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International Scientific Conference HUMAN HEALTH - SUSTAINABLE LIVING BASEMENT ŽMOGAUS SVEIKATA - DARNAUS GYVENIMO PAMATAS . Lithuania healthy lifestyle and natural medicine c hamber President Prof . Algimantas Kirkutis M.D. SUSTAINABLE LIVING - HUMAN HEALTH BASEMENT
International Scientific Conference HUMAN HEALTH - SUSTAINABLE LIVINGBASEMENT ŽMOGAUS SVEIKATA - DARNAUS GYVENIMO PAMATAS Lithuania healthy lifestyle and natural medicine chamber PresidentProf.AlgimantasKirkutis M.D.
Evolutionof mankind morbidity and mortality • Disease and mortality induced byclimateand trauma • Infectious diseases • Noncommunicable diseases
Noncommunicable diseases (NCD) Noncommunicable diseases (NCD), the term came into use inclinical practice of the last centuryin the middle. It is used for people with lifestyle-related diseasessuch as: • heart andcardiovascular disease, • cancer, • diabetes, • obesity, • chronic lung disease, • mental and • others disorders relatedwitheoplelifestyle
Global NCD epidemic • 36 million deaths per year, representing more than 63% of all deaths in theworld. • Europe - 86% of all deaths. • NCD - 77% of all diseases affecting Europeans. • Overthelastyear9 million people diedwhowereunder60yearsold. • Withoutprevention in 2030 thisdisease will take 52 million lives in a year.
Global NCD epidemic • In 2011 April, in UN General Assembly session A/RES/65/238 65 “Chronicnoncommunicable disease prevention and control “world leaders madetheresolution whichstressed the urgency to combat NCD. • In 2011 September at the UN World Summit WHO President stressed the importance of NCD prevention. • In 2011 SptemberEuropean Parliament,European Commission and WHOorganized a high-level meetingunderthetitle "Time to act: the EU response to the UN Summit on the NCD."
What causes suchbig NSD epidemic? • Unhealhtylifestyle Lifestyle influencing the growth of NCD risk factors • Living environment • Food • Addictions • Psychoemotional balance - stresmanagenet • Physical activity • Other • Wronghealth care priorities. It is necessary to critically evaluate the NCD prevention, diagnosis, treatment strategies and tactics.
How to solve the problem? • According WHO NCD risk factors management can prevent up to 80%premature deaths due to CVD occurred
How to solve the problem? • Thesrategiesofhealtpolisyhas to be changedfromdiseasestreatment to diseasesprevention • Ifwewant to preventwemustunderstanding the essence of the problem • What is health? • What is disease? • How to preventandtreat NCD?
What is health? „Health is human social, physical and mental well being“DefinitiowasdeclaredinWHO conference . Alma-Atoje 1978 m.
What is health? “Sveikata tai socialinė, fizinė, psichinė ir dvasinė žmogaus gerovė.”„Health is human social, physical, mental and spiritual well being“Vydūnas „Sveikata jaunumas, grožė“. Tilžė 1928 m.+ WHO 1978 m.
What is health? Tik 10 %
What is disease? H E L T H
What is disease? H E L T H
What is disease? H E L T H Pathogen
What is disease? H E L T H Pathogen Formed by natural the body's protective barrier
What is disease? H E L T H Pathogen Formed by natural the body's protective barrier Diseases symptoms
What is disease? H E L T H Pathogen Formed by nature the body's protective barrier Diseases symptoms
What is disease? H E L T H Pathogen Formed by nature the body's protective barrier Createdby human intelligence body'sprotectivebarrier Diseases symptoms
What is disease? H E L T H Pathogen Formed by nature the body's protective barrier Createdby human intelligence body'sprotectivebarrier Diseases symptoms Evidensbasedmedicine (AM)
What is disease? H E L T H Pathogen Formed by natural the body's protective barrier Createdby human intelligence body'sprotectivebarrier Diseases symptoms Evidensbasedmedicine (AM)
What is disease? H E L T H Pathogen Formed by natural the body's protective barrier Created the human intelligence body'sprotectivebarrier Diseases symptoms Evidensbasedmedicine (AM) Side effects
What is disease? H E L T H Pathogen Formed by natural the body's protective barrier Created the human intelligence body'sprotectivebarrier Diseases symptoms Evidensbasedmedicine (AM) Side effects Symptoms
What is disease? H E L T H Pathogen Formed by natural the body's protective barrier Createdby human intelligence body'sprotectivebarrier Diseases symptoms Evidensbasedmedicine (AM) Side effects Symptoms
What is disease? H E L T H Pathogen Formed by natural the body's protective barrier Created the human intelligence body'sprotectivebarrier Diseases symptoms Evidensbasedmedicine (AM) Side effects Symptoms
