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ICT Center of Region XII. Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21 st Century Learning 10 to 11 September Cebu City, Philippines. General Santos City High School. Project. ALERT. A dvancing L earning using E lectronic and R elevant T echnologies.
ICT Center of Region XII Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning 10 to 11 September Cebu City, Philippines General Santos City High School Project ALERT Advancing Learning using Electronic and Relevant Technologies Maria Theresa P. Pelones,MS, MA Angelito C. Llanos, MA Your LOGO here Your LOGO here September 11,2008 Cebu City, Philippines
Division of City Schools GENERAL SANTOS CITY HIGH SCHOOL General Santos City, Philippines Calumpang, General Santos City CURRICULUM OFFERED: Special Science Curriculum Special Program for Sports Special Program in the Arts Basic Education Curriculum Alternative Learning System Information Communication Technology Project ALERT (ICT Program)
SCHOOL PROFILE B. No of. Teachers: 184 Your LOGO here Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning
SCHOOL PROFILE C. COMPUTER LABORATORIES & AUDIO VISUAL ROOM Your LOGO here Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning
SCHOOL PROFILE D. EDUCATIONAL INTERACTIVE MULTI-MEDIA Your LOGO here Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning
Education plays a vital role in Filipino’s pursuit towards any form of advancement. It provides them lifelong learning that enable them to become competitive and productive in this fast-pacing world. RATIONALE • Out of selected 200 students all over the Philippines, two of our students declared as 1st & 2nd rank Best Students in the six pilot schools who join the Philippine Science Digital School e-Learning Program. • A Computer-Aided Cooperative Learning Approach in Math a study was chosen as the only study authored by a Filipino, published and presented in the 18th International Conference on Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE) on March 30, 2007 at San Antonio, Texas USA.(http://www/editlib.org) Your LOGO here Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning
RATIONALE • In August 23,2006 DepEd Regional Director Luz Almeda, proclaimed GSCHS as the ICT Center of Region XII through Project Advancing Learning using Electronic and Relevant Technologies (ALERT)as a means to address students poor performance and elevate the nature of teaching and learning. • October 27,2006, General Santos City Division Project ALERT team was awarded as one of the Top 10 Finalists in Mindanao during the Potensyal: Search for the 21st Century School System Award and was granted 2 Million pesos roll-out of technology gadgets and trainings. Your LOGO here Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning
GUIDE POST Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning 10 to 11 September Cebu City, Philippines ALERT Project Advancing Learning using Electronic and Relevant Technologies • A web-based learning program anchored on a principle that an ideal learning is • independent of the learner’s location; • has online classes with virtual facilitators’ • contains online multimedua curriculum • provide rich and interactive content for teachers inside and outside the classroom • incorporates web-based learning management sytem • online assessment • performance activities and strategies that determine the effective of learning. Your LOGO here Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning
GOALS To institutionalize a web-based learning program which will improve the competence of teachers and academic performance of students through the use of interactive learning professional development and educational materials Your LOGO here Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning
OBJECTIVES To increase students performance in English, Science and Math by 2% every year. To develop and implement a teacher resource and student activity materials than can be easily modified by teachers to suit special needs of students. To integrate ICT in enhancing teaching-learning activities To make ICT learning programs accessible to more stakeholders specifically the out of school youth and other clientele of the community Your LOGO here Your LOGO here Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning
MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT Digital Literacy Integration Foundation Skills Administrative leadership Technical COMPONENTS WEB-BASED LEARNING PROGRAM (Virtual School ) Virtual Community IT Learning & Resource Center ON-LINE LEARNING DEVELOPMENT Capability Building (Teachers & Students) Web Portal Computer Literacy Content based Computer Literacy Resource/ Learning Center Short-Term IT Programs e-learning facilities e-Exam & e-assessment On-line Materials Produce Short-Term IT Graduates Hardware, software, Advance Solution Systems, LAN & WWW e-DATABANK (Lesson Guides, Session Plan, Activity Sheet, Modules, Research Papers, Electronic Portfolio, Intervention Materials, e-TOS & e-item analysis INCREASE STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE IN Math, Science & English Your LOGO here Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning
IMPLEMENTING ARMS GSC Division ICT Committee PROGRAM PLANNING, MONITORING & EVALUATION ADVOCACY Strategic Planning Capability Plan Developmental Plan Sustainability Plan Monitoring, Evaluation & Assessment Outsourcing Of Funds Resource Accessing Networks Community Linkages Technical Assistance (Consultancy) Your LOGO here Your LOGO here Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning
