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LIB 5050 Information and Management Technology in Libraries and Educational Media Centers

LIB 5050 Information and Management Technology in Libraries and Educational Media Centers. Class 4 of 8 Spring 2009. Agenda. For the Common Good AL Projects? Readings? Learning Sets? Discussions? Blogs? Other? Action Learning Review: Planning Reflection Other Technology Tools

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LIB 5050 Information and Management Technology in Libraries and Educational Media Centers

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  1. LIB 5050Information and Management Technology in Libraries and Educational Media Centers Class 4 of 8 Spring 2009

  2. Agenda • For the Common Good • AL Projects? Readings? Learning Sets? Discussions? Blogs? Other? • Action Learning Review: • Planning • Reflection • Other Technology Tools • Podcasting (Podbean and Audacity) • Jing • Learning Set Meeting • Case Study • Review and Discuss Planning Tools • Brainstorm Core Learnings/Electives • Homework

  3. Revisiting Action Learning Planning

  4. Action Learning McKeown, L. (2005) Action Learning Cycle [Online]. Available at http://www.learningplace.com.au/ea/agqtp/jcqta

  5. Action Learning McKeown, L. (2005) Action Learning Cycle [Online]. Available at http://www.learningplace.com.au/ea/agqtp/jcqta

  6. Planning Tools(located in Spectacles) • Project Clarification Tool • Action Learning Plan Master • Desired States Chart

  7. Planning Questions and Considerations • What do I want to accomplish? What is the ideal outcome? • What steps do I need to take to achieve my goals? • How will I know when I get there? • What more do I need to know to plan effectively?

  8. Reflection

  9. Reflection Questions and Considerations • Planning: • What response or intervention will I pursue? • Who should be consulted? • What needs to be done? • When do these things need to be completed? • What steps must be taken? • What more do I need to know to implement this plan? • What successes have I experienced? • What challenges am I facing? • What questions do I still have?

  10. Other Technology Tools

  11. Creating your Own Tutorial • Jing • Go to: http://www.jingproject.com/ • Download tool • Register for Screencast.com while you’re at it • Create your first tutorial! • How might you use this tool?

  12. Podcasting

  13. Podcasting 101 • Definition: • A podcast (not to be confused or equated with Apple Inc's iPod) usually consists of a combination of audio and/or video that is made available for download via syndication. It is this syndication aspect of the delivery that separates a podcast from a file available for download. The files are usually retrieved with software applications (generically known as podcatchers) such as Apple's iTunes so that subscribers can listen at their convenience on devices that have intermittent, slow, or are otherwise lacking Internet access. The podcatcher reads an [RSS] feed (whose entries point to specific podcasts, usually sorted by date) to identify and retrieve the podcast. • Wikipedia, 2009

  14. Podcasting in Libraries • Go to: • http://www.libsuccess.org/index.php?title=Podcasting • http://www.libraryspot.com/podcast/othercasts.htm • http://www.loc.gov/podcasts/ • If all else fails, try iTunes too! • Browse the podcasts linked from these sites • Explore and identify several that may have relevance to you or your project • Share with your class • How might you use this tool?

  15. Creating your Own Podcast • Recording the Podcast • Download Audacity and the LAME encoder • http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ • Record Podcast • Edit if necessary • Export as MP3 file

  16. Creating your Own Podcast • Podcasting your Recording • Go to: http://www.podbean.com/ • Sign up for account • Go to Account and My Dashboard • Click on Publish (top left) • Fill in tag, title, post, and add file • Click “Publish” • Click “View Site” • Subscribe or RSS Feeds in bottom right

  17. Case Study • Case Study Activity • “Turf Wars” • Case Study Praxis • In Class Activity • Step 1: Read • Step 2: Identify Stakeholders • Step 3: Identify Primary and Secondary Problems

  18. Steps 4-6: In AETZone • List Action Solutions • Evaluate Action Solutions - Select Best • Develop Action Plan with Desired Outcomes • Write Case Brief

  19. Case Brief • Summary of the situation (one-paragraph) • A brief paragraph about the “unknowns” • Perspective/position analysis by actor/character in the case • Statement of primary problem and supporting evidence • Statement of secondary problem(s) and supporting evidence • A discussion, evaluation, and analysis of viable and non-viable solutions, including a reflective statement about your own issues and comfort in carrying out the various possible solutions • A justification of the best solution(s) with a continuation of the reflection on your own challenges in dealing with the situation(s) • A description of the action plan with timelines and predicted/desired outcomes

  20. Homework • Complete Planning Tools - do individually with help of learning set • Case Study Brief - due next class – October 21st (ONE per learning set) • Meet in AETZone to complete brief • Post briefs to discussion board (under Other Readings) • Read and respond to each of the other briefs • Action Learning Project: EXPLORE and PLAN! • Journal/Blog: Reflections • Action Learning Process • Action Learning Project • Discussion Boards • Discussion of Text • Discuss Action Learning Process • Identify needed Core Learnings and Electives - Arrange on own or email me for assistance • Learning Set Meetings - Online or F2F • Once a week or every other week • Complete Planning Tools • Complete Case Study Brief

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