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QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT (QFD). Ömer Yağız Department of Business Administration EMU. Originally prepared for the IE 591 seminar series at the IE Department, EMU. Changes made for use in EMBA5602, Dept. of Bus. Adm., METU. 2009. Critical Success Factors. Goods & service design
QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT (QFD) Ömer Yağız Department of Business Administration EMU Originally prepared for the IE 591 seminar series at the IE Department, EMU. Changes made for use in EMBA5602, Dept. of Bus. Adm., METU. 2009
Critical Success Factors Goods & service design Quality Process & capacity design Location selection Layout design Human resource and job design Supply-chain management Inventory Aggregate planning, scheduling Maintenance
Competitive Priorities Competing on cost lean manufacturing/service creation quality meet/exceed customer expectations “fit for intended use” flexibility adjust to changes in market conditions adjust to changes in product mix, production volume and design flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), mass customization
Competitive Priorities speed (response) design & development production (agile manufacturing) delivery after-sales service differentiation uniqueness of product/service mass customization
Common Definitions of Quality quality means “fitness for use.” quality is “meeting or exceeding customer expectations.” quality is “the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy needs” (ANSI/ASQ definition)
The logical thing to do... subscribe to the view that “the customer is the only judge of quality” listen to the “voice of the customer” design, develop, produce, and deliver goods/services which will satisfy customer requirements and needs QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT
Two basic problems how to determine what really matters to customers in terms of their needs, requirements, and expectations, and how to translate these needs and requirements into requirements that are meaningful to and can be acted upon by designers and producers of goods and services
QFD in Japanese Hin Shitsu Ki No Ten Kai "A group of courageous people working in harmony pursuing the finest detail to unlock the organization and roll out products that the multitudes in the marketplace will value."
QFD – Kalite Fonksiyon Göçerimi Kobe tersanelerinde geliştirilen yöntemin orijinali yani Japoncası : "Hin Shitsu Ki Nou (ya da Ki No) Ten Kai" olarak bilinmektedir(Guinta ve Praizler, 1993,ss.4-5; Revelle,1998,s.6; Cohen,1995,s.17). Bu isim, İngilizce'ye "Quality Function Deployment" olarak tercüme edilmiştir. Japonca'da her sözcük çeşitli anlamlar taşıyabildiğinden, İngilizceye yapılan tercüme aslında tam olarak yöntemin orijinal adının verdiği anlamı karşılayamamaktadır. Zira aşağıdaki tabloda da görüldüğü gibi her bir Japonca terime karşılık birden fazla İngilizce terim karşılık gelmektedir. Yöntemin adı bir de İngilizceden Türkçe'ye tercüme edildiğinde; her sözcüğe daha fazla anlam yüklenmektedir. Yöntemin adından anlaşılması gereken; ürün ya da hizmette müşterilerin bulunmasını istedikleri ve ihtiyaç duydukları niteliklerin, bu nitelikleri yerine getirecek ya da gerçekleştirecek fonksiyonlara dönüştürülüp, bu fonksiyonları gerçekleştirme görevinin örgüt içindeki uygun birimlere aktarılmasıdır.
