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Explore self-assessment, understand business careers, and sharpen job search skills in this comprehensive JA Career Go module. Learn from real-world examples and develop strategies for effective career planning.
Junior Achievement Career Go Module 1: Understanding Career Options (Handout)
(Activity, 15) Experiential Learning(1) JA and Us 我们与JA心连心 (Handout)
(Lecture, 3) Agenda • Introduction to Career Go • What is the objective of this module? • Why is it important to understand different career options? • Self-assessment at the start of career planning • What are the different career options in business? • How does this apply to you? • Experience sharing • Questions and Answers • Announcement for next class (Handout)
(Lecture, 2) Current State of Affairs... According to The Asian Wall Street Journal (June 21, 2004)… “The country’s education system fails to prepare students for the working world...[aside] from heavy emphasis on rote learning and test scores…in many business fields, the professors have little real-world experience… because they came of age in a planned-economy world.” Human-resources executive at a multinational company “Students bear some of the blame for their difficulties [in finding a job]… a sense of entitlement sometimes comes across in interviews.. Some students come and they ask ‘what will you do to develop us?’... They expect that they are still in a classroom where they will sit for two weeks and get a certificate.” Deputy General Manager – International Accounting Firm Source: The Asian Wall Street Journal (June 21, 2004)
(Lecture, 2) Current State of Affairs... Resulting in a lot of frustration… “[In 2004], executives at Shell (China) Ltd. waded through more than 6,000 resumes, interviewed several hundred finalists and [hired] nine college graduates.” “[A] top executive at Microsoft Corp, in Beijing, complained that he couldn’t find enough high caliber software engineers in a pool of more than 10,000 applicants.” “L’Oreal this year hired 22 graduates out of 1,500 applicants.” Source: The Asian Wall Street Journal (June 21, 2004)
(Lecture, 2) The Purpose of Career Go Stimulate and encourage you to think about career management from different perspectives; not only skills necessary in finding a job but also a thinking process that would help you to be a well-rounded and effective individual at managing your own career This also explains why we emphasize on the importance of your homework as well as group discussions (Handout)
(Lecture, 3) These skills will develop through 5 modules Objective Module (1) Understanding Career Options • Through a better understanding of yourself, you would expand your view on career options • Job Search/Networking & Resume Writing • Sharpen skills in networking and building rapport • Learn different methods of job searching • Learn skills in developing an effective resume, including ways to improve your own resume (Handout)
(Lecture, 2) Module Overview Continued Objective Module • Prepare you to become an effective interviewee in the recruiting process (3) Interviewing • Sharpen non-verbal and verbal skills to help you transition to your new job • Ways to be effective on the job (4) Joining a new company & Teamwork • Understand the importance of teamwork through participating in a team building exercise (5) Presentation Competition and Graduation Ceremony • Practice presentation skills by group competition; Celebrate what we have achieved in the program (Handout)
同学们的收获 • 信息 • 企业 • 职业 • 就业 • 技能 • 求职 • 基本的职场技能 • 沟通 • 理念
(Activity, 15) Experiential Learning(2)What is career? Draw A Picture on which there can be: 1. Your Dream (What you want to be in the future, Your life scale Plan, whatever you want) 2. And how are you going to realize it Finish it in 5 minutes and then share it to 3 of your classmates and 1 of your consultants
(Class discussion, 15) What is career? Lots of people think one should plan his career as early as possible so that he could know where he is going… However, there are people who love to enjoy the unexpected in their lives…They want to do what they like to do, they want to try everything new before they make decisions of their careers… So, Group Discussion: What is your definition of a career?
(Lecture, 5) What is career? It is not… • Your first job • Something you think about only once (now) and you don’t have to think about it for the rest of your life • Something you will spend a big portion of your adult life and waking hours doing • Something that you have control over – that you can plan to go in a direction you would like • About you! Not about someone else – remember, you are the one doing the work! It is… Don’t be short-term focused. Think about what you want to achieve in 5 years, in 10 years and then work out what you should do now (Handout)
(Lecture, 3) Job VS Career Careeris a path, through which you can get to your life-scale target. Jobis a step, through which you can make the short-term goal. Realize your dream Long Term Should not Be Changed Frequently Maybe just to make living Short Term You Can Change It Sometimes (Handout)
我的观点 • 职业是一种工具 • 职业是自我实现的一种手段 • 获取社会地位、物质基础、名誉的一种工具 • 职业是一种生活方式
规划的目的:把美好的愿望变成事业目标 • ..美好愿望---蓝天上美丽的云朵 “我想过美好的日子” • ..奋斗方向---夜空中的一轮明月 “我想成为亿万富翁” • ..事业目标---远处山冈上的一棵树 “我用五年时间成为职业经理人” “十五年后我要成为心血管领域的国际知名学者”
职业规划的重要性 • 目标 据说哈佛大学曾经研究了几百位年轻人,发现3%的人目标清晰而且远大;10%的人目标清晰而不远大;60%的人目标模糊;27%的人没有目标。 二十五年后,科学家追踪这几百位年轻人,那3%的人成为各界的精英和领袖;那10%的人成为各个专业的佼佼者,收入颇丰;60%的人是在社会的中下层;而另外27%的人一辈子境遇很差,怨天忧人。
职业目标的内容 • 行业 • 职位 • 时间 • 地点 • 其他具体可衡量标准
(Lecture, 3) (2) Career Options! - What are the possibilities? Objective of module (1) Understand yourself • Interests • Skills • Career and life goals (Handout)
刘先生 • 北医药学本科 • 北京三甲医院药师 3年 • 著名医药公司销售代表 2年 • 国际医疗机构 药师 1年 职业兴趣:医学部/市场部医学支持 • ? • 李先生 • 北医肿瘤学硕士 • 著名医药公司销售代表 1年 • 著名医药公司医学专员 1年 职业目标:市场部产品经理 • 中型医疗器械公司商务专员 半年 • 中型外资医药公司 市场部 助理产品经理 半年 • ? • 董女士 • 北大微电子博士 • 职业兴趣:互联网 市场部 APM • ?
(Lecture, 27) Explain Three Alternatives of Group Presentation Competition
(Lecture, 3) Announcement for next class Reference for the module • Information on various industries and jobs: www.career-in-business.com • Self-assessment tests are provided on: www.careerjournal.com • Working style assessment (from the consultant) Your assignment What to bring next class Review this module • What are the expectations from all these 4 aspects (Family, peers, company, yourself), please list 5 or more • What industries and companies are you interested in? List the TOP 5 companies in the industry • Complete your own self-assessment Prepare for the resume module • Try to develop your own resume in English, we’ll have the resume module in two weeks Your views on the following: • Why is networking important? • What do you currently do to develop your network? We will share our thoughts on these two questions in our next class (Handout)