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第六单元 公共标牌的翻译 Unit 6 Translation of Signboards. 6.1 语篇类型、功能与翻译目的 Text Type, Funtion and Skopos 语篇类型 :“信息+鼓动” Text Type: informative plus vocative, limited space, quick reading, short and eye-catching, vocative and persuasive
第六单元 公共标牌的翻译Unit 6 Translation of Signboards
6.1语篇类型、功能与翻译目的Text Type, Funtion and Skopos 语篇类型:“信息+鼓动” Text Type: informative plus vocative, limited space, quick reading, short and eye-catching, vocative and persuasive A signboard is a board carrying a sign or notice, usually used for publicity or advertising of products, events, etc.
功能: 警示,告知和宣传 Funtion: to inform, to warn and to publicize 翻译目的: 向在华外国友人和外国游客警示、告知、宣传 Skopos: offer of information and publicity to western people
6.2 英汉公共标牌的差异及翻译原则Differences and Translation Principles • Chinese: Explicit and direct“不许,不准,不得、禁止”;exaggerated modifiers, parallel structure with the same number of characters, but also sentimental, passive and undemanding. appeals to the reader’s care and sensitivity, e.g. “用您的爱心呵护这片绿色。 Cherish this green with your love” • English: informative, colloquil, expressive and indirect, but also matter-of-fact, abrupt and demanding, e.g. “Keep off the grass”
不得乱扔烟蒂,护林防火人人有责 If You Must Smoke – Dispose of Cigarette Butts Carefully (You say “If you must” when you know that you cannot stop someone doing something that you think is wrong or stupid.) • Use of differernt standard expressions
翻译原则:入乡随俗,尽量套用译语中现有的习惯说法,或者根据译语标牌的通用表达规范和译语读者的接受习惯,在必要时进行调整改写。翻译原则:入乡随俗,尽量套用译语中现有的习惯说法,或者根据译语标牌的通用表达规范和译语读者的接受习惯,在必要时进行调整改写。 信息性(译文所提供的信息应该具体,正确、简洁、明了) 规范性(译文语言应符合译语使用规范,符合译语标牌的通用表达规范) 得体性(译文应符合译语读者的接受习惯) Principles: informative and concise; in agreement with the TL convention; pragmatically appropirate
6.3翻译要点Key points 6.3.1 套用现成说法Referring to standard expressions in the TL 免费入场Admission Free 营业中 Open (办事处、商店)休息Closed 快餐冷饮Snack Bar 茶楼Tea Bar 门前不准停车或堆放杂物。No parking or materials in front of doors 出租车招手停靠站Taxi Stand 入口,进口 In; Entrance; Way In 出口 Out; Exit; Way Out 男厕所Men; Gentlemen 女厕所Women; Ladies
山路多弯道,行车须安全Twists ahead. Drive with care 不准拍照No photographs 当心碰头Mind your head; Lower your head 行李寄放处Left-luggage Office(英); Checkroom(美) 超值享受Best value 年月日day/month/year 或month/day/year 对号入座Seat by number 跟紧Stay close 车辆修理Mechanical Help 妇女、儿童优先Children and Women First
游客止步 Out of Bounds 照常营业 Business as usual 闲人免进 No Admittance Except on Business; Staff Only 高压(电),生命危险! Danger of Death--High Voltage! 不准用闪光灯拍照 Flash photograph is not permitted 一日游 Day trip to … 旅游需要提前定票 All tours require advance booking
建议所有乘客购买旅游保险。 All passengers are strongly advised to obtain travel insurance. 全天开放Access all day 老人优惠Reduced rates for elderly 售完为止。Tickets are subject to availability. 工地入口,危险Site entrance, dangerous 空调开放Air conditioned 楼内禁止吸烟。This is a smoke free building. 谢绝推销。We do not buy at this door. 离开时请关门。Please close the door on leaving. 来客请到门房登记。 All visitors please report to the gate warder. 请不要在此倒垃圾。Please do not leave rubbish here.
商场偷窃也是犯罪 这并非戏谑,更不是威慑之词。商场偷窃也是犯罪行为。 在商场偷窃者将被依法惩办,切勿以身试法。(Walmart沃尔玛超市) Shoplifting is a crime This is not a joke. Shoplifting is a crime. Even if you are a first time offender, you will be fined or put in jail. That will be put on your criminal record. Shoplifters will be punished according to the law. Don’t do it.
6.3.2 提供正确信息,简洁明了 Provide clear information 华林路 Hualin Lu Hualin Road 八一七中路 Ba Yiqi Zhonglu Middle 817 Road
南后街 Nan Hou Jie South Back Street 江滨大道 Jiangbin Dadao Riverside Avenue 禁止停步 Don’t stop Keep moving 古今中外圣诞诗歌汇演 Christmas Carols around the World
湖区水深,注意安全 原译文:Lake water is deep. Mind your safety 建议改为: Deep Water! Beware! 营业中 原译文:to run business 建议改为:Open 爱护草坪 原译文:Take good care of the lawn 花草宜人,请多关照 原译文:Take care of the flowers and plants 建议改为: Keep off the grass Keep off the grass and the flowerbeds
6.3.3 注意规范表达In agreement with the TL convention “江滨路”应拼写为Jiangbin Lu/Road,而不是Jiang Bin Lu /Road 安全提示 险要地段 小心慎行 原译文: The safety hints hazardous district It is carefully slow to walk 建议改为: Danger Beware!
