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CURRENT STATUS OF AGRICULTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR KNOWLEDGE SHARING IN STATE OF KUWAIT Dr. Fadila Al-Salameen Biotechnology Department Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR)
International memberships Kuwait is an active member in many international organizations in the field of Agro-biotechnology • ECARDA. • The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources For Food And Agriculture. • Convention of Biodiversity (CB). • International centre for genetic engineering and biotechnology ICGB.
Organizations And institutions in Kuwait involved in developingAgricultural biotechnology Research Kuwait institute for scientific Research (KISR). Public Authority of Agriculture and Fish Resources Affairs (PAAFR)
KUWAIT UNIVERSITY • Kuwait University is the only public university in Kuwait. • Kuwait University is currently on the process to establish a Biotechnology Research Centre where plant and animal biotechnology will be included.
The structure, infrastructure and the mission of Kuwait institute for scientific Research made it to be the main sources for Agricultural biotechnology scientific and technical information.
Three department for rsearch development in KISR • Aridland Agriculture and Greenery Department. • Biotechnology Department. • Mariculture and Fisheries Aquaculture.
Area of Research in Aridland Agriculture and Greenery Department • Animal production (sheep, poultry and dairy cows). • Plant production (protected and open fields) • Soil Sciences, irrigation water. • Native plant cultivation and wild-life conservation. • Greenery and sustainable land-use planning.Developing Concept master plans for various landscape projects suiting the local climatic conditions.
KISR has A state-of-the-art laboratories for R &D • Aridland Agriculture and Greenery Labs • Soil Physics Lab • Seed Analysis Lab • Soil Chemistry Lab • Plant Physiology Lab • Plant Preparation Lab • Animal Nutrition & Feed Analysis Lab
Seed bank: The current collection281 accessions of 71 different species • The information records of a native seed collection were a valuable resource, especially where they involve complete coverage of a local area or region • Data base includes Passport and Storage data is a source of information .
Area of Research in Biotechnology Department. • Application of Tissue Culture Technology for Production of Valued Crops (date palm, potatoes, etc • Genetic Engineering & Molecular Diagnostics • Remediation and Rehabilitation of Contaminated Soils • Nutrition Improvement, Survey & Assessment • Development of Probiotic Feed Supplements for Fish, Poultry & Farm Animal Production
BIOTECHNOLOGY • Genetic Engineering Lab • Fermentation Laboratory (Bio-Stat Fermentors with capacity1.5 and 10.01-1). • Microbiology Lab • Soil Remediation & Solid Waste Treatment Lab • Food Analysis Lab
Food Microbiology Lab • Tissue Culture Technology unit in KISR and KU.
National Scientific & Technical Information Centre (NSTC) • Support Research & Development (R&D) activities and programs nationally and at KSIR, with advanced information technologies (IT) and knowledge solutions. • Providing information resources related to science and technology, with specialized services and training tools through the information portal.
Provide scientific consultations and technical services. • Knowledge management for KISR. • Support and develop scientific and technological • infrastructure; in terms of information resources and scientific IT applications. • Support and develop all information and communications technology within KISR. • Promote scientific and technological awareness. • Promote regional and International Cooperation.
KISR PUBLICATIONS • BOOKS • Growing Mangroves for Enrichment of Kuwait's Coastline • Principles of Poultry Biosecurity Program • Fish Kills, Red Tides, & Kuwait's Marine Environment • Kuwait's Ravaged Environment - A Global Issue
Conference Proceedings • Seminars / Symposiums • Reports • Series • Arabic publication
KISR produce monthly magazine ‘Science and Technology’. • Weekly news paper ‘news of KISR’.
KISR on process to establishing Baseline Agricultural database for crop, animal and fish production for serving as a foundation for future development. • A data-base on catch and effort, including associated biological data, was established • Long-term oceanographic database and information management; GIS applications; services and products for the support of wide-range scientific studies related to the marine environment are available in NSTIC.
KISR developed an Atlas to be as user-friendly GIS/ data base decision support tool and easy accessible data repository that can guide future Biodiversity research in Kuwait. • All sort of data bases are existed at NSTIC. The concerned staff members can get access to these database trough NSTIC coordinator. This coordinator has the needed skills to carry out this assignment.
Gulf Electronic Scientific Research Database (GESR) A searchable database for GCC research activities and publications established in Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research .
Components of GESR • Organizations database: containing universities, higher-education institutions, and national research centres. • Experts-manpower database: containing academics, researchers, and specialists in academic and research work. • Research database: containing research, periodicals, articles, and conferences proceedings. • Scientific-equipments database: containing lab equipments used for scientific research
Kuwait Integrated Environmental Information Network (KIEIN) was established through the Ministry of Planning, at KISR, under full support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) • For environmental information dissemination in Kuwait • . • Supporting the decision/policy makers, planners and researchers in Kuwait, with the needed environmental information.
The web-based application makes spatial datasets and information available on KISR Intranet in order to be accessible to all the research community.
Kuwait Top Level Domain • KISR establish, and operating Kuwait Top Level Domain Name System in early 1999 • Providing internet domain names for all Kuwaiti sites through flexible and accurate system and procedures. • KISR wib site www.kisr.edu.kw include all sort of information related to departments, divisions and programs, Email domain is now available to every staff member of KISR. • KISRtube
Kuwait National Meteorological Network • Monitor the meteorological conditions in the State of Kuwait. • Generate a reliable database for the meteorological conditions in Kuwait, and provide data for research project.
Manpower Development Department KISR establish department for improving the capabilities of the staff at as well as those at local and regional organizations through: long-term and short-term training programs Workshops & Seminars In-House Courses Scholarship
Impact on Kuwait Society & the Economy The research output serves different agencies in the State of Kuwait such as Environmental Public Authority, Public Authority of Agriculture and Fish Resources Affairs, Kuwait University, and the Regional Organization for the Protection of the Marine Environment (ROPME) as well as other international organizations.
TISSUE CULTURE: MASS PRODUCTION TECHNIQUES FOR HIGH QUALITY CROPS • During the past 10 years, KISR has developed tissue culture technologies on mass production of elite date palm cultivars, superior quality of seed potatoes, medicinal and native plants. • Current production is 25,000 to 30,000 date palm plantlets. • KISR supply the local marker with tissue cultured date palm • KISR on process to establish tissue culture company .
BIO-PLUS: A NOVEL SOIL AMENDMENT FOR DESERT • A novel bio-product “BIO-PLUS” for improving desert soil fertility was successfully developed by the Biotechnology Department in KISR.
SOIL BIOREMEDIATION: A Cost Effective Green Technology for Soil Decontamination: • Remediation and rehabilitation of oil contaminated desert soil and the oil lakes resulted in the development of cost effective bioremediation and physical chemical technologies for treatment of oil contaminated soils and oil sludge. These technologies were field demonstrated successfully at a large scale under Kuwait conditions
The potential use of the bioremediated soil for • landscape purpose was demonstrated by the • establishment of a public park in Al-Ahmadi, • Kuwait. The composts can replace part of or all synthetic • fertilizers used in the operation.