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Spanish I Week 2. Sra. Knutsen. Entrada – el 12 de septiembre. Have your flashcards out on the desk so I can come by and check you off.
Spanish I Week 2 Sra. Knutsen
Entrada – el 12 de septiembre Haveyourflashcardsoutonthedesk so I can come by and checkyou off. • Withthepersonnexttoyou I wantyoutoplay “slapjack” withone of yourdecks of flashcards (ifyoueachhaveonetaketurns and playwithboth). • Forthe 1st round turnonecard(Spanishside up in front of you. Thepersonwho can saywhattheitemis in English firstgetsit. Thepersonwiththemostcards at theendisthe “winner” • Forthe 2nd round turnonecard ENGLISH side up. Thepersonwho can saytheword in Spanishfirstwins.
Como empezamos el día… • Maestra: <<¡Buenas tardes clase!>> • Estudiantes: <<¡Buenas tardes maestra!>>
Objectives • I will have my textbook and know how to use it as a resource for class. • I will know which vocabulary I will need to know for our first etapa quiz next Tuesday (9/20) • I will know how to read & pronounce basic greetings & goodbyes and know when to use them.
Saludos y despedidas • Lean las conversaciones en p.3 • Try to figure out what the words/phrases mean.
Práctica • Haz actividad “A” p.4 • Get up and greet 3 people.
Entrada – 13 de septiembre • How would you greet your teacher in the afternoon? • How would you greet your friend in the afternoon? • How would you say goodbye to a friend you’ll see later? • How would you say goodbye to someone you’ll see tomorrow? Buenas tardes maestra. ¿Cómo está usted? ¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás? ¿Qué tal? ¿Cómo te va? Hasta luego. Nos vemos. Adiós. Chao.
Objectives • I will know how to introduce someone to another person. • I will be able to tell someone it was nice to meet them. • I will know who my potential partners in the class are and understand how “map partners” work in the classroom.
Introducciones/Presentaciones • ___________, te/le presento a ____________. • Use “te” whenthepersonyou are introducingis a friend. Use “le” whenthepersonyou are introducingisanadult. • Ej: Pablo, te presento a la Sra. Knutsen. Pablo, let me introduce youto Mrs. Knutsen. • Ej: Sra. Knutsen, le presento a Pablo. Mrs. Knutsen, let me introduce you to Pablo. • Mucho gusto. = Nicetomeetyou. • Igualmente. = Likewise.
Find a person you don’t know and ask them their name • Then together go up to another pair and introduce your new friend to another. • Hola! Buenos dias! Como estas? • Bien, gracias! Y tu? • Bien • ____, te presento a mi amig@ _______. _______, _________. • Mucho gusto./Igualmente. • Hasta luego! AdiOs!
Introduccion • Write 2 conversations • 1 introducing a friend to a friend • 1 introducing a friend to an adult. • Please integrate both greeting & goodbye vocabulary in addition to the specific introduction.
Yo: Hola Pablo! Buenos dIas! QuE tal? • Pablo: Muy bien, gracias! Y tU? • Yo: MAs o menos. Pablo, te presento a Nico. Nico, Pablo. • Pablo: Mucho gusto. • Nico: Igualmente. • Yo: AdiOs. • Pablo: Hasta Luego. • Nico: AdiOs.
Entrada – Hoy es el 14 de septiembre. • How would you introduce Mrs. Knutsen to your friend Sara? • How would you introduce your friend Tim to your mom? • How would you introduce your friend John to your friend Zach? • What should each of the people say to each other once they’ve been introduced? Sra. Knutsen, le presento a Sara. Tim, te presento a mi mamá/madre. John, te presento a Zach. ¡Mucho gusto!
Objectives • I will know the letters of the Spanish alphabet and how to say them. • I will know how vowels are pronounced in Spanish through learning a silly rhyme. • I will be able to spell out words if given to me using the letters in Spanish alphabet.
El alfabeto *both “ch” and “rr” were removed from the dictionaries as their own letters in 1994 **Very few words in the dictionary begin with k or w ***Because b and v sound the same there are many ways that people explain which letter they are speaking of: be grande / ve chica (México/Perú), be de burro / ve de vaca Spanish Alphabet YouTube
Los vocales a e i o u (ah) (a) (e) (o) (ew) ¡El burro sabe más que tú!
Práctica • llamo • hola • ventana • más • adiós • cuaderno • mañana • lápiz • buenos días • perro • foto • que • Yax • gustar
Deletreando Taketurnsdoingthefollowing: • Spell your name for your partner in Spanish. • Spellyourbestfriend’sname • Spellyourfavorite animal • Spellyourfavorite band *ifyourpartnerishavingproblemspronouncingtheletterscorrectlyhelpthem. Ifneither of you are sureraiseyourhand so I can help!