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1939 to 1945 the impact OF WWII ON WOMEN . BY: LIZ BOBRO, JUSTINE FOWLER , & LINDSAY WEBB. PRE-1939.
PRE-1939 “woman were created to be man's helpmeet, but her unique role is in conception . . . since for other purposes men would be better assisted by other men." Thomas Aquinas, 13th-century Christian theologian
pre-1939 • 24.3% of woman in America were gainfully employed • 30% of these woman were employed within domestic or personal service. • Of professional woman ¾ were school teachers or nurses. • Woman were regarded as being a creative source for human life and wifehood. thepaintedwoman.blogspot.com
1939-1945 Woman and war times
1939-1945 • Women during WWII had hard laboured jobs, which was something that was never seen any time before. blsciblogs.baruch.cuny.edu
1939-1945 • Woman worked laborious jobs such as welders, shipyard workers, and line operators for the first time. • Women filled the more traditionally male type jobs blsciblogs.baruch.cuny.edu
1939-1945 • 25.4 percent of all women over the age of fourteen worked. • A large number of woman still worked in the domestic fields. • 30% of woman worked in clerical or sales work • 20% in factories work • 20% in domestic work • 10% professional work ( teachers, nurses) • 10% service work • 10% other • Almost 300,000 American women served in the Army and Navy • Also the rate of babies born to unmarried women increased by 42% from 1939 to 1945.
1939-1945 Rosie the Riveter is a cultural icon of the United States, she represents American women who worked in factories during World War II http://womenshistory.about.com/od/warwwii/ig/World-War-II-Rosies--Pictures
1939-1945 The homemaker • Women during WWII were expected to preserve everything for the war effort, for example they were told to walk with groceries instead of driving to preserve rubber. • During this time women had to balance being a homemaker and the primary breadwinner. • They had to adjust to ration points and rationing food, on top of learning how to do the work they were being placed into. http://www.google.ca/imgres?imgurl=http://www.eatlocalchallenge.com/images/2008/07/31/of_course_i_can_wwii_poster.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.eatlocalchallenge.com/2008/08/community
Post-1945 kraftymomkai.blogspot.com
post-1945 • Most woman who were conscripted into war work, lost their jobs to men returning from the war • Immediately after there was an emphasis on family life and women's roles as homemakers. • Women married young and began having children which created the baby boom. dailyobsessional.blogspot.com
Post-1945 Lasting Effects • Woman relied much less on their husbands • Divorce rates skyrocketed • Woman held higher paying jobs compared to pre wartimes. • It wasn’t until the 1960’s that a real change was seen for woman in certain demographics.
resources • "Working Women in the 1930s." 1930's Lifestyles and Social Trends. Gale Cengage, 1995. eNotes.com. 2006. 25 Jan, 2011 <http://www.enotes.com/1930-lifestyles-social-trends-american-decades/working-women> • http://www.teacheroz.com/WWIIHomefront.htm February 28th, 2008 • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_effects_did_World_War_2_have_on_women_in_America j