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PPP Reglement ări europene şi contexte locale. Uniunea Europeană România. CONFERINŢA NAŢIONALĂ – PSP SINAIA – 1-2 NOIEMBRIE 2012. MIZA PARTENARIATELOR pentru sectorul public - care are responsabilitatea serviciilor. Deficit sectorul public. 1. FINANŢARE. 2. COMPETENŢE.
PPP Reglementări europene şi contexte locale Uniunea Europeană România CONFERINŢA NAŢIONALĂ – PSP SINAIA – 1-2 NOIEMBRIE 2012
MIZA PARTENARIATELOR pentru sectorul public - care are responsabilitatea serviciilor Deficit sectorul public 1 FINANŢARE 2 COMPETENŢE Resurse 3 KNOW HOW 4 ECHIPAMENTE şi THNOLOGIE 5 EFICIENŢĂ 4 EFICIENŢĂ 6 CALIATATE Management 7 TIMP
MIZA PARTENARIATELOR pentru sectorul privat Deficit sectorul privat 1 ACCES la PIAŢĂ CONTRACTE TERMEN LUNG 2 FINANŢARE 3 Condiţii de stabilitate 4 BENEFICII - DEZVOLTARE MIZA PARTENARIATELOR pentru sectorul bancar Deficit sectorul bancar PROIECTE VIABILE 1 CLIENŢI FIABILI 2
Patenariatul presupune cooperarea între actori complementari: Resurse Interese obiective 1 2 Patenariatul presupune riscuri şi câştiguri asumate şi gestionate 3 Patenariatul presupune inteligenţă şi competenţă managerială din partea ambilor actori – public şi privat: 4 Patenariatul presupune un cadru reglementar adecvat. 5 Patenariatul presupune un proiect viabil 1 parteneri 2 responsabilitate 5 + 1 3 competenţă 4 Legislaţie 5 proiecte 6 PIB
Patenariatul presupune cooperarea între actori complementari: Resurse Interese obiective 1 2 Patenariatul presupune riscuri şi câştiguri asumate şi gestionate 3 Patenariatul presupune inteligenţă şi competenţă managerială din partea ambilor actori – public şi privat: 4 Patenariatul presupune un cadru reglementar adecvat. 5 Patenariatul presupune un proiect viabil parteneri 5 + 1= ...2 ? responsabilitate competenţă Legislaţie proiecte PIB
Capacitatea de finanţare a autorităţilor publice este insuficientă (raportată la obligaţiile şi obiectivele asumate). Exigenţa primă a gestiunii publice este utilizarea eficientă a banului public (banii noştri ai tuturor). Este recunoscută eficienţa modelului de gestiune privată POZIŢIA UNIUNII EUROPENE Acces transparent şi nediscriminator la piaţa serviciilor publice (contracte publice) pentru toţii actorii economici
Directive – achiziţii publice Directive – căi de atac 1992- 89/665/CEE Furnituri Lucrări 92/50/CEE SERVICII 92/13/CEE Apă Energie Transport Telecomunicaţii 93/36/CEE FURNITURI 93/37/CEE LUCRĂRI 93/38/CEE Apă Energie Transport Posta 1993 2004 2004/17/CE ACHIZIŢII 2004/17/CE Apă Energie Transport Posta 2007/66/CEE Achiziţii publice Proiect 2012 2012/00/CE CONCESIUNI
Directive – achiziţii publice Directive – căi de atac 89/665/CEE Furnituri Lucrări 92/13/CEE Apă Energie Transport Telecomunicaţii 2004/17/CE Achiziţii 2004/17/CE Apă Energie Transport Posta 2007/66/CEE Achiziţii publice Proiect Proiect 2012/00/CE ACHIZITII 2012/00/CE CONCESIUNI
REGLEMENTĂRI în ROMÂNIA Directive – căi de atac Directive – achiziţii publice 2004/17/CE Achiziţii 2004/17/CE Apă Energie Transport Posta 89/665/CEE Furnituri Lucrări 92/13/CEE Apă Energie Transport Telecomunicaţii OUG 34/2006 ACHIZIŢII PUBLICE 2007/66/CEE Achiziţii publice LEGE 178/2010 P P P
P P P ? Ideea fundamentală este că în materie de PPP, cadrul legislativ este şi va fi constituit exclusiv din 3 (2) directive: Directiva (204/17/EC) achiziţii în sectorul apă- energie – transport – posta Directiva (204/18/EC) achiziţii Directiva ( ) Atribuirea contractelor de concesiune ? Proiect Proiect 2012/00/CE CONCESIUNI 2012/00/CE ACHIZITII
Ideea fundamentală este că în materie de PPP, cadrul legislativ european este şi va fi constituit exclusiv din 3 (2) directive: Directiva (204/17/EC) achiziţii în sectorul apă- energie – transport – posta Directiva (204/18/EC) achiziţii Directiva ( ? ) Atribuirea contractelor de concesiune Reguli şi principii din TRATATUL UE Art. 49 Nediscriminarea Tratamentul egal Transparenţa Proporţionalitatea Recunoaşterea mutuală
2009 The potential of a legislative initiative on concession contracts to create a supportive EU framework for PPPs was singled out in the Commission's 2009 communication on Mobilising private and public investment for recovery and long term structural change: developing public private partnerships. 2011 The Commission announced the intention to adopt a legislative initiative on concessions in its communication The Single Market Act Twelve levers to boost growth and strengthen confidence of 13 April 2011. 2012 “This draft is being put forward in tandem with the revision of Public Procurement Directives.[1] It will result in the adoption of a separate legal instrument regulating the award of concesssions which, together with the two proposals to revise Public Procurement Directives (2004/17/EC and 2004/18/EC),aims at creating a modern public procurement legislative framework. “ (din Proiect – p.1 – punct 1)
