Music The students will learn how to express themselves through dancing. They will explore dynamic flow of body movement such as fast, slow, big, small, strong, smooth, sharp, tension and relaxation. They will also explore some movements as a mean of expressing imaginative ideas. • Our Current UOI • The transdiciplinary Theme for EY 1 students in this period is “How We Express Ourselves”. • Central Idea : Tradition helps to unify people. • Concepts : Form, causation and reflections • Related Concepts : Traditions, beliefs, unity and celebration • Lines of inquiry : • Different types of traditions • Ways tradition bring people together • The significance of tradition to people • The students learn how people express themselves through different types of tradition and how traditions bring people together. We will invite some parents to share their knowledge and experience regarding to certain tradition, so that the students can learn from the primary resources.
Mathematic This period,EY 1 students will learn to sort objects by its attributes. To begin the topic they will first learn to sort things according to its shapes. Once they have master the topic they will start to sort the objects by its colours, sizes or shapes. In line with learning how to sort objects by its sizes, students will start to learn comparison. They will use the term longer, shorter, taller, heavies, lighter, hotter, colder, more, less, etc to compare different objects. Using their mastery in sorting objects by its colours, shapes and size, EY1 students will start new topic in extend and create pattern (AA-BB, AB-AB). Students are encouraged to extend given patterns and in creating their own pattern. This activity will provide opportunity for students to be risk takers, open-minded and inquirers. To conclude the term, students will focus their learning experience in identifying whether the number of objects in one group is more than, less than or equal to the number of objects in another group. They will then compare the two numbers presented as written numerals. English In English, EY1 students’ listening skills will be built up in responding to instructions accordingly. Apart from that, their reading and writing will go further by reading a book and write simple words. They will start from the three-letter-words such as cat, mat, fat, etc. Furthermore, their presentation skills will be developed in delivering advanced core presentation with proper body language and clear pronunciation. Bahasa Indonesia This unit EY1 student will learn to communicate and respond to instructions accordingly. They also learn how to do the presentation properly by using good language, louder voice and pacing and blocking correctly. They also learn to deliver their presentation with confidence. .
Visual arts In line with our central idea which is Traditions Unify People, EY1 students will create some traditional artworks. Students will begin by identifying the materials and the processed used in the creation of an artwork. Students will then given the time to select the tools, material and processes for specific purposes in making parts of the artwork. Students are encouraged to take responsibility for the care of tools and materials engage with, and enjoy a variety of visual art experiences. As the conclusion of creating artworks activities students will express their opinion about the artworks. Physical Exercise Another part of tradition is games. Most traditional games are physical games. Students will be asked to participate in group activities to accomplish common goal, follow instructions in simple games requiring little or no equipment. Some games will need equipment in order for students to play the game. EY1 students will be given time to practice so they can handle small equipment using various body parts and explore different ways of moving with small equipment. These activities are being taught to develop EY1 students to be able to use imagination and original ideas to respond to a range of stimuli to express feelings and moods.