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Holly Fritz English 10, Week 11 (11/14/11-11/17/11). Unit Two: Q & A by Vikas Swarup. Monday 11/14/11 (10B period 4) Objectives : You will be able to… Compose a letter to Ram in which you identify text-to-self connections and analyze his decisions. Do Now: On page 38. Agenda:.
Holly FritzEnglish 10, Week 11 (11/14/11-11/17/11) Unit Two: Q & A by VikasSwarup
Monday 11/14/11 (10B period 4)Objectives: You will be able to…Compose a letter to Ram in which you identify text-to-self connections and analyze his decisions. Do Now: On page 38 Agenda: In at least three complete sentences- Describe Ram’s feelings for NeelimaKumari. Homework: Read “(A Love Story)” and complete the leveled questions chart. All homework will be checked/collected tomorrow: “License to Kill” “Tragedy Queen” “(A Love Story)” Do Now Distribute letter to Ram assignment. Independent work time: work on your letter to Ram (to be handed in at the end of the class– ½ credit for work submitted on Tuesday). When you finish and submit your letter– work on reading and homework!
10B Class work for Monday 11/14/11 (due at the end of the period)10C Homework for Monday 11/14/11 (due Tuesday) Directions: For this assignment you are required to write a one page letter to Ram. Your letter needs to include a salutation and needs to be addressed to Ram . You will hand this work in and it will count as two homework assignments. Paragraph One: • Introduce yourself. • Tell Ram what you think of his story so far. • What do you and Ram have in common? What text-to-self connections were you able to make while reading his story? Paragraph Two: • Tell Ram about an action or decision that he made that you agreed with, or approved of and explain why you feel this way. • Include a quote from the part of the story where he made this decision or action. • Explain why you think he acted this way or made this decision. Paragraph Three: • Tell Ram about an action or decision that he made that you disagreed with and explain why you feel this way. • Include a quote from the part of the story where he made this decision or action. • Explain why you think he acted this way or made this decision. Paragraph Four: • Tell Ram how you predict his story will end, or how you hope it will end. Explain why you predict/hope this for his story.
Learning Goals: SWBAT Compose level one, level two and level three questions for “(A Love Story)” 10th Grade World Literature/10BUnit Two: Q & A by VikasSwarupHomework for Thursday Night! Due Friday 10/29/10 Directions: Read “X GkrzOpknu (or A Love Story)”. Then complete the following activities.
Monday 11/14/11 (10C period 6)Objectives: You will be able to…1. Identify the most important events and quotes in the most recently read chapters of Q & A by VikasSwarup.2. Identify moments where a character is exerting his/her agency or having his/her agency limited. Do Now: On page 38 Agenda: In at least three complete sentences- Describe Ram’s feelings for NeelimaKumari. Homework: Read “(A Love Story)” and complete the leveled questions chart. All homework will be checked/collected tomorrow: “License to Kill” “Tragedy Queen” “(A Love Story)” Do Now Review plot line assignment guidelines Partner work: plot lines– make sure you neatly hang them back up on the walls when there is 5 minutes of the period left!
10C (period 6) Plot Line guidelines • Work with your partner to add at least three main events and one quote from each chapter in the book up to “Tragedy Queen”. • In addition, identify one moment of agency from anywhere in the book (either a moment when a character was exerting his/her agency or having his/her agency limited). Summarize this moment of agency on a post-it-note and place it on the plot line. Quote can either be written directly on the plot line or on post-it notes. • Make sure that both partners are working equally and productively at all times! For example, if one character is writing the summary of the three events on the plot line the other partner can be hunting for quote and writing them on post-it notes! • Your substitute will give you a citizenship grade of 1-4 based on how productive you are during partner work! Objectives: You will be able to…1. Identify the most important events and quotes in the most recently read chapters of Q & A by VikasSwarup.2. Identify moments where a character is exerting his/her agency or having his/her agency limited.