QFD – Kalite Fonksiyon Göçerimi Kalite Fonksiyon Göçerimi; ülkemizde tanınmaya başlandığından beri Türkçe'ye çeşitli şekillerde tercüme edilmiştir. Kalite ve Fonksiyon sözcükleri zaten Türkçe'ye yerleşmiş sözcüklerdir ve daha fazla anlam kaybının önlenmesi için değiştirilmelerine gerek yoktur. Ancak "deployment" sözcüğü tercüme edilmelidir. Japonca'da "deployment" yani "ten kai"; İngilizce'deki tanmından daha geniş bir anlam ifade eder: "Faaliyetlerin genişletilmesi"(Kogure ve Akao,1983,s.26). Bu sözcüğün yerine getirilebilecek en iyi sözcük "göçerim"dir. Zira KFG'nin yaptığı iş; daha sonraki bölümlerde de anlatıldığı gibi, esas itibarı ile her aşamada en önemli kriterlerin belirlenmesi ve bunları gerçekleştirmek için yapılması gerekenlerin bir sonraki aşamada bulunan; kişilere, parçalara, fonksiyonlara, planlara vb. atanması ya da göçerilmesidir (Göçerim sözcüğünün içerdiği anlam "yetki göçerimi" terimi düşünüldüğünde daha iyi anlaşılacaktır). Yukarıda açıklanan nedenlerden dolayı "Quality Function Deployment"; Türkçe'ye en iyi "Kalite Fonksiyon Göçerimi" olarak çevrilebilmektedir.(http://www.qfdturkiye.org)
What is QFD? QFD is a comprehensive quality system that systematically links the needs of the customer with various business functions and organizational processes, such as marketing, design, quality, production, manufacturing, sales, etc., aligning the entire company toward achieving a common goal
What is QFD? Quality Function Deployment is a planning, communication, and documentation technique a structured process for translating customer values and requirements into specific product or service engineering characteristics, and for specifying the processes and systems to produce that product or service a disciplined and integrative approach to product design, process engineering, and production
History of QFD Drs. Shigeru Mizuno and Yoji Akao in the 1960’s. purpose was to develop a quality assurance method that would design customer satisfaction into a product before it was manufactured. first application -- Kobe Shipyards of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. in Japan (design of an oil tanker-1972)
History of QFD Toyota and its suppliers began to use it by adapting to auto industry Japanese designers used it for consumer electronics home appliances clothing construction equipment swimming pools retail outlets planning apartment layouts
History of QFD Ford and Xerox first used it in the USA Taurus and Mondeo models by Ford big role in Xerox’s comeback I have heard that it is being used in Turkey by Brisa, Beksa, Arçelik, and Netaş
Voice of the Customer A fundamental principle of QFD is to determine directly from the customer what they would like a particular product or service to do. There are many different approaches to achieve this goal. They include: one-on-one customer interviews focus groups in-context customer visits other more refined techniques
Benefits of QFD reduced time to market reduction in design changes decreased design and manufacturing costs improved quality increased customer satisfaction enhanced (almost forced) cooperation among marketing, design engineering, and production
QFD Process The Four Steps of the QFD process: 1. Product Planning (House of Quality) 2. Product Design (Parts Deployment) 3. Process and Production Design (Process Planning) 4. Quality Planning
QFD Process (Stages) Product Planning (House of Quality) Customer requirements translated to technical characteristics Product Design (Parts Deployment) Parts and components determined & their properties and specifications set …
QFD Process (Stages) Process and Production Design (Process Planning)Convert characteristics of key partsinto the process to manufacturethesepartsand convert characteristics of keyprocessoperations into detailedproduction procedures and controlmethods Quality PlanSet of tolerances, procedures, methods, and sampling techniques to ensure that the production process meets customer requirements
Basic steps of QFD House of Quality • Identify customer wants • Identify how the good/service will satisfy customer wants • Relate customer wants to product hows • Identify relationships between the firm’s hows • Develop importance ratings • Evaluate competing products • Compare performance to desirable technical attributes
Houses of QFD Quality plan Production process Specific components House 4 Production process Design characteristics House 3 House 2 Specific components Design characteristics House 1 Customer requirements Deploying resources through the organization in response to customer requirements Quality Plan Process &Production Design Parts deployment House of quality
