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The ICAO TRAINAIR Programme. The ICAO TRAINAIR Programme. The ICAO TRAINAIR Programme was established to ensure higher training standards for aviation professionals .
The ICAO TRAINAIR Programme The ICAO TRAINAIR Programme was established to ensure higher training standards for aviation professionals. The civil aviation training needs are evolving rapidly and ICAO is responding by enhancing the TRAINAIR programme into TRAINAIRPLUS. • The TRAINAIR PLUS Programme is based on rebuilding three interrelated tools: • The use of standardized training material. • The development of an international pool of training courses • The creation of an international sharing network between public and private Civil Aviation Training Centres.
The ICAO TRAINAIR Programme (cont.) TRAINAIR PLUSaddressesall fields of civil aviation activities: from basic equipment and systems training supporting new implementation projects up to graduate level courses for a variety of civil aviation professionals. TRAINAIRPLUS provides supportfornewandexistingaviationtrainingcentresviatechnicalexpertise, resources, andqualityoversight. Thisresultsin a networkofICAO TRAINAIR PLUSCentres meeting the standards of the programme.
Purpose of the Course: TheTrainingDeveloperCourse (TDC) is preparedbyICAO'sAviationSafetyTrainingSection (AST), AirNavigationBureau (ANB), andofferedtotheAviationCommunity through the TRAINIAR PLUS Centres. TheTDC isthecoretrainingactivityinthe TRAINAIR PLUS Programme. Thisisthemaintooltoconsolidatetheimplementationofthe programme amongCivilAviationTrainingCentres (CATCs) andcreationof a teamofupdatedandwelltrainedprofessionalascoursedeveloperstowork on Course Development Units.
Target Population: • Experiencedcivil aviation training instructors and aviation professionals who are dedicated to the implementation of competency-based training programmes and development of courses with international standards. • Trainingmanagers, supervisors and professionals who want to increase their productivity as developers oftrainingand educational programs.
Pre-requisites and Qualification Requirements for Participants • Universitydegree or equivalent qualifications and experience in one or more civil aviation fields or inHumanResourcesDevelopment andTraining; • Qualificationasaninstructorwithatleast 5 years’practicalexperienceorequivalentaviationprofessionalfieldexperience; • Experienceinthepreparationof a widerangeoftrainingaidsandtheireffectiveincorporationinto a training programme. (Desirable); • Computerskillsusingcontemporarysoftwareprogrammes; • GoodoralandwrittencommandofEnglishlanguage.
StandardizedTrainingPackages Development CivilAviationTrainingCentre (CATC) CATC is a full member of the ICAO TRAINAIR programme and develops Standardised Training Packages (STPs) using TRAINAIR methodology. CATC has developed an STP on NDB equipment maintenance.CATC operates a library with current reference materials and an Internet service for communication, training and research purposes. CATC also has a laboratory, ATC simulators and an auditorium.Courses offered include ATC aerodrome, approach and area/airways control, airport operations, flight operations/flight despatch, supervisory management and OJT courses, telecommunications engineering and NDB maintenance, digital cartography, aerodrome certification, and instructor development training.
StandardizedTrainingPackagesDevelopment(cont.) Inordertoachieve TRAINAIR PLUS Fullmembership,organizationshavetoqualifyfirstfor TRAINAIR PLUS Associatemembership, andthendevelopStandardizedTrainingPackages (STPs) inaccordancewiththe“TrainingDevelopmentGuidelines (TDG)”. TheTrainingDevelopmentGuidelines (TDG) describesindetailthemethodologytodevelopSTPs. Byapplyingthismethodology, membersensurethatallSTPsmeetthesamerequirements, therebyensuring a harmonizedstandardofhighquality. OnlySTPsthatmeetthe TDG requirementswillbeavailableinthesharingnetwork.
StandardizedTrainingPackagesDevelopment(cont.) Essentially, the TDG requiresthatmembersprovidethreephasereportsduringthedevelopmentofan STP: • Report1: Analysis • Report2: Developmentandimplementation • Report3: Evaluation Thesereportswillbeanalyzedbyan ICAO designated TRAINAIR PLUS evaluatortoensurethatthe STP meetsthe TDG requirements.
AviationSafetyTrainingSection (AST) Anorganizationinterestedinbecoming a TRAINAIR PLUS membershallcontacttheAviationSafetyTrainingSection (AST) of ICAO. AST willthenprovidedetailedguidanceontheassessmentprocessandmembershiprequirementstotheorganization. ASP Objectives: • Maintain aviation safety as the #1 priority; • Provide safe working environment for personnel and partners; • Ensure aircraft meetairworthiness and operational safety standards.
ASP Objectives (cont.): • Provide aviation safety training and Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE); • Establish Aviation Safety Board (ASB) and Aviation Safety Program by providing policies, procedures, tools, and training per Safety Standards Guidelines for Federal Flight Programs in Code of Federal Regulations (CFRs).
