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Matter is anything that has mass and volume. Mass: amt of matter in an object, measured in grams Volume: amt of space an object takes up, measured in ml or cc If it’s not matter, it’s energy. 3 phases of matter: solid, liquid, gas. Matter. What phases of matter do you see?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Matter is anything that has mass and volume. • Mass: amt of matter in an object, measured in grams • Volume: amt of space an object takes up, measured in ml or cc • If it’s not matter, it’s energy. • 3 phases of matter: solid, liquid, gas Matter

  2. What phases of matter do you see?

  3. States of Matter A. The Kinetic Theory 1. All matter is composed of small particles (atoms, molecules, or ions). 2. They are in constant, random motion. 3. They constantly collide with each other and with the walls of their container.

  4. B. Phase Properties Particle Properties Phase Proximity Energy Motion Volume Shape Solid close little vibration definite definite Liquid close moderate rotational definite indefinite Gas far apart a lot violent indefinite indefinite

  5. C. Other States • BEC Bose Einstein Condensate • a. Extremely low temperatures atoms behave as a single particle 2. Plasma a. Hot, ionized gas particles. b. Electrically charged. c. Most common state in universe.

  6. The energy an object has because of the movement of its atoms and molecules which are continuously jiggling and moving around, hitting each other and other objects. • Think stove Heat

  7. What happens when we add energy to an object? Its atoms and molecules move faster increasing its energy of motion or heat. Melting or vaporization can occur. • What happens when energy is taken out of an object? Molecules slow down. Condensation or freezing can occur. • Even objects which are very cold have some heat energy because their atoms are still moving. More Heat

  8. A measure of the average heat or thermal energy of the particles in a substance What are the states of matter shown above? What is the phase change that is happening? What would be the temperature during this phase change? Temperature

  9. Notice that as phase change is occurring, the temperature is not changing. Phase change graph

  10. Physical changes may or may not require heat energy to occur. They do not make a new substance. Ex: ripping paper Chemical changes require energy to occur. They make a completely different substance. Ex: burning paper Is a phase change a chemical or physical change? Physical vs chemical change

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