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Emotional Intelligence and Leadership. 19th Public Procurement Forum October 28-31, 2007 Hampton Roads, Virginia Dick Harshberger Presenting. Dick Harshberger Presenting. When It Comes To Emotional Intelligence. HOW SAVVY ARE YOU?.
Emotional Intelligenceand Leadership 19th PublicProcurement Forum October 28-31, 2007 Hampton Roads, Virginia Dick Harshberger Presenting Dick Harshberger Presenting
When It Comes To Emotional Intelligence... HOW SAVVY ARE YOU?
1. You are on an airplane that suddenly hits extremely bad turbulence and begins rocking from side to side. What do you do? • Continue to read your book or magazine, or watch the movie, trying to pay little attention to the turbulence. • Become vigilant for an emergency, carefully monitoring the stewardesses and reading the emergency instructions card. • A little of both A. and B. • Not sure – never noticed
2. You are in a meeting when a colleague takes credit for work that you have done. What do you do? • Immediately and publicly confront the colleague over the ownership of your work. • After the meeting, take the colleague aside and tell her that you would appreciate in the future that she credits you when speaking of your work. • Nothing, it’s not a good idea to embarrass colleagues in public • After the colleague speaks, publicly thank her for referencing your work and give the group more specific detail about what you were trying to accomplish.
3. You are a customer service representative and have just gotten an extremely angry client on the phone. What do you do? • Hang-up. It doesn’t pay to take abuse from anyone. • Listen to the client and rephrase what you gather he is feeling. • Explain to the client that he is being unfair, that you are only trying to do you’re your job, and you would appreciate it if he wouldn’t get in the way of this. • Tell the client you understand how frustrating this must be for him, and offer a specific thing you can do to help him get his problem resolved.
4. You are a college student who had hoped to get an A in a course that was important for your future career aspirations. You have just found out you got a C minus on the midterm. What do you do? • Sketch out a specific plan for ways to improve your grade and resolve to follow through. • Decide you do not have what it takes to make it in that career. • Tell yourself it really doesn’t matter how much you do in the course, concentrate instead on other classes where your grades are higher • Go see the professor and try to talk her into giving you a better grade
5.You are a manager in an organization that is trying to encourage respect for racial and ethnic diversity. You overhear someone telling a racist joke. What do you do? • Ignore it. The best way to deal with these things is not to react. • Call the person into your office and explain that their behavior is inappropriate and is grounds for disciplinary action if repeated. • Speak up on the spot, saying that such jokes are inappropriate and will not be tolerated in your organization. • Suggest to the person telling the joke he go through a diversity training program.
6. You are an insurance salesman calling on prospective clients. You have left the last 15 clients empty handed. What do you do? • Call it a day and go home early to miss rush hour traffic. • Try something new in the next call, and keep plugging away. • List your strengths and weaknesses to identify what may be undermining your ability to sell. • Sharpen up your resume.
7. You are trying to calm down a colleague who has worked herself into a fury because the driver of another car has cut dangerously close in front of her. What do you do? • Tell her to forget about it—she’s OK now and it is no big deal. • Put on one of her favorite tapes and try to distract her. • Join her in criticizing the other driver. • Tel her about a time when something like this happened to you, and how angry you felt, until you saw the other driver was on the way to the hospital.
8. A discussion between you and your partner has escalated into a shouting match. You are both upset and in the heat of the argument, start making personal attacks which neither of you really mean. What is the best thing to do? • Agree to take a 20-minute break before continuing the discussion. • Go silent, regardless of what your partner says. • Say you are sorry and ask your partner to apologize too. • Stop for a moment, collect your thoughts, then restate your side of the case as precisely as possible
9. You have been given the task of managing a team that has been unable to come up with a creative solution to a work problem. What is the first thing that you do? • Draw up an agenda, call a meeting and allot a specific period of time to discuss each item. • Organize an off-site meeting aimed specifically at encouraging the team to get to know each other better. • Begin by asking each person individually for ideas about how to solve the problem. • Start out with a brainstorming session, encourage each person to say whatever comes to mind, no matter how wild.
10. You have recently been assigned a young manager in your team, and have noticed that he appears to be unable to make the simplest of decisions without seeking advice from you. What do you do? • Accept that he “does not have what it takes to succeed around here” and find others in your team to take on his tasks. • Get an HR manager to talk to him about where he sees his future in the organization. • Purposely give him lots of complex decisions to make so that he will become more confident in the role. • Engineering an ongoing series of challenging but manageable experiences for him, and make yourself available to act as his mentor.
What is Emotional Intelligence? Emotional intelligence is not about being nice all the time. • It is about being honest. Emotional intelligence is not about being “touchy-feely.” • It is about being aware of your feelings, and those of others. Emotional intelligence is not about being emotional. • It is about being smart with your emotions.
“We are being judged by a new yardstick; not just how smart we are, or by our training and expertise, but also how well we handle ourselves and each other.” Daniel Goleman, Ph.D. Working with Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence will be an important key to leadership in the future.
