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2. The ultimate objective of this Convention
1. Adaptation under the UNFCCC
Olga Pilifosova
UNFCCC Secretariat
2. 2 The United National Convention on Climate Change objective is to stabilize the greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere at the level that prevent DAI, and allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to enable to The United National Convention on Climate Change objective is to stabilize the greenhouse gas concentration in the atmosphere at the level that prevent DAI, and allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to enable to
3. 3 All Parties shall “Cooperate in preparing for adaptation to the impacts of climate change; develop and elaborate appropriate and integrated plans for coastal zone management, water resources and agriculture, and for the protection and rehabilitation of areas, particularly in Africa, affected by drought and desertification, as well as floods.”
Article 4.1 (e) Cooperative adaptation
4. 4
The developed country Parties … shall also assist the developing country Parties that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change in meeting costs of adaptation to those adverse effects.”
Article 4.4
5. 5 small islands and low-lying coastal areas
arid and semi-arid areas, forested areas and areas liable to forest decay
areas prone to natural disasters
areas liable to drought and desertification
areas of high urban atmospheric pollution
areas with fragile ecosystems, including mountainous ecosystems
land-locked and transit countries
Article 4.8
The Parties shall take full account of the specific needs and special situations of the least developed countries in their actions with regard to funding and transfer of technology.
Article 4.9 Specific needs and concerns
6. 6 SBSTA and SBI consider different aspects of adaptation in their work on more than 9 areas, including:
Article 4.8 (5/CP.7) ,
National Communications,
Technology transfer,
Methods and tools,
Scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects,
Capacity building, etc.
Adaptation work under UNFCCC SBSTA and SBI consider different aspects of adaptation in their work on more than 9 areas, including: Article 4.8, NAI National Communications, NAPAs, Technology transfer, Methods and tools, Scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects impacts, vulnerability and adaptation,etc.Capacity building, etc.
A number of important decision have been adopted to move forward on adaptation under this work. And YET for quite a long time (starting from 1994 when the Convention has interred into force) adaptation has been somehow at a second “raw”of actions. SBSTA and SBI consider different aspects of adaptation in their work on more than 9 areas, including: Article 4.8, NAI National Communications, NAPAs, Technology transfer, Methods and tools, Scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects impacts, vulnerability and adaptation,etc.Capacity building, etc.
A number of important decision have been adopted to move forward on adaptation under this work. And YET for quite a long time (starting from 1994 when the Convention has interred into force) adaptation has been somehow at a second “raw”of actions.
7. 7 2001:
COP 7 Marrakech accords:
3 new funds
Decision 5/CP7 identifies 18 areas of assistance on adaptation,including for GEF funding
Process of development NAPAs in LDCs
2002: Delhi Ministerial Declaration
2003: SBSTA work on scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects on adaptation (since 2003)
2004: Decision 1/CP.10 Buenos Aires Programme of Work on Adaptation and Response Measures
2005: SBSTA five-year programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change - to be adopted[?]
Adaptation: evolving focus In recent years (and in particular since COP7 in 2001), interest in adaptation in the UNFCC has grown considerably, . These at least in part followed by the TAR, in which confirmed that climate change is happening, that the devloping countries are most vulnerable and that adaptation is needed for all countries along with mitigation to address the climate change impacts.
COP7 in Marrakesh established three new funds on adaptation,
initiated the process of development national adaptation programmes of action in LDCs (NAPAs), and adopted decision with specific areas for support for adaptation.
2002 These followed by The Delhi Ministerial Declaration (2003) which reaffirmed that adaptation is important to all countries.
2003 SBSTA initiated its work on scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects on adaptation to share practical experiences, and addressing opptunitities and solutions on these issues.
2004 Adopted BAPWARA
2005 we are I the process of development of 5year programme of work on I,v, and adaptation In recent years (and in particular since COP7 in 2001), interest in adaptation in the UNFCC has grown considerably, . These at least in part followed by the TAR, in which confirmed that climate change is happening, that the devloping countries are most vulnerable and that adaptation is needed for all countries along with mitigation to address the climate change impacts.
COP7 in Marrakesh established three new funds on adaptation,
initiated the process of development national adaptation programmes of action in LDCs (NAPAs), and adopted decision with specific areas for support for adaptation.
2002 These followed by The Delhi Ministerial Declaration (2003) which reaffirmed that adaptation is important to all countries.
2003 SBSTA initiated its work on scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects on adaptation to share practical experiences, and addressing opptunitities and solutions on these issues.
