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English 10 - 5/20/13. Can people get their way just by being pushy and ignoring all objections? What did the pancake say to the baseball player? Dat – a cross between a dog and a cat with the worst characteristics of each . Goals – Revise a claim or two. Take notes for evidence as we read.
English 10 - 5/20/13 • Can people get their way just by being pushy and ignoring all objections? • What did the pancake say to the baseball player? • Dat – a cross between a dog and a cat with the worst characteristics of each. Goals – Revise a claim or two. Take notes for evidence as we read. Homework – Don’t forget to study for Vocabulary #33. Checking dailies tomorrow.
English 10 - 5/21/13 • Do you ever try to use language to deceive someone? Do you ever purposely misunderstand someone? Explain. • How do you keep cool at a ball game? • Rectalgia – literally, a pain in the rectum. Goals – Check dailies. Read and take notes. Another claim? Homework – none.
English 10 - 5/22/13 • What roles are women supposed to play in today’s world? And Men? • What is the best way to carve wood? • Tattle basket – a gossip. Goals –Read Huck Finn. Find another piece of evidence to support a new claim you are developing. Homework – none.
English 10 - 5/23/13 • Should a person be willing to change for the person he or she loves? Can a person change? How? • How do you get a peanut to laugh? • Yazzihamper – a lunkhead. Goals – Reading Huck Finn. Gathering evidence for a claim. Homework – none.
English 10 - 5/24/13 • Five minutes to study for vocabulary Quiz # 33. • What do you get when you cross a goose and a camel? • Smouger – a cheat; chisler. Goals – Successfully complete vocabulary study #33. Write Claims? Homework – Write your claim to put on the board in class on Monday.