All Course selections must be entered into Skyward by February 25. ALL SCHEDULE CHANGES MUST BE MADE BY MAY 1st.
GHS AMBASSADOR PROGRAM COMMUNITY SCHOLAR AMBASSADOR REQUIREMENTS • Community Service Mandate: The student must complete 100 hours of approved community service by the end of March of their senior year. • Academic Mandate: The student must also achieve four credits in both math AND science, three credits in the same foreign language, and maintain a 70% or higher semester average in every course taken. COMMUNITY SERVICE AMBASSADOR REQUIREMENTS • The student must earn a total of 100 hours of approved community service hours by the end of March of their senior year. There is no academic mandate associated with the Community Service Ambassador designation http://www.gcisd-k12.org//site/Default.aspx?PageID=3077
MUSTANG NATION 8TH GRADE NIGHT Monday, February 11, 2013 GHS AUDITORIUM 7:00-9:00 pm
The Form Getting Down to Business
Grapevine High School 9th Grade Course Request Form PRESS HARD SO THAT IT GOES THROUGH! You cannot erase on this form! Step 1—Write your demographic information. (Name, etc) Check that you can read it on the yellow and pink copies!
STEP 1 Fill out this information as neatly as possible! PLEASE PRINT! PRESS HARD!
English– circle one 0101 English I 0102 English I P-AP 0130 Global Studies (must be taken w/0131) 0970 ESOL I Math – circle one 0202 Algebra I 0203 Algebra I P-AP 0202E Algebra I ESL 0205 Geometry 0206 Geometry P-AP 0208 Algebra II P-AP Science– circle one 0300 Integrated Physics and Chem. (must also take 0302) 0302 Biology I 0303 Biology P-AP Social Studies– circle one 0400 World Geography 0401 World Geography P-AP 0400E World Geography ESL 0427 AP Human Geography 0131 Global Studies (must be taken w/0130) Circle your choice for all four core classes
Now What? You need to have a total of 14 selections when entering into Skyward, 7 for each semester. If you plan on taking athletics, band, choir, etc. do circle that now. If you are in a foreign language in middle school and you want to continue in that language or if you want to begin your language, circle that now. Continue choosing classes until you have 7 credits. Try to take classes that are required first.
Alternates Important!! Select three alternate electives, in order of priority, to be used if your schedule cannot be arranged with your original selections. Choose carefully because you are committing to your primary selections and/or alternate selections, if necessary. Course #Course Name 1. ___________ _______________________________ 2. ___________ ________________________________ • 3. ___________ ________________________________ • 4.____________ _________________________________
Forms • White copy goes home to show your parents and to use for your Skyward online registration. • Yellow copy is turned in to High school counselor today before you leave • Pink copy goes to middle school counselor • Take all other materials you received today home to review with your parents and enter your courses in Skyward by Feb. 25th