Procedures PHASE 2: Onsite ASSESSMENT 10. Conduct on-site assessment mission; 11. Preparation of preliminary assessment report; 12. Send draft assessment report to Training Centre; 13. Review action plan and feedback from Training Centre; 14. Receipt of Associate fees; 15. Send final report to Training Centre; TRAINAIR PLUS ASSOCIATE APPLICATION 1. Submit an official letter to ICAO, requesting membership to TRAINAIR PLUS; 2. ICAO will send preliminary information package to the potential member explaining the new programme; 3. Submit completed assessment Application form and requested documentations to ICAO; 4. ICAO will evaluate the current status of the Training Centre and the submitted documentations; PHASE 3: POST-ASSESSMENT (based on final report) 16.Communication on project regarding coaching/ course developers workshop; 17. Select TRAINAIR PLUS Expert for on-site mission; 18. Develop Standardized Training Package (STP) using 3 stage validation reports; 19. Validate Standardized Training Package; 20. Confirm compliance of TRAINAIR PLUS activities; 21. Receiptof annual membership fees; TRAINAIR PLUS MEMBER PHASE 1: PRE-ASSESSMENT 5. Confirm the start of Pre-assessment process; 6. Decide on the scope of Assessment mission (number of evaluators, number of working days, etc.) 7. Coordinate the on-site assessment date with the Training Centre; 8. Receive official confirmation of date of mission and budget; 9. Receipt of assessment fees;
Membership Requirements In order to qualify as a full member, an organization must: • Agree in writing to abide by the rules of that Programme as described herein. The most senior manager or officer of the organization or his/her authorized representative must sign this agreement; • Undergo an initial TRAINAIR PLUS assessment and follow up assessments every three years; • Produce at least one validated STP every three years; • Establish and maintain a course development unit (CDU) with active course developers that successfully completed the Course Developers Workshop; • Designate an accountable focal point for all TRAINAIR PLUS issues; • Pay the TRAINAIR PLUS Full member fees.
Membership Requirements (cont.) In order to be considered as a corporate member, an organization must: • Agree in writing to abide by the rules of that Programme as described herein. The most senior manager or officer of the organization or his/her authorized representative must sign this agreement; • Contribute to the programme by sharing relevant resources such as non-STP courses; • Designate an accountable focal point for all TRAINAIR PLUS issues; • Pay the TRAINAIR PLUS Corporate member fees.
Training Development Guide TRAINAIRPLUSTraining Development Guide, Competency-based Training Methodology (TDG), provides the aviation industry with a methodology for the preparation of training materials. Intended as a tool to support international cooperation in the exchange of training courses, the TDG promotes a competency-based methodology for the development of high level training courses and programmes to ensure reciprocal acceptance by members of the programme. TDG is the tool to produce ICAO TRAINAIR PLUS Standardized Training Packages (STPs). BENEFITS of the TDG: • ensures a comprehensive and thorough analysis of aviation jobs; • allows for the establishment of critical learning paths for aviation professionals; • addresses competency building including guidance on: “Train-the-Trainer” and “On-the-Job Training”; • facilitates quality assurance for training programmes.
The TRAINAIR PLUS Programme offers three courses: a) Training Developers Course (Now available for registration), to train course developers and set-up a Course Development Unit in a Training Centre; b) Training Managers Course (Registration available soon), to train managers of civil aviation training centres on the benefits of competency-based training and provide them with high-level understanding of the TRAINAIR PLUS programme; c) Training Instructors Course (Registration available soon), to train TRAINAIR PLUS instructor to the methodology.
The Training Developers Course (TDC) TDC is the main training activity of the TRAINAIR PLUS programme. It enables aviation training centres to upgrade the skills of their professional course developers in order to create training materials in accordance with the TRAINAIR PLUS methodology, and prepare the implementation of a Course Development Unit. By registering to the Training Developers Course, participants will acquire the skills to: • a) implement ICAO Document 9941: Training Development Guide, Competency-based Training Methodology (TDG); • b) develop advanced techniques for applying the Instructional Systems Development (ISD) using the competency-based training methodology which is training based on professional competencies that are mandatory under the TRAINAIR PLUS Programme; • c) design and develop Standardized Training Packages (STPs) and high level training programmes compliant with the TRAINAIR PLUS standards.
The Training Managers Course This course will train aviation security personnel at managerial level to plan, coordinate and implement the application of airport security preventive measures in accordance with approved programmes. The target population will be existing personnel at the supervisory level with the potential for promotion to the managerial level, and existing personnel at that level employed by the authority or organization primarily responsible for the application of aviation security preventive measures at airports. Trainees should have written and oral command of the language of instruction. In the case of the recruitment of management personnel from external sources, such personnel should: have satisfactorily completed secondary school or equivalent education.
Training Instructors Course Participants will be able to: • Acquire knowledge and skills needed to deliver material-dependent courses; • Develop training objectives, tests and lesson plans according to TRAINAIR methodology; • Identify and prepare teaching aids appropriate to a unit of instruction. At the end of the course, participants will be able to: • Conduct instructor-dependent courses using conventional methods; • Conduct material-dependent courses using TRAINAIR methodology; • Select or prepare teaching aids appropriate to a unit of instruction. The duration of this course is 3 weeks.
