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This study explores innovative pedagogical practices using technology to enhance education for the knowledge society, focusing on new learning goals and methods. It compares various case studies to understand the impact of ICT on pedagogy and curriculum change, emphasizing lifelong learning abilities and the role of ICT in education.
Learning from SITES M2 : A Comparative Study of Innovative Pedagogical Practices Using Technology (IPPUTS) Angela Chow Centre for Information Technology in Education The University of Hong Kong IT in Education Symposium, 10th July, 04
Innovation & the future of schooling Why introduce ICT into the curriculum? • About ICT – as a subject of study • With ICT – make learning more effective • Through ICT – new goals & new processes in education for the information society/ knowledge economy Education & societal change: Apprenticeship standardized production production of knowledge workers
21st century competencies? • Premise: new abilities needed for the knowledge society • Lifelong learning ability – ability to face new challenges, seek new information, refine problem and learn new knowledge and skills to solve new problems or seek new ways of solving old problems • Ability to use ICT for all facets of life, for work or leisure, professional or social purposes
New Learning goals require new pedagogical practices • ‘The traditional classroom …… is singularly ill suited to producing lifelong learners: “Right now, you’ve got 30 little workers who come into a room, sit in rows, follow instructions from a boss, and can’t talk to one another. School is the last time they’ll ever see that model”’ (Corcoran, 1993)
What pedagogical practices are found in the 174 cases? • 1. Project work (92 cases) • 2. Scientific Investigation (8 cases) • 3. Media Production (29 cases) • 4. Virtual School & Online Course (20 cases) • 5. Task-Based Activity (20 cases) • 6. Expository Lessons (5 cases)
IPPUT Pedagogical features: • extended learning task over a period of months • deeply engaging, personally meaningful/relevant for learners • involvement of significant others outside of the classroom in the learning process • availability of suitable facilitation.
Questions we tackled • Is there any meaningful way of comparing levels of innovation across cases? • Which should be the focus: ICT or pedagogy? Or does it matter? • Can such a comparison contribute to our knowledge and understanding of ICT use and pedagogical innovation?
Questions we tackled • Are there some common features or models of pedagogical practice found across the international selection of IPPUT case studies? • What are the most important dimensions/ features for studying ICT-supported pedagogical innovations? • What type of analysis will contribute most to our understanding of IPPUTs, and for dissemination to practitioners?
Questions we tackled • Would the same findings be found across different countries? • Would the findings be different if the focus is not on change brought about by ICT, but on pedagogical & curriculum change, with ICT as one of the elements?
HK SITES team analysis:Comparing extent of emergence in curriculum,with ICT as one of the dimensions for comparison
Practices Old New Technology Old New Focus of Analysis • How do we compare innovations? 6 dimensions to understand innovativeness (from old to new): 6 dimensions of comparison • Curriculum Goals • Teacher’s Role • Students’ Role • Sophistication of ICT used • Manifestation of Learning Outcome • Connectedness
6 dimensions to understand innovativeness 1. Curriculum Goals Ability to function effectively as members of a learning community Subject-based knowledge Higher Order Thinking 2. Teacher’s Role Coach to establish and support the development of learning communities Transmitter of information and evaluator of learning Design learning tasks; provide resource for learning 3. Students’ Role Develop own learning goals, learning strategy, self monitor & evaluate contribute to communal knowledge building Determine learning strategies and schedule Follow instructions
6 dimensions to understand innovativeness 4. ICT used Sophisticated technology tailored for specific educational purposes General software for classroom presentation No ICT used 5. Manifestation of Learning Outcome Multidimensional; knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes operating in concert for complex problem solving Multiple ways to assess learning outcomes Unidimensional 6. Connectedness Multiple ways of involving outsiders in the curriculum process Partial involvement of outsiders Standalone classroom
Primary • Art Scoring on a 7-point likert scale for each of the 6 dimensions More Innovative
Primary • Chinese
Primary • Project Work
Secondary • Online Discussion
The Hong Kong SITES report & the secondary analysis with international case studies examples: http://sitesdatabase.cite.hku.hk
Where lies the future of IT in education? Some recommendations for Hong Kong
1. Integrate IT in education with Curriculum Reform The curriculum reform consultation document, Learning To Learn, was published after the launch of the Five Year Strategy. Only a few visionary schools principals are able to integrate the implementation of IT with their schools’ curriculum reform in order to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in the schools.
2. Provide Professional and Leadership Training for School Principals and Teachers • Professional development is NOT the simple acquisition of ICT-related technical skills. • Should focus on the development of curriculum leadership that can make use of ICT to enhance quality of education and support innovation • Should relate ICT integration to the 6 dimensions of understanding innovation, and not just a uni-dimensional emphasis on technology use
3. 4 strategic components must be implemented coherently to support curriculum reform The 5-year Strategy has identified 4 strategic components: • Access and Connectivity • Teacher Enablement • Curriculum and Resource Support • Community-wide Culture How each component should be implemented, e.g. where computers are placed & when these can be used would affect what pedagogical practices are supported and the impact of ICT use.
4.Formulate Long-term policy for ICT in education • The main achievement of the Five Year Strategy has so far provided schools with the necessaryconditions for ICT integration into teaching and learning. • Without a long term policy for ICT in education, the necessary conditions will fade and Hong Kong education will face a stark future without leading schools into the knowledge era.