BUT! This conclusion is more a function of belief and values, than based on traces of what we can see today. it is no longer enough to lead by virtue of power alone.
Fundamental Questions • What emotional resources do leaders need to thrive amidst chaos and turbulent change? 2. How do leaders create an emotional organizational climate that fosters creative innovations, change, performance, or lasting relationships?
Today’s business/public environments and people issues are far too complex to return to a top-down, power based style leadership. it is no longer enough to lead by virtue of power alone.
But we still tend to use the old language to describe leadership: • bold, • brave • tough • a strong sense of purpose and resolve.
These Attributes Do Not Fit Today's Needs • Today’s workforce does not accept the autocratic style often adopted by leaders following historical models of leadership. • Leadership has had to evolve to match a growing sense of democracy and independence in the workforce • Employees now have far more options and choices than the foot soldiers of yesterday
Leaders now need to manage and lead an empowered workforce and go beyond the consultative, co-operative and democratic styles of today. These new demands include:
Consultation and involvementbut leaders still get criticized for not having and communicating a compelling vision and purpose.
Autonomy And Freedombut leaders are still expected to take full responsibility when things go wrong.
Opportunities For Growth, Challenge And Glorybut leaders must be on hand to coach and mentor us so that we develop our potential.
Inclusion And Team Spiritbut we still want our leaders to give us individual recognition and acknowledgement.
The “nice-is-good” theme. it is no longer enough to lead by virtue of power alone.
Remember! Emotional intelligence is not about being nice all the time. • It is about being honest. Emotional intelligence is not about being “touchy-feely.” • It is about being aware of your feelings, and those of others. Emotional intelligence is not about being emotional. • It is about being smart with your emotions.
DISCUSSION “In politics, it is much safer to be feared than to be loved.” • Machiavelli – The Prince Do You Agree?
Pope John Paul II Leaders need more than ever to appear nice, and renewed leadership agendas are needed. it is no longer enough to lead by virtue of power alone. Gandhi Ataturk
Emotional Intelligence does not fit the classic historical models of leadership. it is no longer enough to lead by virtue of power alone.
Today’s Training Will Help You • Understand emotional intelligence and why it is important to personal and professional success. • Recognize five competencies you can work on to increase your level of emotional intelligence. • Listen to and employ your emotions for better decision making. • Show you care, and build trust by displaying sensitivity and concern. • Use your energy and enthusiasm to motivate others.
Self-Awareness • Self-Regulation Relate to Ourselves • Self-Motivation • Empathy Relate to Others • Effective Relationships The Five Essential Competencies of Emotional Intelligence
Personal Benefits of Emotional Intelligence • Greater career success • Stronger personal relationships • Increased optimism and confidence • Better health
Professional Benefits of Emotional Intelligence • Effective leadership skills • Improved communication • Less workplace conflict • Better problem solving skills • Increased likelihood of promotion
What is Leadership? SELF-ALIGNMENT Self-Understanding Resiliency Customer Orientation Business Acumen Project Leadership Managing Change Relationship Skills Communication Coaching/Mentoring Actualizing Vision LEADERSHIP IN THE MIDDLE WORKING WITH OTHERS INTEGRATION
DISCUSSION Note How Many of the Leadership Competencies Rely On High Emotional Intelligence!
The 10 Leadership Competencies • WORKING WITH OTHERS: Communication Skills: • Understand and adapt to your audience - helping others learn • Express intention clearly and concisely in written communications • Build collaboration and clearly articulate intention in verbal communications • Formal presentation skills • Listen for understanding • Manage flow of communication/information • WORKING WITH OTHERS: Employee Development (Coach & Motivate) • Motivating employees to high performance • Coaching for development and improved performance • Manage with appreciation/respect for diversity of individual values and needs • Delegate tasks as needed and with awareness of employee development opportunities • Select appropriate staff to fulfill specific project needs and responsibilities • ALIGNMENT: Customer Orientation • Understand and apply customer needs and expectations • Gather customer requirements and input • Partner with customer in gathering requirements, maintaining communication flow and managing work • Set and monitor performance standards • SELF UNDERSTANDING: Self-Assessment • Develop clarity of personal values, purpose and vision • Develop and execute a personal strategy • Demonstrate authenticity through behavioral alignment with values and vision • Taking accountability for personal and leadership actions • SELF UNDERSTANDING: Resiliency • Willingness to jump in and get things started • Seek opportunities for performance improvement and development • Build off of others ideas for the benefit of the decision • Maintain appropriate, empowered attitude • Persistence in managing and overcoming adversity • Act proactively in seeking new opportunities • Prioritization, time management • WORKING WITH OTHERS: Interpersonal & Relationship Skills • Understand and appreciate diversity of perspective and style • Participate and contribute fully as a team member • Demonstrate empathy and understanding • Build trust and demonstrate trustworthiness