TRAINAIR Central Unit ICAO supports the operation and development of the TRAINAIR programme through the TRAINAIR Central Unit which is a permanent and integral part of the Technical Co-operation Bureau. The major services provided by the Central Unit include the administration of the TRAINAIR global course sharing system, including operation of the network system and STP (Standardized Training Package) quality control.
TRAINAIR Central Unit and its STPs An essential role of the TRAINAIR Central Unit is to provide technical support and quality control for all training packages developed by participating institutions. Among the TRAINAIR STPs there are Aerodrome Assistants’ Course, Radar Control (Approach) Course, Propeller Maintenance, Airport Lighting Maintenance, VHF Communication System Maintenance (Park Air), etc. STPs from the Programme are available only to members. However, members may offer for sale computer based training portions of an STP to non-members.
TRAINAIR Central Unit and its STPs (cont.) TRAINAIR Members retain their access to the STP sharing pool, if they have paid all membership fees, for the periods of time indicated, upon completing any of the following activities: a) three years, upon completion of a new or upgraded STP; or b) two years, upon completing the adaptation of an STP from the sharing system or upon completion of the updating of an STP; or c) one year upon the delivery of a course developers workshop on an international basis. Training according to any of the TRAINAIR programmes is connected with some definite standards and regulations. To follow these standards each STP shall have an appropriate quality control system.
What is the training standard? The term training standard stands for the established number of demands to the following processes and products in the framework of training: • The training courses development procedure; • The structure of the training package; • Training of the STP’s originators; • The assessment of the training courses; • The arrangement of the training courses; • Paperwork management; • Training of the teaching staff.
Other TRAINAIR Central Unit services The TRAINAIR Central Unit also provides such services, as: • The TRAINAIR Central Unit monitors the development of all courses through regular reports and technical support missions; • Advice and guidance regarding the introduction of modern training practices and technologies; • The development and implementation of training workshops for course developers, training managers and instructors; • The organization of regular TRAINAIR co-ordination conferences and course developers seminars.
Trainair Projects Funding The 11th Global TRAINAIR Conference conducted on 10 and 11 December, 2009 noted that funding for TRAINAIR Projects was initially available from UNDP (United Nations Development Programme). However, as civil aviation projects became not a priority for UNDP funding, this situation has changed and UNDP funding was reduced considerably. Efforts by TCB (Technical Cooperation Bureau) and the Central Unit in seeking funding from other donor organizations were noted. The conference noted that funding for TRAINAIR projects came from recipient governments themselves and, to a lesser extent, from donor contributions. Potential and existing members of the Programme were urged to approach their respective planning ministries to seek funding for their TRAINAIR activities. The conference recognized the value of financial as well as in-kind support. In-kind support can be provided through partnerships between members to assist in the exchange of human resources and materials (E.g. reducing the costs of housing for trainees would decrease fellowships costs). It was observed that the TRAINAIR network has grown to the point where existing members can assist new members in the programme. Such initiatives represent important steps towards achieving the network’s self-sustainability. The conference urged members to cooperate through the provision of in kind support through partnerships allowing for the exchange of human resources and materials and to support international trainees through the provision of cost housing during training.
TRAINAIR vs. TRAINAIR PLUS However, ICAO carried out in-depth review of the TRAINAIR Programme in November,2010. The TRAINAIR PLUS Programme goal states that the programme should be managed in a cost-effective manner. Therefore, fees will apply to make it sustainable. (Initially, TRAINAIR membership was free of charge). Financial support to enter the Programme may be provided to training organizations that are government-owned and/or operatated from Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Requests should be addressed to ICAO - TRAINAIR PLUS Programme Manager. Fees are reviewed yearly, adjusted as needed and will be published on the ICAO TRAINAIR PLUS website. Revised fees automatically apply to new applications and to renewals.
Membership Fees • Annual membership fees will apply to the TRAINAIR PLUS Programme, as presented in the table: * Full Members which are temporarily considered as Associate Members because they have not yet completed an STP will be charged a Full membership fee for the first year. • Payment of annual fees shall be made to ICAO upon completion of the assessment.
Assessment Fees Applicable fees are comprised of two categories: a) a non-refundable fixed fee of $10,000 USD to cover all administrative tasks, payable at the start of the pre-assessment phase; and b) a variable fee covering all transportation, daily subsistence allowance and terminal expenses for the ICAO staff or evaluators. ICAO will invoice the TRAINAIR PLUS Candidate for these expenses which will be in accordance with ICAO’s Staff Rules and United Nations daily subsistence allowance rates. All efforts will be made to minimize the costs to the organization. TRAINAIR PLUS Candidates will be levied separate charges when their assessment failed and request another assessment, which may be limited to specific areas. These charges will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Additional Expenses In addition to the membership and assessment fees, TRAINAIR PLUS members may consider other additional expenses in their budget, such as: • The provision of a TRAINAIR expert for STP development for new Full Members; • The training of Course Developers in a Course Developers Workshop ; • The assistance of ICAO or any subject matter expert in their STP development.