Interrelationships Customer importance ratings How to satisfy customer wants What the customer wants Relationship matrix Competitive assessment Target values Weighted rating Technical evaluation QFD House of Quality
House of Quality Example Your team has been charged with designing a new camera for Olympus, Japan The first action is to construct a House of Quality
House of Quality Example Interrelationships How to Satisfy Customer Wants What the Customer Wants Analysis of Competitors Relationship Matrix Technical Attributes and Evaluation What the customer wants Customer importance rating (5 = highest) Lightweight 3 Easy to use 4 Reliable 5 Easy to hold steady 2 Color correction 1
House of Quality Example Interrelationships How to Satisfy Customer Wants What the Customer Wants Analysis of Competitors Relationship Matrix Technical Attributes and Evaluation Low electricity requirements Aluminum components Auto focus Auto exposure Paint pallet Ergonomic design How to Satisfy Customer Wants
House of Quality Example Interrelationships How to Satisfy Customer Wants What the Customer Wants Analysis of Competitors Relationship Matrix High relationship (5) Medium relationship (3) Low relationship (1) Technical Attributes and Evaluation Lightweight 3 Easy to use 4 Reliable 5 Easy to hold steady 2 Color corrections 1 Relationship matrix
House of Quality Example Interrelationships How to Satisfy Customer Wants What the Customer Wants Analysis of Competitors Relationship Matrix Technical Attributes and Evaluation Low electricity requirements Aluminum components Auto focus Auto exposure Paint pallet Ergonomic design Relationships between the things we can do High relationship (5) Medium relationship (3) Low relationship (1)
House of Quality Example Interrelationships How to Satisfy Customer Wants What the Customer Wants Analysis of Competitors Relationship Matrix Technical Attributes and Evaluation Lightweight 3 Easy to use 4 Reliable 5 Easy to hold steady 2 Color corrections 1 Our importance ratings 22 9 27 27 32 25 Weighted rating
House of Quality Example Interrelationships How to Satisfy Customer Wants What the Customer Wants Analysis of Competitors Relationship Matrix Technical Attributes and Evaluation Company A Company B How well do competing products meet customer wants G P G P F G G P P P Lightweight 3 Easy to use 4 Reliable 5 Easy to hold steady 2 Color corrections 1 Our importance ratings 22 5
House of Quality Example Interrelationships How to Satisfy Customer Wants What the Customer Wants Analysis of Competitors Relationship Matrix 0.5 A 75% 2’ to ∞ 2 circuits Failure 1 per 10,000 Panel ranking Technical Attributes and Evaluation Target values (Technical attributes) Company A 0.7 60% yes 1 ok G Company B 0.6 50% yes 2 ok F Us 0.5 75% yes 2 ok G Technical evaluation
House of Quality Example Low electricity requirements Aluminum components Auto focus Auto exposure Paint pallet Ergonomic design Company A Company B Lightweight 3 Easy to use 4 Reliable 5 Easy to hold steady 2 Color correction 1 Our importance ratings G P G P F G G P P P 22 9 27 27 32 25 0.5 A 75% 2’ to ∞ 2 circuits Failure 1 per 10,000 Panel ranking Target values (Technical attributes) Company A 0.7 60% yes 1 ok G Company B 0.6 50% yes 2 ok F Us 0.5 75% yes 2 ok G Technical evaluation Completed House of Quality
Houses of QFD Quality plan Production process Specific components House 4 Production process Design characteristics House 3 House 2 Specific components Design characteristics House 1 Customer requirements Deploying resources through the organization in response to customer requirements Quality Plan Process &Production Design Parts deployment House of quality
Some interesting applications Florida Power & Light Co. winner of deming Prize in 1990 Univ. of Michigan Medical Center 1991 Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison to assess and respond to the needs of faculty of ME department Univ. of Michigan to design a course in TQM Univ of Cincinnati IE dept balance between research & teaching
Local government services public transportation recreational facilities waste disposal library design and operation social services educational & cultural activities city planning and zoning health services sports & athletics environmental programs
QFD Sources QFD Institute (http://www.qfdi.org) Glenn Mazur (http://www.mazur.net) International Council for QFD (ICQFD) (http://www.icqfd.org) Akao Prize (http://qfdi.org/who_is_qfdi/akao_prize.htm) Isixsigma (http://www.isixsigma.com) QFD Türkiye (http://www.qfdturkiye.org)
QFD Sources DRM Associates (http://www.npd-solutions.com) QFD at Univ. of Sheffield (http://www.shef.ac.uk ) QFD2000 (http://www.qfd2000.co.uk)
QFD Software QFD/CAPTURE by QFD Capture QFD2000 (http://www.ipm-marketing.co.uk/QFD2000.htm)