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A collation of data and statistics for Pfizer BioNTech BNT162b2 Gene Therapy from early 2020 (updated February 2021)
BioNTech and Pfizer modRNA-BasedCOVID-19 Vaccine BNT162b2 Updated: February 12, 2021
BioNTech and Pfizer BioNTech– Phase 2/3 July 27, 30 µg dose level in a 2 dose regime, 30,000 volunteers, 18 – 85 years. Proposed to be ready October 2020 modRNA-BasedCOVID-19 Vaccine BNT162b2Selected for a Pivotal Efficacy Study. 2 lipid nanoparticle–formulated, nucleoside-modified RNA (modRNA) vaccine candidates were evaluated in the US Phase 1 portion of the trial which encodes an optimized SARS--CoV--2 full--length spike glycoprotein, The RNA is optimized for high stability and translation efficiency [13,14] and incorporates 1-methyl-pseudouridine instead of uridineto dampen innate immune sensing and to increase mRNA translation in vivo (Toll-Like Receptors 7/8) Sponsors: Pfizer, Fosun(China) Collaborations: Genmab, Sanofi, Bayer Animal Health, Genentech, a member of the Roche Group, Genevant, Target: SARS-CoV-2 full-length ‘S’ spike glycoprotein, spike T cell epitopes Measuring: CD4+ and IL-2 induced CD8+ T cell response. Transient increase in C-reactive protein (CRP) and temporary reduction of blood lymphocyte counts, indicator of vaccine adjuvant activity (lymphocytes into lymphoid tissues – See Adenovirus and collective immunity, but not in children) Interleukinsmonitored: IL-2, IL-4 Special Note: IL-2 induces regulatory T-Cells (Tregs) for cell mediated immunity, not adaptive immunity or humoral“ 1Non-peer reviewed study: RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccine BNT162b2 Selected for a Pivotal Efficacy Study 2Pfizer and BioNTech Choose Lead mRNA Vaccine Candidate Against COVID-19 and Commence Pivotal Phase 2/3 Global Study
Phase 1/2 Study to Describe the Safety and Immunogenicity of a COVID-19 RNA Vaccine Candidate (BNT162b1) in Adults 18 to 55 Years of Age: Interim Report (not certified by peer review) – July 1, 2020 re: Clinical; Trial NCT04380701 April 23, 2020 - 45 participants were randomized and vaccinated 12participantsper dose level (10 μg and 30 μg), were vaccinatedwith BNT162b1on Days 1 and 21 and 12 participants received a 100 μg dose on Day 1. 9 participants received placebo Vaccine RNA can be modified byincorporating 1-methyl-pseudouridine which dampens innate immune sensing and increases mRNA translation in vivo [10]. The BNT162b1 vaccine candidate now being studied clinically incorporates such nucleoside modified RNA (modRNA) and encodes the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, a key target of virus neutralizing antibodies [11] The vaccine RNA is formulated in lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) for more efficient deliveryinto cells after intramuscular injection[14]. In the 7 days following either Dose 1 or 2, pain at the injection site was the most frequent prompted local reaction, reported after Dose 1 by 58.3% (7/12) in the 10 μg, 100.0% (12/12 each) in the 30 μg and 100 μg BNT162b1groups, and by 22.2% (2/9) of placebo recipients. After Dose 2, pain was reported by 83.3% and 100.0% of BNT162b1 recipients at the 10 μg and 30 μg dose levels, respectively, and by 16.7 % of placebo recipients. One participant each in the 10 μg group (8.3% [1/12]) and 30 μg group (9.1% [1/11]) dose levels and 4 participants at the 100 μg group (33.3% [4/12]) had Grade 3 decreases inlymphocytes. These post Dose 1decreases inlymphocyte count, were transient and returned to normal 6-8 days after vaccination. In addition, Grade 2 neutropenia was noted 6-8 days after the second dose of 10 μg or 30 μg BNT162b1, in 1 participant each.
RNA vaccines are known to induce type I interferonwhich has been associated with transient migration of lymphocytesinto tissues [15, 16, 17,18] Since the 100 μg dose level cohort was not boosted, no corresponding data for immunogenicity after a second vaccination are available however there were no substantial differences in immunogenicity between the 30 μg and 100 μg dose levels after Dose 1. This observation suggests that a well-tolerated and immunogenic dose level may be between 10 μg and 30 μg for thisvaccine candidate Our study had several limitations. While we used convalescent sera as a comparator, the kind of immunity (T cells versus B cells or both) and level of immunity needed to protect from COVID-19are unknown. Further, this analysis of available data did not assess immune responses or safety beyond 2 weeks after the second dose of vaccine. Both are important to inform the public health use of this vaccine. Later phases of this study will prioritize enrolment of more diverse populations, including those with chronic underlying health conditions and from racial/ethnic groups adversely affected by COVID-19 [19] Role of the funding source: BioNTech is the Sponsor of the study. Pfizerwas responsible for the design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, and writing of the report.
