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Technology proposal. Chile, Arizona, and Tucson Unified School District Sara Gibbs EDTC 645 Country Proposal Summer 2013 Dr. Blesh. Chile’s technology curriculum. Decree 1: Integrate technology in various disciplines.
Technology proposal Chile, Arizona, and Tucson Unified School District Sara Gibbs EDTC 645 Country Proposal Summer 2013 Dr. Blesh
Chile’s technology curriculum • Decree 1: Integrate technology in various disciplines. • Decree 2: Use basic software in developing ICT skills in everyday situations. • Decree 3: To know how to use materials and to do so safely. • Decree 4: “communication skills, curiosity, problem solving, analysis and evaluation of critical information” • Decree 5: Establish appropriate use of objects. • Decree 6-12: Design, make, and test objects • Bases Curriculares
Arizona’s technology curriculum state standards • Arizona has 6 strands. • Strand 1: Creativity and innovation • Strand 2: Communication and collaboration • Strand 3: Research and information literacy • Strand 4: Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making • Strand 5: Digital citizenship • Strand 6: Technology operations and concepts • K-12 academic standards, Arizona
Technology plans similarities Chile Arizona Strand 2 Communication and Collaboration concept 1: Effective communications and digital interactions “PO 1. “Collaborate and communicate with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital tools to share findings and/or publish.” K-12 academic standards, Arizona • “Communicate share with others their ideas, experiences, designs, plans andresults of their work with objects and technological processes.” Bases Curriculares
Technology plans similarities Chile Arizona Strand 1 creativity and innovations concept 4 original works PO 1. “Create innovative products or projects using digital tools to express original ideas.” “Designing, making, and testing” K-12 academic standards, Arizona • “It is intended that students develop ideas and propose innovative designs to consider theircontexts” Bases Curriculares
Technology plans differences Chile Arizona Technology is a separate standard and none of the strands include integration in other subject areas. • Integrating technology in all subject areas. • “The subject of Technology is also an instance to apply and integrate the knowledge and skills in various disciplines.” Bases Curriculares
Tucson Unified School District technology plan • Uses the state standards • Technology use set up on an individual school level. • Some schools have separate technology classes that only focus on the uses of technology. • Other schools integrate the technology into the curriculum. • These ideas come from my own observances of working in the district and talking to teachers throughout the district as well as talking to technology specialists in the district.
Computers and internet in schools in Chile • “Chile’s government spent years and more than $200 million putting computers and internet connections in almost every classroom of the country’s public schools.” Bonnefoy • “Now 95 percent of public schools and state-subsidized private schools have received computers, with an average of 13 students per computer. Sixty percent of schools have access to the internet, slightly above the 55 percent national average, as estimated by the World Internet Project Report 2010.” Bonnefoy
Computers and internet in schools in the United States • “In 2009, 97 percent of teachers had one or more computers located in the classroom every day, while 54 percent could bring computers into the classroom. Internet access was available for 93 percent of the computers located in the classroom every day and for 96 percent of the computers that could be brought into the classroom. The ratio of students to computers in the classroom every day was 5.3 to 1.” Fast Facts
Computers and internet in schools in Tucson Unified School District • From the 2013 district wide survey 71% of teachers say “Students have adequate access to computers at this school.” • 88% of teachers say “Teachers and staff have adequate access to computers at this school.” • 80% of teachers say “Teachers at this school regularly integrate technology into their daily lesson plans and homework assignments.” • 2013 School Quality Survey Results
Proposal to Arizona policy writers • For Arizona technology in education policy writers to include: • Technology to be integrated into each subject matter. • Technology to be used as a tool to teach the subject matter, not just teaching technology alone.
Proposal to Tucson Unified School District policy writers • For TUSD technology in education policy writers to include: • The increase of quantity of computers in the classrooms for students and teachers. • The increase of professional developments on technology for teachers • An accountability report for teachers to integrate technology in their subject matter.
Sources • Bases Curriculares. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.mineduc.cl/index5_int.php?id_portal=47&id_contenido=17116&id_seccion=3264&c=1 • Bonnefoy, P. (2010). “Chile’s wired classrooms” Retrieved from http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/education/100427/computers-classroom-internet • Fast Facts. (2009). National center for education statistics. Retrieved from http://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=46 • K-12 academic standards. Arizona department of education. Retrieved from http://www.azed.gov/standards-practices/2009-technology-standard/
Sources • 2013 School Quality Survey Results. Retrieved from https://tusdstats.tusd1.org/paweb/utility/SQS/SQS_Summary.aspx