2004 Adopted BAPWARA
2005 we are I the process of development of 5year programme of work on I,v, and adaptation
8. 8 Evolving focus: Common concern Adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change is of high priority for all countries. Developing countries are particularly vulnerable, especially the least developed countries and small island developing States. Adaptation requires urgent attention and action on the part of all countries.
Delhi Ministerial Declaration on Climate Change and Sustainable Development 2002
9. 9 I. Adverse effects of climate change:
Decides to further implementation of actions on data and modelling, v&a assessment and implementation
Requests GEF to report on support of the above
Requests the secretariat to organise before end 2007 4 regional workshops to facilitate information exchange and integrated assessments reflecting regional priorities
Encourages IPCC to to incorporate region-specific modelling information into its 4AR, and to engage developing country researchers in the assessment process
Requests Annex II Parties to provide detailed information on support programmes and encourages non-Annex I Parties to report their specific needs and concerns in NC
building capacity for preventive measures and management disasters relating to climate change (esp. droughts and floods)
work on insurance and risk assessments, etc.
A key outcome of COP 10 in December 2004, was the adoption of the Buenos Aires programme of work on adaptation and response measures (decision 1/CP.10). The decision addresses both adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change and the impacts of the implementation of mitigation measures on economies dependent on production and export of fossil fuels. This decision consists of 4 sections, two of which are relevant to adaptation to climate change.
In its part I adaptation, the decision:
Decides to further implementation of actions in 5/CP.7 including on data and modelling, v&a assessment and implementation
Requests GEF to report on support of the above
Requests the secretariat to organise before end 2007 4 regional workshops to facilitate information exchange and integrated assessments reflecting regional priorities
Encourages IPCC to to incorporate region-specific modelling information into its 4AR, and to engage developing country researchers in the assessment process
Requests Annex II Parties to provide detailed information on support programmes and Encourages non-Annex I Parties to report their specific needs and concerns in NC
The decision has also recognised importance of building capacity for preventive measures and management disasters relating to climate change (esp. droughts and floods), ans well as work and risk assessments, etc.
A key outcome of COP 10 in December 2004, was the adoption of the Buenos Aires programme of work on adaptation and response measures (decision 1/CP.10). The decision addresses both adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change and the impacts of the implementation of mitigation measures on economies dependent on production and export of fossil fuels. This decision consists of 4 sections, two of which are relevant to adaptation to climate change.
In its part I adaptation, the decision:
Decides to further implementation of actions in 5/CP.7 including on data and modelling, v&a assessment and implementation
Requests GEF to report on support of the above
Requests the secretariat to organise before end 2007 4 regional workshops to facilitate information exchange and integrated assessments reflecting regional priorities
Encourages IPCC to to incorporate region-specific modelling information into its 4AR, and to engage developing country researchers in the assessment process
Requests Annex II Parties to provide detailed information on support programmes and Encourages non-Annex I Parties to report their specific needs and concerns in NC
The decision has also recognised importance of building capacity for preventive measures and management disasters relating to climate change (esp. droughts and floods), ans well as work and risk assessments, etc.
10. 10 IV. SBSTA programme of work on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change: (PWA)
Requests the SBSTA to develop a structured five-year programme of work
Address: methodologies, data and modelling; vulnerability assessments; adaptation planning, measures and actions; and integration into sustainable development
In accordance with the terms of reference of the SBSTA (provide scientific and technical advice)
Negotiations started in May 2005. [Will be adopted at COP11]
COP10 Buenos Aires programme of work on adaptation and response measures. In 4 section of this decision the COP requests the Subsidiary Body of Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) to develop a five-year programme of work on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.
Identified broadly issues (thematic areas) of this programmes
And highlighted and these should be done in the context of the TOR of the SBSTA
Negotiations on the structure and content of this programme of work started at SBSTA 22 in May. In 4 section of this decision the COP requests the Subsidiary Body of Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) to develop a five-year programme of work on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change.
Identified broadly issues (thematic areas) of this programmes
And highlighted and these should be done in the context of the TOR of the SBSTA
Negotiations on the structure and content of this programme of work started at SBSTA 22 in May.
11. 11
ADAPTATION UNDER THE UNFCCC: MOVING FROM RHETORIC TO ACTION? IS adaptation under the UNFCCC moving from rhetoric to action? I am not a right person to answer this question – ask Parties to the Conetnion, and you probably will recieve different and polar answers, but fro my point of view there is an evidence that this tendency exists. Thank you. IS adaptation under the UNFCCC moving from rhetoric to action? I am not a right person to answer this question – ask Parties to the Conetnion, and you probably will recieve different and polar answers, but fro my point of view there is an evidence that this tendency exists. Thank you.