Tuesday 11/15/11 (10C period 7)Objectives: You will be able to…1. Build background knowledge about Indian culture and review the main events from “License to Kill”, “Tragedy Queen” and “Love Story”. 2. Contextualize key quotes from the last three chapters of Q & A by VikasSwarup. Do Now: Agenda: If you had to select characters to represent Ram’s “family”, which character would be his father, his mother, his brother and his sister? Explain your choices. Do Now Explain Station Work guidelines and expectations. Stations! Homework: Reading catch-up night! Letter to Ram extra credit!
Wednesday 11/16/11 (10B periods 1 & 2)Objectives: You will be able to…1. Build background knowledge about Indian culture and review the main events from “License to Kill”, “Tragedy Queen” and “Love Story”. 2. Contextualize key quotes from the last three chapters of Q & A by VikasSwarup.3. Read and summarize “(or A Love Story)”. Do Now: under yesterday’s Do Now. Sit at the last station you were in from yesterday! Agenda: What did you accomplish during yesterday’s station activity? What stations do you still need to visit? What citizenship grade would you give yourself for your focus, productivity and professionalism yesterday? Explain. What citizenship grade would you lime to earn today? What do you need to do in order to earn this grade? Do Now Review guidelines and expectations for stations Finish station Work. Station Presentations Read “(or A Love Story)” Homework:
Q & A Stations Guidelines Behavioral Expectations You will be assigned a group and a starting station. You will work in each station for 10 minutes. When I call time you will move to your next designated station. You will work as a small group and travel together from station to station. Complete the tasks at each station and your station work packet by the end of the period. 1.All group members will contribute equally to the discussion and will encourage each other to stay on task. 2. Conversations will not disrupt or distract other groups. 3. Group members will refrain from wandering around the room. 4. Group members will only discuss the work at each station. Objectives: You will be able to…1. Build background knowledge about Indian culture and review the main events from “License to Kill”, “Tragedy Queen” and “Love Story”. 2. Contextualize key quotes from the last three chapters of Q & A by VikasSwarup.
Station Presentations! • You have 4 minutes to compare notes on your station and fill in any missing information. • You and your group will be the “experts” or teachers on the topic of the station you’ve been assigned. • Everyone must participate in the presentation! Objectives: You will be able to…1. Build background knowledge about Indian culture and review the main events from “License to Kill”, “Tragedy Queen” and “Love Story”. 2. Contextualize key quotes from the last three chapters of Q & A by VikasSwarup.
Friday 11/17/11 (10C double) Objectives: You will be able to…Explain the criteria for selecting best evidence and identify best evidence in connection with several mini-thesis statements about Q & A. Do Now: On page 40 or 42 Agenda: Describe Ram’s feelings for Nita. Describe Ram’s feelings for Shankar. Where would you put these two characters on Ram’s adopted family tree? Homework: Read “The Thirteenth Question” and annotate using post-it notes! Do Now What are the criteria for best evidence? Best Evidence rubric. Practice Selecting Best Evidence– whole class, partners and on your own. Reading time!
You will be able to explain the criteria for best evidence Best Evidence… • Is a quote with a citation (full citation or page #) • Is meaningfully quoted • Not longer than 2 sentences • Includes everything the reader needs to know to understand the sentence • Shows the author’s unique thinking • Directly support the mini-thesis • SHOWS rather than TELLS why the mini-thesis is correct • Does not REPEAT the argument
You will be able to explain the process for selecting best evidence Finding Best Evidence • Create or identify a purpose question • Identify relevant evidence through meaningful annotation • Write an annotation that explains why you underlined or highlighted that part of the text • Identify and compose your mini-thesis statement • Evaluate the evidence in terms of which best supports your claim • Does it directly support my mini-thesis? • Does it SHOW my argument? • Does it extend the thinking instead of repeating the argument? • Choose 2-3 pieces of evidence and meaningfully quote the text in less than two sentences with a citation
Explain the criteria for selecting best evidence and identify best evidence in connection with several mini-thesis statements about Q & A Best Evidence Selection Practice Prompt: Explain why NeelimaKumari is known as the “tragedy queen” and explain what this reveals about her character. Mini-Thesis 1: In the chapter “Tragedy Queen” by VikasSwarup, NeelimaKumari is known as the Tragedy Queen of Bollywood because she is able to channel the sadness in her personal life into her films and this shows that although she is beautiful and famous, she is actually damaged and broken on the inside.