The 10 Leadership Competencies • ALIGNMENT: Strategic Business Acumen • Demonstrate ability to ethically build support for a perspective you feel strongly about • Holistic view - think in terms of the entire system and the effects and consequences of actions and decisions • Operate with an awareness of marketplace competition and general landscape of related business arenas • General business acumen - functions of strategic planning, finance, marketing, manufacturing, R&D, etc. • ALIGNMENT: Project Leadership • Set, communicate and monitor milestones and objectives • Gain and maintain buy in from sponsors and customers • Prioritize and allocate resources • Manage multiple, potentially conflicting priorities across various/diverse disciplines • Maintain an effective, interactive and productive team culture • Manage budget and project progress • Manage risk versus reward and ROI equations • Balance established standards with need for exceptions in decision-making • Make timely decisions in alignment with customer and business pace • WORKING WITH OTHERS: Creating and Actualizing Vision • Create a clear and inspirational vision of the desired outcome • Align the vision with broader organizational strategies • Translate the vision into manageable action steps • Communicate vision to enroll/enlist staff, sponsors and customers • Influence and Evangelize (sales, negotiation) • Gather appropriate input • Understand individual motivators and decision-making styles and utilize to enroll others • Facilitate win/win solutions • ALIGNMENT: Create, Support and Manage Change • Improvement Initiatives (three levels: managing your own transition / transformation, managing a corporate (external) change initiative, coaching others through transition) • Identify and implement appropriate change initiatives/efforts • Promote and build support for change initiatives • Understand cost/benefit and ROI of change initiatives • Manage transition with employees - guiding and supporting the change process • Support staff in navigating transitional process/challenges through organizational change • Demonstrate and build resilience in the face of change
“If you understand your own feelings you get a really great handle on how you’re going to interact and perform with others… So one of the first starting points is, ‘what’s going on inside of me?’” Chuck Wolfe President, C. J. Wolfe Associates, LLC
E N E R G Y S O U R C E Extraversion Introversion P E R C E I V I N G F U N C T I O N Sensing iNtuition J U D G I N G F U N C T I O N Thinking Feeling L I F E S T Y L E O R I E N T A T I O N Judging Perceiving Your four-letter type represents a preference from each of the above four dichotomies. Here are the sixteen possible combinations: ISTJ ISFJ INFJ INTJ ISTP ISFP INFP INTP ESTP ESFP ENFP ENTP ESTJ ESFJ ENFJ ENTJ © Otto Kroeger Associates 1999
The Temperaments: A Summary David Keirsey’s 2 letter Temperament combinations (NF,NT,SJ,SP)give the widest behavioral prediction with the highest accuracy. 4 TYPES TEMPERAMENT QUEST STYLE ACHILLES HEEL ENFJ INFJ NF Identity Catalyst Guilt ENFP INFP ENTJ INTJ NT Competency Visionary Incompetence ENTP INTP ESTJ Belonging to ISTJ Stabilizer or Disarray or SJ Meaningful ESFJ Traditionalist Disorganization Institutions ISFJ ESTP Trouble ISTP Routine or SP Action Shooter ESFP Inactivity or Negotiator ISFP © Otto Kroeger Associates 1999
Descriptors “D” “I” “S” “C” Demanding Egocentric Driving Ambitious Pioneering Strong-Willed Forceful Determined Aggressive Competitive Decisive Venturesome Inquisitive Responsible Conservative Calculating Cooperative Hesitant Low-Key Unsure Undemanding Cautious Mild Agreeable Modest Peaceful Unobtrusive Effusive Convincing Superficial Magnetic Political Enthusiastic Demonstrative Persuasive Warm Convincing Polished Poised Optimistic Trusting Sociable Reflective Factual Calculating Skeptical Logical Undemonstrative Suspicious Matter-of-Fact Incisive Pessimistic Moody Critical Evasive Worrisome Careful Dependent Cautious Conventional Exacting Neat Systematic Diplomatic Accurate Tactful Open-Minded Balanced Judgment Firm Independent Self-Willed Stubborn Obstinate Opinionated Unsystematic Self-Righteous Uninhibited Arbitrary Unbending Careless with Details Phlegmatic Relaxed Resistant to Change Nondemonstrative Passive Patient Possessive Predictable Consistent Deliberate Steady Stable Mobile Active Restless Alert Variety-Oriented Demonstrative Impatient Pressure-Oriented Eager Flexible Impulsive Impetuous Hypertense YOU ARE ALL! ENERGY LINE
Adapted Style 100 100 90 90 D D I I S S C C 80 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 Adapted Natural YOUR “PERFECT PLACE” HOW YOU ADAPT
Practicing Self-Awareness: • Awareness of our own emotional states is the foundation of all the E.I. skills. • Learn to “tune-in” to your emotions – they can give you valid information about your responses to stressful situations. • Recognize the importance of emotions even in • “technical” fields.
Covey’s Paradigm Covey’s Paradigm