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The Present Tense of Regular Verbs. We use the Present Tense to talk about what is happening right now, at this very minute, e.g. “The teacher is talking.” “The boy is listening.” A “regular” verb follows a pattern Eg I sing we sing you sing you sing he/she sing s they sing
The Present Tense of Regular Verbs We use the Present Tense to talk about what is happening right now, at this very minute, e.g. “The teacher is talking.” “The boy is listening.” A “regular” verb follows a pattern Eg I singwe sing you singyou sing he/she singsthey sing The pattern in English is EASY!
The pattern in French is more complicated. There are three groups of regular verbs in French and we are going to look at each group separately. The first group is ER verbs 90% of French verbs are regular ER verbs so it is well worth learning these endings.
To form the present tense of a regular ER verb, you should follow these rules: • Start off with the infinitive, i.e. regarder – to watch • Take off the ER at the end, leaving the stem, i.e. regard • Add the endings as shown: je nous ons e tu vous ez es il/elle/on e ils/elles ent
regard er Here’s how it’s done: 1. Take off the ER, leaving the stem: 2. Take the infinitive: regard 3. Add the following endings: ons nous regard je regard e ez vous regard tu regard es ent il/elle/on regard ils/elles regard e
regarder = to watch I watch, am watching You watch, are watching He watch, is watching She watches, is watching We watch, are watching We watch, are watching You all watch, are watching They watch, are watching They watch, are watching (girls only) Je regardE TuregardES IlregardE ElleregardE OnregardE NousregardONS VousregardEZ IlsregardENT EllesregardENT • Je • Tu • Il • Elle • On • Nous • Vous • Ils • Elles • Je regarder • Turegarder • Ilregarder • Elleregarder • Onregarder • Nousregarder • Vousregarder • Ilsregarder • Ellesregarder • Je regard • Turegard • Ilregard • Elleregard • Onregard • Nousregard • Vousregard • Ilsregard • Ellesregard
I listen You listen He listens She listens We listen We listen You listen They listen They listen J’écoute Tuécoutes Ilécoute Elleécoute Onécoute Nousécoutons Vousécoutez Ilsécoutent Ellesécoutent Let’s use those rules to create all the parts of the verbécouter = to listen
REGULAR “ER” VERBS PRACTICE EXERCISES 1. Je ____________ la télé. (regarder) 2. Il _____________ à Dornoch. (habiter) 3. Nous _______________ à la disco. (danser) 4. Elles ______________ au volleyball. (jouer) 5. Tu ____________ faire les magasins. (aimer) 6. Vous ______________ de la musique. (écouter) 7. On _________________ au téléphone. (parler) 8. Elle _______________ des baskets. (chercher) 9. Ils _______________ au collège. (travailler) 10. Elles ______________ au cinéma. (arriver) regarde habite dansons jouent aimes écoutez parle cherche travaillent arrivent
Some common ER verbsCopy and match up travailler – porter – penser - chanter - ranger - laver – oublier – trouver - chercher - se presenter - • to forget • to sing • to introduce • to find • to wash • to look for • to tidy • to work • to wear • to think • to work • to wear • to think • to sing • to tidy • to wash • to forget • to find • f) to look for • c) to introduce
The second group of verbs are ‘RE’ verbs. REGULAR “RE” VERBS There are relatively few common « RE » verbs. Here are some of the most common ones: vendre - to sell entendre - to hear attendre - to wait for répondre - to reply descendre- to go down perdre - to lose
The RE verbs work in the same way as ER verbs: • To form the present tense of a regular RE verb, you should follow the following rules: • Start off with the infinitive, e.g. vendre – to sell • Take off the RE at the end, leaving the stem, i.e. vend • Add the endings as shown: je nous s ons tu vous s ez il/elle/on ent ils/elles -
Here’s how it’s done: Take off the RE, leaving the stem: Take the infinitive: 1. 2. vendre vend 3. Add the following endings: nous vend je vend ons s vous vend tu vend ez s il/elle/on vend ils/elles vend ent -
vendre = to sell I sell, am selling You sell, are selling He sells, is selling She sells, is selling We sell, are selling We sell, are selling You all sell, are selling They sell, are selling They sell, are selling (girls only) Je vendS TuvendS Ilvend_ Ellevend_ Onvend_ NousvendONS VousvendEZ IlsvendENT EllesvendENT • Je • Tu • Il • Elle • On • Nous • Vous • Ils • Elles • Je vendre • Tuvendre • Ilvendre • Ellevendre • Onvendre • Nousvendre • Vousvendre • Ilsvendre • Ellesvendre • Je vend • Tuvend • Ilvend • Ellevend • Onvend • Nousvend • Vousvend • Ilsvend • Ellesvend
Practice Exercises: • 1. J’ ___________ le bus. (attendre) • Il ___________ son ballon. (perdre) • Nous ___________ notre maison. (vendre) • 4. Elles ____________ la colline. (descendre) • On _____________ les oiseaux. (entendre) • 6. Tu _____________ à la lettre. (répondre) • 7. Vous ____________ des livres. (vendre) • 8. Je _____________ l’escalier. (descendre) • 9. Ils _____________ la sonnerie. (entendre) • 10. Elle _____________ au courier électronique. (répondre) attends perd vendons descendent entend réponds vendez descends entendent répond
REGULAR “IR” VERBS There are relatively few common « IR » verbs. Here is some practice with the most common ones: finir - to finish grossir - to get fat rougir - to blush nourrir - to feed choisir - to choose
ir verbs The third group of verbs are: • To form the present tense of a regular IR verb, you should follow these rules: • Start off with the infinitive, i.e.finir – to finish • Take off the IR at the end, leaving the stem, i.e. fin • 3. Add the endings as shown: issons je is nous tu issez is vous il/elle/on it ils/elles issent
Here’s how it’s done: 1. 2. Take off the IR, leaving the stem: Take the infinitive: finir fin 3. Add the following endings: nous fin is issons je fin tu fin vous fin is issez il/elle/on fin ils/elles fin issent it
finir = to finish I finish am finishing You finish, are finishing He finishes, is finishing She finishes, is finishing We finish, are finishing We finish, are finishing You all finish, are finishing They finish, are finishing They finish, are finishing (girls only) Je finIS TufinIS IlfinIT EllefinIT OnfinIT NousfinISSONS VousfinISSEZ IlsfinISSENT EllesfinISSENT • Je • Tu • Il • Elle • On • Nous • Vous • Ils • Elles • Je finir • Tufinir • Ilfinir • Ellefinir • Onfinir • Nousfinir • Vousfinir • Ilsfinir • Ellesfinir • Je fin • Tufin • Ilfin • Ellefin • Onfin • Nousfin • Vousfin • Ilsfin • Ellesfin
finis • Tu ____________ tes devoirs. (finir) • Il ____________. (rougir) • Elles mangent trop de gâteaux et elles _____________. (grossir) • On ______________ le chien. (nourrir) • Nous ______________ la grande pizza. (choisir) • Elle _______________ les oiseaux. (nourrir) • Je _____________ le livre. (finir) • Vous ______________. (grossir) • Ils ________________ parce qu’ils sont timides. (rougir) • Je ________________ la robe bleue. (choisir) rougit grossissent nourrit choisissons nourrit finis grossissez rougissent choisis
Summary of Regular Verb EndingsTo form the present tense take off the last 2 letters of the infinitive (ER, RE or IR) and add the following endings.