Directiva Concesiuni 2012 Argumentele pentru o Directivă CONCESIUNI In the context of severe budgetary constraints and economic difficulties in many EU Member States, efficient allocation of public funds is of particular concern The potential of a legislative initiative on concession contracts to create a supportive EU framework for PPPs The CONCESSION directive ..... “together with the two proposals to revise Public Procurement Directives (2004/17/EC and 2004/18/EC),aims at creating a modern public procurement legislative framework.
Directiva Concesiuni 2012 Ce se urmăreşte ? The proposed Directive is expected to guarantee transparency, fairness and legal certainty in the award of concession contracts, and thereby contribute to improved investment opportunities and ultimately to more and better quality of works and services. • to provide for clarity on the legal framework applicable to the award of concessions • to clearly delimit the scope of application of this framework. To increase legal certainty on one hand by providing contracting authorities and contracting entities with clear rules incorporating the Treaty principles governing the award of concessions and on the other hand by giving economic operators with some basic guarantees with regard to the award procedure Definition: The present proposal for a Directive on the award of concession contracts provides for a more precise definition of concession contracts with reference to the notion of operational risk. It makes clear what types of risk are to be considered operational and how to define significant risk. It also provides references as to the maximum duration of concessions.
Directiva Concesiuni 2012 Ce se urmăreşte ? The proposal extends the majority of the obligations which currently apply to the award of public works concessions to all services concessions..... Moreover, it extends the application of secondary law to the award of concession contracts in the utilities sector, which is currently exempt from such legislation. . Public-public cooperation ......The present proposal clarifies the cases in which contracts concluded between contracting authorities are not subject to the application of concession award rules. Such clarification is guided by the principles set out in the relevant case law of the Court of Justice Modifications:The modification of concessions during their term has become an increasingly relevant and problematic issue for practitioners. A specific provision on modifying concessions incorporates the basic solutions developed in the case law and provides a pragmatic solution for dealing with unforeseen circumstances requiring an a concession to be modified during its term
Directiva Concesiuni 2012 Ce se urmăreşte ? Publication in the Official Journal: In order to ensure transparency and equal treatment to all economic operators, .....concession contracts with a value equal to or geraterthan EUR 5 000 000.. Deadlines: This proposal also sets a minimum deadline for the submission of interest in any concession award procedure, amounting to 52 days, Selection and exclusion criteria: The proposal provides for obligations realting to the selection criteria to be applied by the contracting authorities or contracting entities when awarding concessions. These rules are less restrictive than similar provisions currently applicable to public contracts. However, they restrict the selection criteria to those related to the economic, financial and technical capacityof the bidder a AWARD criteria: The proposal provides for an obligation to apply objective criteria linked to the subject matter of the concession, ensuring compliance with the principles of transparency, non-discrimination and equal treatment These criteria should prevent arbitrary decisions by contracting authorities and contracting entities and must be published in advance and listed in descending order of importance contracting authorities .......which so wish, may also provide for or apply the ‘most economically advantageous tender’
Directiva Concesiuni 2012 Ce se urmăreşte ? Procedural guarantees: Unlike the Public Procurement Directives, the proposed rules do not contain a fixed catalogue of award procedures. This solution allows contracting authorities and contracting entities to follow more flexible procedures when awarding concessions notably reflecting national legal traditions and permitting the award process to be organised in the most efficient way. However, the proposal establishes a number of clear procedural safeguards to be applied to the award of concessions notably during negotiations. These safeguards aim at ensuring that the process is fair and transparent.. Remedies:This proposal provides for an extension of the scope of application of the Remedies Directives (Directives 89/665/EEC and 92/13/EC, as amended by Directive 2007/66/EC) to all concession contracts above the threshold in order to guarantee effective channels for challenging the award decision in court and provide minimal judicial standards which have to be observed by contracting authorities or entities.