GSCHS ICT ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE • PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Estrella C. Lariosa Schools Division Supt. Remedios Domingo Asst. School Division Supt. Victorino A. Fuentes,Jr ES-1 Math, ICT Coordinator Angelito C. Llanos Vice-Chairman (internal ) Maria Theresa P. Pelones School ICT Coordinator STEERING COMMITTEE (SC) TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP Rustico Pelonio, Jr. SC Chairman (Math Dept Head) Valentine H. Loable Chairman & Training Specialist Marlo M. Remos Vice-Chairman Statistician Beatriz D. Senobago English Dept Head Dr. ML Pabroa English Dept Head Ronald Radin Community Coord Specialist Advocacy Evaluation Assistance • Dr. E Tenizo • Science Dept Head M Castillo Student ICT Adviser ZDelosReyes Hardware Spclst Resource Developer Sioderly Barrieses Guidance Counselor Subject Specialist JCabarubias TLE Dept. Head J.Castillo EMIS Outsourcing of funds M.Castillo e-learning Spclst Nelly Mosquera Ranilo Guyano Technical Writers Flora Espina Testing Subject Facilitators Advocacy Campaign Laboratory In-Charge R Cambarijan Net & Soft Spclst M. Daan Audio & Video Spclst Finance Elizabeth Macorol Richard Santos TEACHERS, STUDENTS & COMMUNITY Your LOGO here Your LOGO here Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning
ONLINE LEARNING DEVELOPMENT • A. CAPABILITY BUILDING Your LOGO here Your LOGO here Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning
ONLINE LEARNING DEVELOPMENT • A. CAPABILITY BUILDING Your LOGO here Your LOGO here Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning
ONLINE LEARNING DEVELOPMENT • B. e-LEARNING FACILITIES (Acquired for two years) Your LOGO here Your LOGO here Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning
ONLINE LEARNING DEVELOPMENT • C. DEVELOPMENT OF WEB PORTAL • Organized web administrators, students circle , volunteers and alumni to develop the schools website. • Conducts orientation & debriefing, system structuring, storyboarding, mapping and designing for web development. • Database e-learning materials • Implementation of online assessment • Develop microsites to publish student community researches, studies, portfolios, etc hosted by Smartschool.ph program • Partnership with IT schools for free hosting & web development • Develop plans for collaboration with outside resources through resource accessing, linkages, networking and community accessing • Develop Sustainability plan with GPTCA & Administration Your LOGO here Your LOGO here Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning
MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT • Development of Learning Guides based on competencies • Try out existing learning guide in math, science and english • Rewriting of validated learning guides in math, science and english • Conversion of validated test into electronic exam and assessment • Production of interactive materials using powerpoint presentation, photostory, learning essentials and movie maker. • Reproduction of Educational Interactive Multimedia VCD’s & DVDs Materials • Trainings on electronic exam and assessment. • Demonstration teaching through CAI and video lessons • Observation of classes Your LOGO here Your LOGO here Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning
VIRTUAL COMMUNITY/ RESEARCH & LEARNING CENTER • Inspired by Education For All (EFA) & No Teacher Left Behind • Put up a CyberEd building/ ICT Center & e-library • Communicate the impact of media and technology thru the web • Open school technologies, computer lab, ICT Centrex, internet access and media resources to be used by the community and other schools. • Establish varied means of communication devices for contact between home and school, community and school. • advocacy campaign through educational summits & broadcasting. • PTCA supports IT programs through “ ICT Sustainability fund”. Your LOGO here Your LOGO here Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning
BENEFITS • Deployment of Resources & Access by learners and Teaching Staff • Enhancement of Teaching through ICT • ICT for Assessment, learning, doing & self-discovery • Online Communities • Capacitate students technological value • Easy access to IT related events • Encourage IT related studies and community based researches • Encourage entrepreneurship Your LOGO here Your LOGO here Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning
PROBLEMS & ISSUES • Insufficient Laboratory & IT teachers • Computer-student ratio is 1:82 • Conversion of learning materials to web-based learning • Web portal not fully develop • Diversity of Communication Your LOGO here Your LOGO here Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning
KEY TO SUCCESS • Support programfrom DepEd national, regional and division • Strong partnership withLocal Government unit & other agencies • Shared responsibility with parents in sustaining ICT project. • Dedicated and committedschool administrator and teachers. • Adaptability of technology to students • Functional Organizational Structure • Presence of 3-Year Plan • Management of Learners and Access to Digital Content Your LOGO here Your LOGO here Teaching the Net Generation: Curriculum, Pedagogy and the Challenge of 21st Century Learning
SDS Estrella C. Lariosa, CESOVI Schools Division Superintendent General Santos Division Chairman Project ALERT MILESTONE “There is no sure fire way to overcome the crisis in education, but there are several avenues that can be pursued, preferably simultaneously provided our strategic goal is to maintain a healthy balance between qualitative and quantitative indicators and improved quality standards. As a challenge: The Division is cognizance of the fact that technology by itself will not bring change but it will only be effective if there is a relevant and appropriate method in the integration of ICT into the system.
think start 21ST Century Learning We envision the world as an enriched learning environment where students in the classroom, on the job and at home easily connect to the people and the resources they need. ( ) = stratetegic vision + innovativeness + determination + will + collaboration+ sustainance Successful ICT implementation