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VOCABULARY STRATEGIES. ELDPI. Vocabulary is contextualized Students need multiple exposures to vocabulary Compare/Contrast vocabulary Use intensive vocabulary instruction. CONTEXTUALIZING VOCABULARY. Use prior knowledge Scaffold words Use visuals, realia Use real life connections.

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  2. Vocabulary is contextualized • Students need multiple exposures to vocabulary • Compare/Contrast vocabulary • Use intensive vocabulary instruction

  3. CONTEXTUALIZING VOCABULARY • Use prior knowledge • Scaffold words • Use visuals, realia • Use real life connections

  4. MULTIPLE EXPOSURES • Word games: slap, pyramid game, password, crossword puzzles, word searches, pictionary • Cloze activities • Writing activities • Vocabulary cards

  5. COMPARE/CONTRAST • Antonyms • Synonyms • Graphic organizers; semantic feature analyses, spider webs, other graphic organizers

  6. INTENSIVE VOCABULARY INSTRUCTION: • Root words • Prefixes, suffixes • Cognates • Signal words • Context clues

  7. ELD Standards Correlations to Visions Level 6-8 ELD Stand. 9-12 ELD Stan. Basic Beginning Beginning Level A Intermediate Early Int. Level B Early Advanced Early Advanced Level C Advanced Early Advanced

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