欢迎您!来自五大洲的朋友 Welcome to Fujian 海峡西岸欢迎您Welcome to the Western Taiwan-Straits Economic Zone 保持水质清洁,请勿乱扔杂物 原译文:please keep cleaning water quality please don’t through something 建议改为:Keep the water clean
携手合作,共创平安 Together we can prevent crime 明德至诚 博学远志 In endless pursuit of virtue and learning
2005诺贝尔奖获得者北京论坛 Nobel Laureates Beijing Forum 2005 “某某干洗连锁店”不宜译为…Laundry Chain Store,而应为...Dry Cleaning; “某某海外旅行实业(总)公司”不宜译为…Overseas Tourist Enterprise Corp,而应为... Overseas Tourism Industries; “某某房产公司”不宜译为…House Property Company,而应为 … Real Estate
6.3.4 讲求语用得体pragmatically appropriate “请勿吸烟”No smoking 根据场所不同,在英语中还有其他不同的表达: For hygiene’s sake, please refrain yourself from smoking in this room.(为保持环境卫生,请勿吸烟)。 Smoking is prohibited by law. Fine $ 50.(法律禁止吸烟。违者罚款50美元) 绿色生命,请勿伤害 Please don’t hurt the green lives
登山健身浴室 原译文:the healthy bathroom for mountain climbing 建议改为:Shower &. Changing 只生一个,严禁超生 原译:One is good, two is crime 改译:You two and your one child make a sweet home.
讲文明讲礼貌,共同遵守社会公德 原译文:Stress civilization and courtesy, jointly observe the social ethics 尽兴游览,谨记文明 原译文:Bear in mind civil behaviors while enjoying the views 实践道德规范,争当文明使者 原译文:Follow the ethics and rules to be an ambassador of civilization. 建议改为:No Smoking或Welcome to …(景点名) “9.8”起舞,“海西”腾飞 CIFIT: A Driving Force for Fujian’s Economic Development 共创美好明天 Sharing a Prosperous Tomorrow
文明行为,带来健康人生 原译:Civilized behavior brings us healthy life 改译:Good mental health is ageless. 名胜鼓山,我们共同呵护的家园 原译: 1 Showplace Gushan mountain our precious home 2 Gushan mountain, the famous scenery, is a homeland need of our common care 改译: 1 Environmental protection starts from you and me 2 Let’s join hands to protect the Drum Mountain
爱护草坪,足下留情 原译:Take care of the grass, pull your feet. 改译:Keep off the grass. 做文明人,行清洁路 原译:Behave properly to keep the path clean 建议改为:Keep the environment clean 心触一块净土,爱博一片蓝天 原译: 1. Heart concerned with clean ground Love win us a blue sky 2. Heart touchs a clean land, love offers a blue sky. 改译:Keep the environment clean
6.4 译例分析 例1. 国家开发银行(总行)诚聘国际精英 参考译文: China Development Bank (Head Office) Seeking Professionals with International Experience 例2.珍惜文物古迹,勿乱刻乱涂乱张贴 参考译文: No Graffiti Writing 例3.本公园严禁以下活动: 踢球;单车;溜冰 参考译文: No ball games, cycling, and skateboarding allowed in this park
例5. 登山有益健康,敬老爱幼助人为乐 参考译文: Enjoy the mountain and the people 例6. 保护环境,造福子孙后代 参考译文: Leave a clean environment to our children 例7.依依小草踏之何忍 参考译文: Keep Off the Grass
练习六 1.安全连着你我他 平安幸福靠大家 2.合作创造未来 3.请勿在本餐厅内进食非麦当劳食品或饮料。 4. 爱护绿色,珍惜生命 5. 花草宜人请多关照 6. 心景相融,其乐融融 7. 禁止通行 8. 小溪石滑,请勿入内 9. 创文明公园做文明游客(西湖公园)
练习六 1.安全连着你我他 平安幸福靠大家 Together we can prevent accidents 2.合作创造未来 Cooperation for a better tomorrow 3. 勿在本餐厅内进食非麦当劳食品或饮料。 Seating Reserved for Consumption of McDonald’s Food Only 4. 爱护绿色,珍惜生命 Keep off the Grass 5. 花草宜人请多关照 Keep off the Flower-beds
6. 心景相融,其乐融融 Open your heart and enjoy the view 7. 禁止通行 No Thoroughfare 8. 小溪石滑,请勿入内 Danger! Please keep off. 9. 创文明公园做文明游客(西湖公园) Welcome to the West Lake Park