Directiva Concesiuni 2012 Definiţia concesiunii ...în preambulul Direcivei (6) Concessions are contracts for pecuniary interest concluded between one or more economic operators and one or more contracting authorities or entities and having as their object the acquisition of works or services where the consideration consists, normally, in the right to exploit the works or services that are the subject of the contract. .... The same applies to certain agreements having as their object the right of an economic operator to exploit certain public domains or resources, such as land lease contracts whereby the State or contracting authority or entity establishes only general conditions for their use without acquiring specific works or services (6) Concesiunile sunt contracte oneroase încheiat între unul sau mai mulţi operatori economici şi una sau mai multe autorităţi contractante sau entităţi şi care au drept obiect achiziţia de lucrări sau servicii pentru care , în mod normal, se acordă dreptul de exploatare a lucrărilor şi serviciilor care fac obiectul contractului. .... Se aplică de asemenea unor contracte (înţelegeri) al căror obiect este dreptul operatorului economic de a exploata anumite domenii publice sau resurse – cum ar fi contractele de închiriere a terenurilor ..... Şi în care se stabilesc doar anumite condiţii generale de utilizare......fără realizarea de lucrări sau servicii....
Directiva Concesiuni 2012 Diferenţă faţă de L178/2010 PPP ...în preambulul Direcivei (7) the definition of concession should be clarified, in particular by referring to the concept of substantial operating risk. ( 7 )......The application of specific rules governing the award of concessions would not be justified if the contracting authority or entity relieved the contractor of any potential loss, by guaranteeing a minimal revenue, equal or higher to the costs that the contractor has to incur in relation with the performance of the contract ( 7 )...... certain arrangements which are fully paid by a contracting authority or a contracting entity should qualify as concessionswherethe recoupement of the investements and costs incurred by the operator for execution the work or provididng the service depends on the actual demand for or the availability of the service or asset. ( 10 ) It has also proven necessary to clarify what should be understood as a single procurement, with the effect that the aggregate value of all concessions concluded for the purpose of this procurement has to be taken into account with regard to the thresholds of this Directive, and that the procurement should be advertised as a whole, possibly split into lots. The concept of single procurement encompasses all supplies, works and services needed to carry out a particular project. Indications for the existence of one single project can for instance consist in overall prior planning and conception by the contracting authority, the fact that the different elements purchased fulfil a single economic and technical function or that they are otherwise logically interlinked.
Lege 178/2010 PPP Secretariatul General al Guvernului MinisterulFinantelorPublice Autoritatea de Management pentru Infrastructură Ministru SECRETAR DE STAT Ministru SECRETAR DE STAT UCC PPP 2010 2005 2007 Art. 2. – (1) Unitatea centrală pentru coordonarea parteneriatului public-privat din cadrul Ministerului Finantelor Publice se reorganizează la nivel de directie generală în subordinea Secretariatului General al Guvernului. Hotărârea Guvernului Românieinr.208/2005, înfiinţarea, la nivelul Ministerului Finanţelor Publice, în cadrul Autorităţiide Management pentru Infrastructură, a Unităţii Centrale pentru CoordonareaActivităţii de tip Parteneriat Public-Privat (UCCPPP). Prin Hotărârea Guvernului României nr. 386/2007, privind organizarea si funcţionareaMinisterului Economiei şi Finanţelor, precum şi HG nr. 34/2009 privind organizarea şi funcţionarea Ministerului Finanţelor Publice a fost aprobată reorganizarea activităţiiUnităţii Centrale pentru Coordonarea Parteneriatului Public-Privat. În acest moment, UCCPPP funcţionează la nivel de serviciu, în directa coordonare a unuia dintre secretariide stat ai Ministerului Finanţelor Publice.