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Overview of the nutrition resources from the INMA cohort Valencia, Spain

Overview of the nutrition resources from the INMA cohort Valencia, Spain. Jesús Vioque on behalf of INMA-Cohort Study Dpto. Salud Pública. Universidad Miguel Hernández. Cohorts from the INMA Study , Spain.

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Overview of the nutrition resources from the INMA cohort Valencia, Spain

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  1. Overview of the nutrition resources from the INMA cohort Valencia, Spain Jesús Vioque on behalf of INMA-Cohort Study Dpto. Salud Pública. Universidad Miguel Hernández

  2. Cohortsfromthe INMA Study, Spain INMA projectincludesalmost4000 pregnantwomenfromsevenareas in Spain, and theirnewborns. Themostrecentcohortsusedthesameprotocol (2004). >2500 mothers >2400 children 1y

  3. INMA-Valencia Cohort 787 Births 732 (1y old) 591 (4y old) Proyecto INMA “Infancia y Medio Ambiente”. (http://www.infanciaymedioambiente.org)

  4. FFQ-101 12 week FFQ-101 32 week FFQ-105 4y old Dietary assesment PREGNANCY CHILDREN • ValidatedFoodFrequencyQuestionnaire (FFQ) • Biochemicalvalidation: vitamin C, E, B12, folate and carotenoids • Validated FFQ • Biochemicalvalidation • 24h-recalls (3) r = 0.42; r = 0.44 DailyNutrient and FoodIntakes (and supplements)

  5. FFQs • A semi-quantitative FFQ of 100 food items to assess the usual daily intake of foods and nutrients. • Based on a previous FFQ validated in a adult population (Vioque, 2006) similar to the Harvard FFQ (Willett, 1985)

  6. Nutrientes del FFQ alfa-Carotene beta-Carotene Lutein+Zeaxanthin Lycopene Cryptoxanthin J Vioque

  7. Other variables for the INMA-Valencia cohort

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