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DYG GROUP 2014. ORIENTATION 2014 TXL14S1-GROUP A. Presented by : OMOIFO, Darlington THAPA, Sandeep. Table of Content. Content Page Number Title 1 Prepared & Presented by 2 Group Members 4
Table of Content Content Page Number Title 1 Prepared & Presentedby 2 Group Members 4 OMOIFOD, Darlington 5 Nigeria & Her People 6-7 THAPA Sandeep 8-9 Nepal 10 Similarities 11 Differences 12 Conclusion 13 References 14
The Astounding DYGs GROUP DYG Members: Sandeep Thapa (Nepal) Omoifo O. Darlington (Nigeria) ThanhBinh Tran (Vietnam) Stuart Francis Bowman (USA)
Darlington Omoifo Country of Origin: Nigeria MotherTongue: English KnownLanguages:English,Esan & French
Nigeria & Her People • Nigeria is a unique country. As Africa`s foremost economy, we pride ourselves as the giant of Africa. We spearhead peace keeping missions in African countries and foster the sense of oneness amongst Africans everywhere they are found. Little wonder then other countries see us as a gift to the African continent. • The language spoken in Nigeria is officially English. The major indigenous languages are Yoruba, Hausa & Igbo. I come from a minority; the Esan People. The educational system in Nigeria is British though the curriculum is modified to be indigenous, the degrees awarded are essentially British styled.
Nigerians are culture centric. From language, dressing to marriage - cultural values are held in high esteem. One cannot be said to be married without the traditional conjugal celebration be the natives. We dress with our regalia and are very diverse with over 250 dialects with over 32 distinct cultural groups. • Darlington OMOIFO is from a monogamous family with 4 other siblings- a family of seven(7). My father is a college Provost. I had studied Biochemistry at the Prestigious University of Benin in Nigeria before coming for this total career change.
SANDEEP THAPACountry of origin: NepalMothertongue: NepaliKnownlanguages: Nepali,English,Hindi
Someinformationabout me • My home country is Nepal and hometown is Tanahun.The capital city of my country is Kathmandu. • I am theyoungestmember of my family.Ihave an elderbrother. My family is small and my grandmother , father , mother , brother and me live together. • I havestudiedphysics as major in my college. • I am good at mathsorso my teachers in college used to say. • I mostlylovespicyfoods.
Someinteresingfactsabout Nepal: • Thehighestpeak of theworld Mt. Everest is in Nepal. • Nepal is thebirthplace of lordBuddha.HewastheonewhofoundedBuddhism. • Nepal is thesecondrichest country in waterresourceswhich is after Brazil. • Thedeepestgeorge of theworld –Danageorge is located in Nepal. • Therearemanycultural and religiousplaces of Nepal whichareenlistedinWorldHeritageSites. • We Nepali enjoythelowestspeed internet in our country. • Nepal has got itsflaguniquethanany country in theworld –wehaverectangularflag.
Similarities InDYGgroupwesharethefollowingsimilarities: • Webothhadstudied at the college/university • Welovewatchingfootball. • Weenjoylistening to R&B, Rock and Pop music • Wesharesameresidenceneighbourhood; Espoo • Wearetimeconsciouspeople
Differences • Wesupportedtwodifferentcountries in the FIFA world cup 2014 - Brazil:Sandeep & Netherland:Darlington. • Darlington lovestravellingwhileSandeepprefersstaying at a place. • Wecomefromdifferentcountries. • Most of ourhavedifferentmothertongue.
Conclusion Weareculturallyuniquepeoplebutsharemanyvalues; love, happiness & togetherness in common. DYG group is diverse in mothertongue & origin, thoughweworkeffectively as a team.
References Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=342698032560596&set=a.105535689610166.12540.100004612060656&type=1&source=11 Metropolia Tuubi: https://tuubi.metropolia.fi/portal/group/tuubi/etusivu/yleiset-tyokalut/tyotilat?p_p_id=workspaces_war_workspaces&p_p_lifecycle=0&p_p_state=normal&p_p_mode=view&_workspaces_war_workspaces_workspaceid=81199202&_workspaces_war_workspaces_announcementid=276496388&_workspaces_war_workspaces_tab=announcements&_workspaces_war_workspaces_view=viewannouncement Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/nigeria http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/nepal