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Healthy Air Campaign November 18, 2015

Learn about the American Lung Association's efforts to fight for clean air and protect public health. Discover the impact of air pollution and ways to advocate for healthier air in your community.

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Healthy Air Campaign November 18, 2015

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  1. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.1 Healthy AirCampaign November 18, 2015

  2. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.2 Today’s Presenter Jennifer Kaufer, MPPVirginia Healthy Air CoordinatorAmerican Lung Association in Virginia571-336-7014 | jkaufer@lunginfo.org

  3. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.3 Presentation Highlights • Agenda: • CampaignOverview—Whywe’refightingforhealthy • airandneedyourhelptowin • TheImpactofDirtyAironYourHealth • ProtectingtheAirWeBreatheOneStoryataTime • AdvocacyToolbox—Letterstotheeditor,op-eds, socialmediaandpressinterviews • SharingYourStory—Volunteerrolesandsupport • Staying inTouch

  4. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.4 American Lung Association: Healthy Air CampaignOverview HealthyAirCampaignGoals: Defend federal clean air safeguards againsteffortstoblock,weakenand/or delayimplementation. Win long-overdue federal clean air safeguards to reduce air pollution including ozone, carbon,particulate matter,andmercuryandairtoxics. NOTE:TheAmericanLungAssociationand the Healthy Air Campaign is nonpartisan andnon-electoral.

  5. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.5 HealthyAirCampaignin2015 Goals: Promote a strong CleanPower Plan in Virginia Protect newly updated ozone standards DefendEPACleanAirActAuthority from attacks at the federal and statelevel. 5 FORINTERNALUSEONLYDONOTDISTRIBUTE.ConfidentialandproprietarypropertyoftheAmericanLungAssociation,allrightsreserved.

  6. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.6 American Lung Association: Healthy Air CampaignOverview Strategy: Win the narrative by framing the choice: Decision-makers either fight to protect children’s health, or fight to defend big polluters. Leverage credibility of health and medical community to keep pressure on the White House, EPA and Congress – and state leadership. Elevate voices and stories of health partners and volunteers whose lives are impacted by dirtyair. In2015,remindingdecision-makersofthehumanhealth impactsofairpollutionismoreimportantthanever.

  7. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.7 A Trusted Coalition of HealthExperts *AmericanAssociationofCardiovascularandPulmonaryRehabilitation*American Association of Respiratory Care * American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine * American College of Preventive Medicine * American MedicalAssociation*AmericanNursesAssociation*TheClevelandClinic*Health CareWithoutHarm*MarchofDimes*NationalAssemblyonSchool-BasedHealth Care * National Association for Medical Direction of Respiratory Care National HomeOxygenPatientsAssociation*PublicHealthInstitute*

  8. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.8 Time for a PopQuiz! Who is at increasedrisk from airpollution?

  9. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.9 Pop Quiz Answers: Who is at increased risk from airpollution? Someone in everyfamily! Infants andchildren Olderadults People with asthma, COPD andother chronic lung healthproblems People with diabetesand cardiovascular disease Low incomecommunities People who work andexercise outdoors

  10. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.10 What’s the Impact of Dirty Air on YourHealth? Ozone Pollution /Smog Causes respiratory harm (e.g. worsened asthma,worsened COPD,inflammation) Causes early death (both short-term andlong-term exposure) Likely to cause cardiovascular harm (e.g. heartattacks, strokes, heart disease, congestive heartfailure) May cause harm to the central nervoussystem May cause reproductive and developmentalharm 10

  11. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.11 What’s the Impact of Dirty Air on YourHealth? Particle Pollution /Soot Causes early death (both short-term andlong- termexposure) Causes cardiovascular harm (e.g. heart attacks, strokes, heart disease, congestiveheart failure) Causes respiratory harm (e.g.worsened asthma, worsened COPD,inflammation) Causescancer May cause reproductive and developmental harm

  12. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.12 Protecting Lung Health is Our Number OneGoal There are countless good reasons to fight for healthy air. The Lung Association’s primary goal and concern is to protect lunghealth.

  13. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.13 of Take theSurvey! How would you rate the quality of your community’sair?

