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Chapter 10: Skills for Healthy Relationships

Chapter 10: Skills for Healthy Relationships. relationship, friendship, citizenship, constructive criticism, tolerance, active listening, “I” message, mediation, negotiation, interpersonal conflict, conflict resolution. Write down and define the following vocabulary words.

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Chapter 10: Skills for Healthy Relationships

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  1. Chapter 10: Skills for Healthy Relationships

  2. relationship, friendship, citizenship, constructive criticism, tolerance, active listening, “I” message, mediation, negotiation, interpersonal conflict, conflict resolution Write down and define the following vocabulary words

  3. Relationships can effect your: • Physical health • mental/emotional health • Social health

  4. Questions to ask yourself when choosing a friend: • Does this person have the qualities I admire most? • Is this someone I can trust with my thoughts and confidences? • How does this person affect my health triangle? • What interests and values do we have in common? • What can I offer in this friendship? What can the other person offer?

  5. The Three C's of Health Relationships • Communication: ways of sending and receiving messages. • Cooperation: working together for the good of all. • Compromise: problem solving method that involves each participant's giving up something to reach a solution that satisfies everyone.

  6. Characteristics of Healthy Relationships • Mutual Respect and Consideration • Honesty • Dependability • Commitment

  7. Character has the greatest influence on your relationships with others.Six Man Traits for Good Character: • Trustworthiness • Respect • Responsibility • Fairness • Caring • Citizenship

  8. Communication Styles • Passive: • Aggressive: • Assertive:*Speaking skills: Clearly expressing yourself, use of tone, pitch, or loudness of voice

  9. Listening Skills are equally as important as speaking when it comes to communication.Five Techniques for Active Listening: • Reflective Listening • Clarifying • Encouraging • Empathizing • Body Language

  10. Communication Barriers • Image or Identity Issues • Unrealistic Expectations • Lack of Trust • Prejudice • Gender Stereotyping

  11. Any others? Common Causes of Conflict • Power Struggles • Loyalty • Jealous/Envy • Property disputes • Territory and space

  12. *Your primary concern should be your health and safety. *Walking away from a potentially dangerous situation is a mature, healthful choice. It does not make you a coward. It is the smart and safe thing to do. When responding to a conflict remember the following:

  13. Strategies for Resolving Conflicts • Take time to calm down and think over the situation • When discussing the conflict, take turns explaining each person's side of the conflict without interruption. Use “I” messages • Ask for clarification so that each person understands the other's position. • Brainstorm solutions • Agree on a solution that benefits both sides • Follow up to see whether the correct solution was chosen and whether that solution worked out for each person

  14. What are the roles of the mediator in a mediation? • Maintain strict confidentiality • Summarize each side • Ask for clarification on any points that are inaccurate • Set ground rules for the mediation • Create an agreement for each side to sign

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