What is disease? H E L T H Pathogen Formed by natural the body's protective barrier Createdby human intelligence body'sprotectivebarrier Diseases symptoms Evidensbasedmedicine (AM) Side effects Symptoms
Allopathic medicine disadvantages: • Focussonthe suppression of disease symptoms but not onthe diseasecause; • Overestimationofthe effectiveness of pharmacological treatmentsandmedicaltechnics; • Too much specialization (no-holistic approach to thepatientandhisdisease) • Lack of considerationonpsycho-emotional disease developmentfactors ; • Overestimationon biomedical research achievementsandlackofandustandingofspiritualhumannature • Underestimatingof natural healing factors (CAM)effectivnesfor NCD treatment and rehabilitation • The high cost of health care • Others
What is disease? H E L T H Pathogen Formed by natural the body's protective barrier Based on empirical - historical practice medicine (CAM) Created the human intelligence body'sprotectivebarrier Diseases symptoms Evidensbasedmedicine (AM) Side effects Symptoms
Natural (Complementaryandalternatyve) Medicine - medicine or medicine systems formed in naturalhistorical-empirical way Well knownnaturalmedicine (CAM) systems: Ayurvedic Medicine Chinese traditional medicine Tibetan Medicine Japanese traditional medicine Arab Traditional Medicine Homeopathy medicine Herbalmedicine Other
What is disease? H E L T H Pathogen Formed by natural the body's protective barrier Based on empirical - historical practice medicine (CAM) Created the human intelligence body'sprotectivebarrier Diseases symptoms Evidensbasedmedicine (AM) Side effects Symptoms
Naturalmedicine (CAM) disadvantages: • Slow effects on the disease symptoms • There is sufficient scientific evidence basedsupport • There is no impact on the classification and comparative evaluation of the care methods • There is nospecialists training and licensing system • There is no state aid • Other
What is disease? H E L T H Prevention Pathogen Formed by natural the body's protective barrier Based on empirical - historical practice medicine (CAM) Created the human intelligence body'sprotectivebarrier Diseases symptoms Evidensbasedmedicine (AM) Side effects Symptoms
What is disease? H E L T H Prevention Public Health Pathogen Formed by natural the body's protective barrier Based on empirical - historical practice medicine (CAM) Created the human intelligence body'sprotectivebarrier Diseases symptoms Evidensbasedmedicine (AM) Side effects Symptoms
What is disease? H E L T H Health education andhealth culture: Healthy livingenvironment Healthy eating culture; Psychoemotional culture Physical cultureand sport; Prevention Public Health Pathogen Formed by natural the body's protective barrier Based on empirical - historical practice medicine (CAM) Created the human intelligence body'sprotectivebarrier Diseases symptoms Evidensbasedmedicine (AM) Side effects Symptoms
What is disease? H E L T H Health education andhealth culture: Healthy livingenvironment Healthy eating culture; Psychoemotional culture Physical cultureand sport; Prevention Public Health Pathogen Formed by natural the body's protective barrier Based on empirical - historical practice medicine (CAM) Created the human intelligence body'sprotectivebarrier Diseases symptoms Evidensbasedmedicine (AM) Side effects Symptoms
What is disease? H E L T H Health education andhealth culture: Healthy livingenvironment Healthy eating culture; Psychoemotional culture Physical cultureand sport; Prevention Public Health Pathogen Formed by natural the body's protective barrier Based on empirical - historical practice medicine (CAM) Created the human intelligence body'sprotectivebarrier Diseases symptoms Evidensbasedmedicine (AM) Side effects Symptoms
Main Goals of the Lithuanian Health Programme Population mortality reduction and increasing of the life expectancy Health promotion and morbidity reduction Improving quality of the life
100% Determinants of Health, Quality and Duration of the Life Livecurve H e a l t h Quality of the Life (determinedarea) 0 100 m. L i f e D u r a t i o n
100% Determinants of Health, Quality and Duration of the Life Diseaseoccurrencepoint H e a l t h Quality of the Life 0 100 m. L i f e D u r a t i o n
100% Determinants of Health, Quality and Duration of the Life H e a l t h Quality of the Life Medc. 0 100 m. L i f e D u r a t i o n
100% Determinants of Health, Quality and Duration of the Life H e a l t h CAM Quality of the Life Medc. 0 100 m. L i f e D u r a t i o n