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Safety and Mission Assurance Performance Assurance Team

Stay updated on safety compliance, performance assurance, and system reliability. Review procurement, security, and IT compliance as part of mission assurance processes. Track EEE parts and GIDEP status for reliability. Explore processes for flight unit travelers and nonconformance reporting.

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Safety and Mission Assurance Performance Assurance Team

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  1. Safety and Mission Assurance Performance Assurance Team Ron Jackson Jorg Fischer University of California - Berkeley

  2. RBSP EFW SMASafety and Mission Assurance System Safety Status of inputs to the Missile System Prelaunch Safety Package (MSPSP) – UCB provided input for PDR and will provide any further safety input upon request . There are no safety compliance issues with the EFW Instrument. Labels and signs around equipment, warning of high voltage (250V). Instrument safety: ESD and contamination training for all EFW personnel

  3. RBSP EFW SMASafety and Mission Assurance Flow down of performance assurance requirements Compliance verification of purchase orders, specifications, and product Procurement of EEE parts directly from the manufacturer or through authorized distributors. Vendor Audits Require full traceability on all flight procurements Track GIDEPs Alerts Performance Assurance Matrix Status 7417-9096-05_EFW-UCB Instrument Performance Assurance Matrix Rev A Compliance 560 items Compliance with caveats 10 items Not compliant 0 items Closed 100% IT Security: Compliance 46, Compliance with caveats 53, Not compliant 1 Waiver status - Approved Waivers: 9 - Conditionally approved Waivers: 3 and Open: 1

  4. RBSP EFW SMASafety and Mission Assurance Reliability

  5. RBSP EFW SMASafety and Mission Assurance Parts All EEE parts are procured and or screened to EEE-INST-002, Level 2 JANTX devices have a five piece DPA performed JANTXV have 100% PIND test performed UC1526AJ/883B, IRHLNJ797034SCS in review for radiation approval

  6. RBSP EFW SMASafety and Mission Assurance EEE Parts - Long lead item status All EEE parts are 54ACS164, due 11/24/09 AD822AN, Test at GSFC – due mid November 2009 MAX256, Test at GSFC – due mid November 2009 IRHLUB770Z4, due 9/17/09 IRHLNA797064SCS (JANSR2N7622U2), due 11/21/09 IRHNJ597130SCS, on order – due date December 4, 2009 IRHLNJ797034SCS, on order – due date October 8, 2009 MBRS4201T3, Test at GSFC – due mid November 2009 Delivered by APL: RTAX2000, APL UT54LVDS031, UT54LVDS032 GIDEP Status List any pending GIDEP/NASA Alert open issues and status of resolution Status is listed in the RBSP-EFW_QA_ALERTS document. Alert Quantity 108, Alert Closure Rate 100%, Impact Alerts 1

  7. RBSP EFW SMASafety and Mission Assurance Materials and Processes Materials selection and screening plans per Matrix section 12 Regular PMPCB review/approval status meetings

  8. RBSP EFW SMA Systems Assurance - continued Limited Life Items EFW has no limited life items. However, there are a number of items that are tracked on as use basis Items tracked are: Connector Mate / Demate, EFW SPB Pin Puller Firings, SPB AXB Frangibolt Firings, AXB Boom Deploy, SPB and AXB Flash Memory Erase Cycles, DCB EEPROM Writes, DCB Software Assurance Delivered Flight software and Ground support software Track software problems via PFRs Ensure Software PFRs are closed

  9. RBSP EFW SMA Systems Assurance - continued Configuration Management Configuration management process being used: RBSP_EFW_PA_010A_CM Mechanical drawings are maintained on PDM Works Solid Works data base Electrical drawings are maintained on the UCB CM data base EFW Indentured Drawings List: RBSP_EFW_CM-002 ESD Control ESD requirements met per S20.20-2007: Training of EFW personnel ESD certification of workbenches Contamination Control Contamination control per RBSP_EFW_PA005B Special needs during Instrument and SC INT: Class 100,000 clean room available Above 30% up to 50% humidity and 70F +/- 5F, when not at test Clean room compatible garments should be worn Instrument should be bagged, when outside of clean room Protect DAG-213-coated sensor surfaces (no cleaning; no touching)

  10. RBSP EFW SMASafety and Mission Assurance Flight Unit Travelers Sample traveler developed for electrical and mechanical ETUs. Available draft travelers reviewed by SMA at end of ETU assembly and test flow. Flight traveler generation to begin with Flight assembly in Q4 2009. Inspection Flow, MIPs, Fabrication & Assembly Instructions (FAI) Describe Audit Traveler data packages at each inspection point Check sign-offs, traceability, document revisions, etc. Verify acceptable lab humidity and temperature Printed Wiring Assemblies Inspect workmanship, parts placement and orientation Verify PWA cleanliness Polymerics Inspect per NASA standard, FAI, drawings Check mix records, durometer hardness of cure samples Cables, Harness, Wiring Inspect crimps, solder and workmanship to NASA Standards Inspect to NASA standard, FAI, drawings Other Inspections Incoming/Receiving, Kitting, Pre-cap, Calibration of equipment, and Instrument testing Check Mate/De-Mate and Power-on/Power-off logs.

  11. RBSP EFW SMASafety and Mission Assurance Nonconformance Problem / Failure Reporting Process (PFR) The Problem/failure reporting process starts at Flight testing PFRs tracked via database PFR, failure mode is verified, disposition reviewed and approved. Rework/repair process reviewed and approved. Status of existing and new PFRs reviewed in weekly EFW team meeting. A PFR report will be issued within 24 hours of a nonconformance. It will also be reported in the monthly status report. PFR approvals required by: Cog E., Systems E., QA, PM. APL (Project) has approval authority for dispositions.

  12. RBSP EFW SMABackup Slides RBSP EFW SMASafety and Mission Assurance Backup

  13. RBSP EFW SMABackup Slides - Documents Deliverable documents to be available at the review (delivery due date prior to the review – see CDRL) Deviations/Waivers (CM-002-004) Performance Assurance Matrix – update (MA-001-001C) Limited Life Items List – baseline (MA-002-009B) As-Designed Parts List (MA-005-002B) Long Lead Items List – as applicable (MS-006-002) As-Designed Materials and Processes List – (SE-007-009B) Software Requirements Document – baseline (SW-002-001B) Available documents at the review Contamination Control Plan (SE-008) GIDEP ALERTS document (RBSP-EFW_QA_ALERTS) Configuration Management Plan (RBSP_EFW_PA_010A_CM)

  14. RBSP EFW SMABackup Slides – CM DB UCB Configuration Management Data Base

  15. RBSP EFW SMABackup Slides – PFR Form

  16. RBSP EFW SMABackup Slides – EEE Parts DB

  17. RBSP EFW SMABackup Slides - MIL MIL - RBSP_EFW_SE-007

  18. RBSP EFW SMABackup Slides - Calibration Calibration Data Base

  19. RBSP EFW SMABackup Slides - Training

  20. RBSP EFW SMABackup Slides – EEE Parts Storage UCB RBSP-EFW Incoming Inspection and Bonded Storage

  21. RBSP EFW SMABackup Slides – Inspection Area

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