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Roman Legacy

Roman Legacy. Ms. Carmelitano. Greco-Roman Culture. Cultural Diffusion Mixture of Roman and Greek (Hellenistic) culture Educated Romans learned Greek language Classical civilizations are a mix of Greek, Roman, and Hellenistic cultures. Art. Greek: Known for beauty and idealism

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Roman Legacy

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  1. Roman Legacy Ms. Carmelitano

  2. Greco-Roman Culture • Cultural Diffusion • Mixture of Roman and Greek (Hellenistic) culture • Educated Romans learned Greek language • Classical civilizations are a mix of Greek, Roman, and Hellenistic cultures

  3. Art • Greek: Known for beauty and idealism • Romans: were realistic • Their artwork had a practical purpose • Art was used for education, and to preserve history

  4. Roman Art • Sculptures • Bas-relief or low-relief: images project from a flat background • Used to tell stories or represent crowds of people, soldiers in battle, landscapes • Mosaics • Pictures made by setting smalls pieces of glass or tile onto surface • Villas and country houses had at least one

  5. Painting • Murals called frescoes were painted on walls of the wealthy • A Fresco is a painting made on damp plaster to brighten villas • Example • Fresco’s of Pompeii • Pompeii was a city located near Mt Vesuvius, which erupted in 79 CE • Ash rained down over the city, preserving the people and objects in ash • Including the Frescos

  6. Pompeii • Attracted the wealthy due to its warm climate, and fertile soil

  7. Learning • Philosophy • Stoicism • Zeno: Greek Stoic • Encouraged virtue, duty, moderation, endurance

  8. Literature • Roman Themes: • Virtue, duty • Virgil • Wrote Roman literature • Aeneid– epic of Aeneas modeled after epics of Homer • The epic follows Aeneas, a Trojan soldier, destined to build the city of Rome • Ovid • Poet • Wrote light poetry for enjoyment • Amores: is a poem about love

  9. History • Livy • Roman Historian • Wrote a multivolume history of Rome beginning in 9BCE • It holds legends, as well as history • Tacitus • Accurately preserved historical facts of Rome • He wrote Annals and Histories • Accurately catalogued Roman morality, and lack there of • Including a depiction of Nero’s cruelty

  10. Language • The Romans spoke Latin • This became the language of learning in the west and the Catholic Church • Developed into French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian • Romantic languages • Half of the words in English are based on Latin

  11. Buildings • Roman Architecture • Arch • Dome • Concrete • Aqueducts • Brought water into cities and towns • Colosseum • Roads

  12. System of Law • The Roman’s most lasting contribution • The Romans believed that law should be fair and applied equally to all people • Based on stoic philosophers • All people had the right to equal treatment under the law • A person should be punished for actions not thoughts • All people are innocent until proven guilty • The burden of proof on accuser • Laws should be fair

  13. Preservation of Greek culture • Roman writers preserved Greek culture • Greek writing was translated into Latin • Roman writer, artists, and philosophers build off of the ideas of the Greeks • Although Rome eventually falls, the idea of Rome, achieves immortality

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