Best Evidence Selection PracticeWhole Class Re-read pages 264-265and 282-287 Prompt: Based on the chapter, “(or A Love Story)” by VikasSwarup, explain how Ram has been effected by the inequities between rich and poor in India and how this inequity influences his actions in the chapter. Purpose Question: How is Ram effected by the injustice and the gap between the rich and the poor in India and how does this gap affect the way he feels and acts? Mini-Thesis: In the chapter “(or A Love Story)” by VikasSwaup, the inequities between the rich and poor cause Ram to feel sympathy for the other characters who, like himself, are struggling to survive and resentment and anger towards the rich who take advantage of the poor. The poor become like a his family and he does anything to protect them and his resentment of the rich ultimately leads him to confront and expose Swapna Devi for the monster that she is. Best Evidence to Support the Mini-Thesis: _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the criteria for selecting best evidence and identify best evidence in connection with several mini-thesis statements about Q & A
Best Evidence Selection PracticePartner Work Re-read pages 270 and 266-267 Prompt: Based on the chapter, “(or A Love Story)” by VikasSwarup, explain how family traditions limit the agency of both Nita and Lajwanti . Purpose Question: How do family traditions limit the amount of power and control that both Lajwanti and Nita have over their own lives and their own identities? Mini-Thesis: In the chapter “(or A Love Story)” by VikasSwaup, family traditions limit the freedom of both Lajwanti and Nita because these traditions force them to give their hard earned money away to other family members, thus causing them to become indentured servants . Best Evidence to Support the Mini-Thesis: _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the criteria for selecting best evidence and identify best evidence in connection with several mini-thesis statements about Q & A
Best Evidence Selection PracticeIndependent Work Re-read pages 269-270 Prompt: Based on the chapter, “(or A Love Story)” by VikasSwarup, explain what Ram learns about real love versus “reel love”. Purpose Question: What has Ram learned about real love and how is this different from what he learned about love from the movies? Mini-Thesis: In the chapter “(or A Love Story)” by VikasSwaup, Ram learns that real love, unlike “reel love” as depicted in the movies, grows and develops over time and does not happen instantly. He also learns that real love changes everything. Best Evidence to Support the Mini-Thesis: _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the criteria for selecting best evidence and identify best evidence in connection with several mini-thesis statements about Q & A
Building Background Knowledge: The TajMahal • Go to www.tajmahal.org.uk/ • Summarize 3 interesting facts about the TajMahal. • Built for MumtazMahal who died giving birth to her 14th child • Building materials transported by 1,000 elephants • There is a night viewing every month for five nights. What would you see/learn/experience if you were to visit the TajMahal? • Learn about it’s architecture • The story of how it was built • How does this connect to Q & A? Ram works at the TajMahal as an unofficial tour guide for two years “(or A Love Story)”.
Building Background Knowledge: Child Prostitution in India • Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLAqYT0QjUo • Then watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWpgbukKAhM&feature=fvst • Start the second clip 2 minutes and 26 seconds in. • Describe the conditions of the girls in the videos. • Why do you think the police allowed the girls to run away in the first clip? • What is life like for women and children in the second clip? • How does this connect to Q & A?
Building Background Knowledge:Bollywood • Go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bollywood • What is Bollywood? The Hindi Film Industry– not the only film industry in India, but the larges in India. Includes English words and phrases as well as Hindi language films. Located in Mumbai. These movies almost always include singing and dancing scenes. • Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waEXlvat5GA • How does this connect to Q & A? • This connects to Q & A because Salim loves bollywood movies, they live in Mumbai and Salim wants to be a star in bollywood films. Also, NeelimaKumari is a famous bollywood movie star. S