  14. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.14 State of the AirReport

  15. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.15 • Your Role in the Fight for HealthyAir • Some things you cando: • Understand healthy airbasics • Talk with friends andneighbors • Call, email or meet with lawmakers to share whyhealthy airmatters • Provide comment atpublic hearings • Write and sign letters tothe editor andop-eds • Harness the power ofsocial media

  16. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.16 Your Story Shapes Policies that SaveLives! • Policymakers want to hear fromyou! • Your story is the strength of this campaign and puts healthy air into perspective when we’re fighting against attacks from bigpolluters! • Your story is more powerful than faceless statistics. • Your story makes a measurabledifference. • Your story is appreciated by all whoneed • healthyair!

  17. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.17 Telling Your PersonalStory • Considerthis: • Do you or a loved one have asthma or another lungdisease that puts you at risk on unhealthy airdays? • Are you someone who exercises outdoors and knowsthat poor air quality puts you atrisk? • Do you often miss work to care for a child withasthma? • Do you notice high pollution days in yourcommunity? • Your story helps decision makers see the connectionbetween • dirty air and poorhealth. • It’s okay to keep itsimple.

  18. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.19 Join our Story Library:Fightingforair.org

  19. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.20 Take a Peak Inside Campaign OurToolbox • Tools of the Trade: Ways to get the message out and share yourstory • Letters to the Editor and to ElectedOfficials • Op-eds • PublicHearings • Phone Calls and Meetings withLawmakers • Social Media andBlogs • Press Interviews—TV, Radio,Newspapers • Videos andTestimonies • Meetings and SpecialEvents • Fighting for Air Website StoryLibrary 20

  20. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.21 Healthy Air Campaign: Op-eds and Letters to theEditor LettertotheEditorVS. Op-eds Short, sweet & powerful Read by key decision makers Requires rapidresponse Often written to counteract a negative article oraction Can be used to praise or scold lawmakeractions Your signaturematters! Positioned “Opposite the Editorial Page” Provides in depth analysis of a key policy issue Read by key decision makers and opinion leaders Requires rapidresponse Harder to get published than Letters to theEditor Your signaturematters! Portland Press Herald March 24,2015 As a respiratory therapist and asthma educator, I applaud U.S. Rep. Chelli Pingree, D-1st District, for standing up for Public health, transparency and the credibility of our scientific leaders by opposing two bills that came up for a vote last week in Congress: the Secret Science Reform Act of 2015 and the EPA Science Advisory Board Reform Act of2015…

  21. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.23 Join Us Online: Help Us Get“Social” Spread Healthy AirNews! SampleHashtags: #CleanAir4Kids #Asthma #HealthyAir Amplify campaign messages: Retweet, Likeand Share @AmericanLungVATweets andPosts Link information back to the Fighting forAir website:FightingforAir.org

  22. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.25 Healthy Air Campaign: Profiles ofSuccess Mombattlespollutionsokidscanbreathebetter BYLINE: Sally Voth svoth@winchesterstar.com, THE WINCHESTERSTAR June 20,2014 • DianColman • Volunteer with ALA inVirginia • Mother of three kids withasthma • Wrote letter to President Obama supporting carbonlimits • Letter was mentioned by President Obama during June 2 rollout event for carbonstds • Featured in national and local media

  23. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.28 Healthy Campaign: Next Steps… • Let’s Stay inTouch! • Will you share your storyon FightingforAir.org? • We want to hear your ideas, questionsand • concerns. • We’ll be sending you regularcampaign updates byemail. • More training opportunities will becoming. • Some of our volunteer asks will require rapid response from you. Know it’s okay to sayno.

  24. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.29 Healthy Air Campaign:Questions Your questions are alwayswelcome!

  25. FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY DO NOT DISTRIBUTE. Confidential and proprietary property of the American Lung Association, all rightsreserved.30 OurCredo We will breathe easier when the air inevery American community is clean andhealthy. We will breathe easier when people are free from the addictive grip of tobacco and the debilitating effects of lungdisease. We will breathe easier when the air in our public spacesand workplaces is clear of secondhandsmoke. We will breathe easier when children no longer battle airborne poisons or fear an asthmaattack. Until then, we are fighting forair. 30

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