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Jessica Coria. Demonstrative Pronouns. Demonstrative Pronouns. The four demonstrative pronouns are this, that, these, those. A demonstrative pronoun identifies and specifies a noun or pronoun.
Jessica Coria Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative Pronouns • The four demonstrative pronouns are this, that, these, those. A demonstrative pronoun identifies and specifies a noun or pronoun. • This and these refer to nouns that are nearby in time or space. That or those refer to nouns that are further away in time or space. This and that refer to singular nouns; these and those refer to plural nouns.
A demonstrative pronoun replaces a noun completely • este (this one) estos (these ones) esta (this one) estas (these ones) • ese (that one)esos (those ones) esa (that one) esas (those ones) • aquel (that one over there) aquellos (those ones over there) aquella (that one over there) aquellas (those ones over there)
examples • A demonstrative pronoun is used to replace a noun if the noun is understood. In English, it is common to say “this one,” or “these ones.” Technically, the word “this” or “these” should be used alone to replace a noun and the word “one(s)” is unnecessary and incorrect. In Spanish, the appropriate demonstrative pronoun is used alone to replace a noun. • Mi carroesmejorqueaquél. • Estosperros son mejoresqueaquéllos • My car is better than that one. • These dogs are better than those
examples • Larry brought those to the party • This sounds like a great idea! • Larry triaesos a la fiesta • Esto se escuchacomounabuena idea
Quiz • I want this drink. I don't want that one. • I like those horses. I don't like thoseover there. • Thisis good. • This teacher is taller than that one • These teachers are prettier than these ones • These are bigger than those • This is my book • This is my father • You're going to wear these? • This house is beautiful
Answers • Quieroestabebida. No quieroésa. • Me gustanésoscaballos. No me gustanaquéllos • Éstoesbueno • Estamaestraesmàsaltaqueaquélla • Estasmujeres son másbonitasqueéstas • Estas son masgrandequeesos • Este es mi libro • Estees mi padre • Te vas a ponerestas? • Esta casa estabonita