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Cultural Business File for China

Cultural Business File for China. By: Mike Ortiz and Rampage Villalta. History: Current Business Activities. Languages and Verbal/Non-Verbal Communication.

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Cultural Business File for China

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  1. Cultural Business File for China By: Mike Ortiz and Rampage Villalta

  2. History: Current Business Activities

  3. Languages and Verbal/Non-Verbal Communication • Chinese is a family of closely-related but mutually unintelligible languages. These languages are known variously as f¨¡ngy¨¢n (regional languages), dialects of Chinese or varieties of Chinese. In all over 1.2 billion people speak one or more varieties of Chinese.All varieties of Chinese belong to the Sino-Tibetan family of languages and each one has its own dialects and sub-dialects, which are more or less mutually intelligible. • The concept of 'face' roughly translates as 'honour', 'good reputation' or 'respect'.. There are four types of 'face':1) Diu-mian-zi: this is when one's actions or deeds have been exposed to people.2) Gei-mian-zi: involves the giving of face to others through showing respect.3) Liu-mian-zi: this is developed by avoiding mistakes and showing wisdom in action.4) Jiang-mian-zi: this is when face is increased through others, i.e. someone complementing you to an associate.. It is critical you avoid losing face or causing the loss of face at all times.

  4. Education and Literacy Rates • Education ran by the ministry of education.Primary school for six years (age 6 or 7) Secondary (ages 12-18)Gov't abolished tax- funded higher education, competition on based on academic ability.more than 1,552 higher education schools available. ex(Beijing U and Tsinghua U)definition: age 15 and over can read and writetotal population: 91.6%male: 95.7%female: 87.6% (2007)

  5. Role of Social Institututions • Family: The family lineage runs through the males in the family , and family heritage is inherited through the father.Elders have the most respect and authority, families pay reverense to passed away ancestors , pesically males.One child policy : due to population boom , families are limited to one child, if policy is broken , abortion is enforced as well as a fine.Inspite of the many religions in china , Bhuddism remain most popular. Religion influences architecture and everyday life to families. Aside from families showing reverence to ancestors, high devotion is given to their beliefs. Outsourcing know as IT is one of China’s major labor force , china has a high amount of outsourcing throughout the world. China provides high amounts of services for varied countries on the planet.

  6. Shopping Practices and Commonly Eaten Food • Commonly Eaten Foods • Rice • Baozi • Rice Noodles • Glutinous Rice • Fish • Chicken Feet • Roasted Duck • TOFU • Pickled Vegetables • Dumplins • Shopping Practices • The average Chinese household consumes one fourteenth what the average American household does. In the 1990s, household income accounted for 72 percent of China’s GDP, By 2007 it had fallen to 55 percent.

  7. Major Holidays and Customs • Legal holidays in China are New Year (January 1st), a national one-day holiday; Spring Festival (New Year by the lunar calendar), a national three-day holiday; International Working Women.s Day (March 8th); Tree Planting Day (March 12th); International Labor Day (May 1st), a national one-day holiday; Chinese Youth Festival (May 4th); International Children.s Day (June 1st); Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese People.s Liberation Army (PLA) (August 1st); Teacher.s Day (September 10th); and National Day (October 1st), a national two-day holiday.

  8. Business Practices

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