Concurrent human antibody and TH1 type T-cell responseselicited by a COVID-19 RNA vaccine (not certified by peer review) – July 20, 2020 (27 pages) On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak a pandemic. Recently, we reported safety, tolerability and antibody response data from an on-going placebo-controlled, observer-blinded phase 1/2COVID-19 vaccine trial with BNT162b1, a lipid nanoparticle (LNP) formulated nucleoside modified messenger RNA encoding the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein Two doses of 1 to 50 μgof BNT162b1 elicited robust CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses and strong antibody responses, with RBD binding IgG concentrations clearly above those in a COVID-19 convalescent human serum panel (HCS). Two Phase 1/2 umbrella trials in Germany and the USinvestigate several LNP-encapsulated RNA vaccine candidates developed in `Project Lightspeed`. Recently, we have reported interim data obtained in the US trial (NCT04368728) for the most advanced candidate BNT162b11 [1] (See next slide) The RNA is optimized for high stability and translation efficiency [13,14] and incorporates 1-methyl-pseudouridine instead of uridineto dampeninnate immune sensing and to increase mRNA translation in vivo [15] RBD-binding IgG concentrations and SARS-CoV-2 neutralising titers in sera increased with dose level and after a second dose. This study now complements our previous report with available data from the German trial (NCT04380701, EudraCT: 2020-001038-36), providing a detailed characterisation of antibody and T cell immune responses elicited by BNT162b1 vaccination.
Actual Study Start Date: April 29, 2020 Estimated Primary Completion Date: April 19, 2021 Estimated Study Completion Date: November 14, 2022 29,481 participants – 2 dose regimen
Between 23 April 2020 and 22 May 2020, 60 participants were vaccinated with BNT162b1 in Germany. Twelve participants per 1 μg, 10 μg, 30 μg, and 50 μg dose level groups received a first dose on Day 1 and were boostedon Day 22 The study population consisted of healthy males and non-pregnant females with a mean age of 41 years (range 18 to 55 years) with equal gender distribution. Most participants were Caucasian (96.7%) with one African American and one Asian participant (1.7% each). Whereas no relevant change in routine clinical laboratory values occurred after BNT162b1 vaccination, a transient increase in C-reactive protein (CRP) and temporary reduction of blood lymphocyte counts were observed in a dose-dependent manner in vaccinated participants CRP is a well-known inflammatory serum proteinpreviously described as biomarker for various infectious disease vaccines and anindicator of vaccine adjuvant activity[16–19]. Based on our previous clinical experience with RNA vaccines the transient decrease in lymphocytes is likely attributable to innate immune stimulation-related redistribution of lymphocytes intolymphoid tissues [20]. Both parameters are considered pharmacodynamics markers for the mode-of-action of RNA vaccines To demonstrate the breadth of the neutralising response, a panel of 16 SARS-CoV-2 RBD variants identified through publicly available information [21] and the dominant (non-RBD) spike variant D614G[22] was evaluated in pseudovirion neutralisation assays. Sera collected 7 days after the second dose of BNT162b1showed high neutralising titers to each of the SARS-CoV-2 spike variants (Figure 2c). (Note: mutantD614G is apparently the more dominant mutation since June, 2020 with a few amino acid substitutions which studies suggest promotesmore ACE2 cell expression) with the help of furin cleavage which allows infectivity and binding to more cell types).
CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses in BNT162b1immunisedparticipantswere characterised prior to priming vaccination (Day 1) and 7 days after boost vaccination (on Day 29) using direct ex vivo IFN-γ ELISpotwith peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from 36 participants across the 1 μg to 50 μg dose-level cohorts The strength of RBD-specific CD4+ T cell responses correlated positively with both RBD-binding IgG and with SARS-CoV-2 neutralising antibody titers, in line with the concept of intramolecular help[23] The strengthof RBD-specific CD8+ T cell responses correlated positively with vaccine-inducedCD4+ T cell responses, but did not significantly correlate with SARS-CoV-2 neutralising antibody titers (Note: CD8+ Cells are not the dominant immune cell as much as the CD4+ is the driving engine. More on this in another presentation and CD4+ and CD8+ in pathogenimmunity concerning Regulatory Cells or Tregs and IL-2R) To assess functionality and polarisation of RBD-specific T cells, cytokinessecreted in response to stimulation with overlapping peptides representing the full length sequence of the vaccine encoded RBDwere determined by intracellular staining (ICS) for IFN-γ, IL-2 and IL-4 specific responses in pre- and post-vaccination PBMCsof 18 BNT162b1immunised participants. RBD-specific CD4+ T cells secretedIFN-γ, IL-2, or both, but did not secreteIL-4. Similarly, fractions of RBD-specific CD8+ T cells secreted IFN-γ + and IL-2. Fractions of RBD-specific IFNγ+ CD8+ T cells reached up to several percent of total peripheral blood CD8+ T cells. Analysis of supernatants of PBMCs stimulated ex vivo with overlapping RBD peptides from a subgroup of five vaccinated participants detected pro-inflammatorycytokines TNF, IL-1βand IL-12p70, but neither IL-4 nor IL-5
In summary, these findings indicate that BNT162b1 induces functional and pro-inflammatoryCD4+/CD8+ T cell responses in almost all participants, with TH1 polarisation of the helper response. We observed concurrent production of neutralising antibodies, activationofvirus-specificCD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and robust release of immune-modulatory cytokines such as IFN-γ, which representsa coordinated immune response to counter a viral intrusion(for review 24). IFN-γ is a key cytokine for several antiviral responses. It acts in synergy with type I interferonsto inhibit replication of SARS-CoV-2 [25] The detection of IFN-γ, IL-2 and IL-12p70but not IL-4indicates a favourable TH1 profile and the absence of a potentially deleterious TH2 immune response. CD4+ and CD8+ T cells mayconferlong-lasting immunity against corona viruses as indicated in SARS-CoV-1 survivors, where CD8+ T-cell immunity persisted for 6-11 years [24,27]. A notable observationis that two injections of BNT162b1 at a dose level as low as 1 μg are capable of inducing RBD-bindingIgG levelshigher than those observed in convalescent sera, and serum neutralising antibody titers that were still increasing up to Day 43. Considering that it is not known which neutralising antibody titer would be protective, and given the substantialT-cell responses we observed for some participants in the 1 μg cohort, a considerable fraction of individuals may benefit even from this lowest tested dose level Here’s a hypothetical. Imagine if, instead of conferring protection for up to 43 days, imagine if this was reversed and became a serious biological reaction or rejection that lasted 43 days as the body fights itselfrather than healing itself. And as this is an unknown, treatments for it would also be considerably unknown if the system becomes imbalanced by cytoxocity
The neutralisation assay used a previously described strain of SARS-CoV-2(USA_WA1/2020) that had been rescued by reverse genetics and engineered by the insertion of an mNeonGreen (mNG) geneintoopen reading frame 7of the viral genome [29] Vero cells (ATCC CCL-81) and Vero E6 cells (ATCC CRL-1586) were cultured in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) with GlutaMAX™ (Gibco) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) (Sigma-Aldrich). Cell lines were tested for mycoplasma contamination after receipt and before expansion and cryopreservation. VSV-SARS-CoV-2 spike variant pseudovirus neutralisation assay. Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV)-SARS-CoV-2-S pseudoparticle generation and neutralisation assays were performed as previously described [21]. Briefly, human codon optimized SARS-CoV-2 spike (GenBank: MN908947.3) was synthesised (Genscript) and cloned into an expression plasmid. Amino acid substitutions were cloned into the spike expression plasmid using site-directed mutagenesis. HEK293T cells (ATCC CRL-364 3216) were seeded and transfected the following day with spike expression. At 24 hours post-transfection at 37 °C, cells were infected with the VSVΔG:mNeon/VSV-G virus; the supernatant containing VSV-SARS-CoV-2-S pseudoparticles was collected, centrifuged at 3000xg for 5 minutes to clarify and stored at -80 °C until further use.
July 27,, 2020 D614G mutant known before July 20, 2020
Actual Study Start Date: April 23, 2020 Estimated Primary Completion Date: November 2020 Estimated Study Completion Date: November 2020 456 participants Four Prophylactic SARS-CoV-2 RNA Vaccines Against COVID-2019 Using Different Dosing Regimens
RNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccine BNT162b2 Selected for a Pivotal Efficacy Study (not certified by peer review): Healthy adults 18–55 and 65–85 years of age We now present additional safety and immunogenicity data from the US Phase 1 trial that supported selection of the vaccine candidate advanced to a pivotal Phase 2/3 safety and efficacy evaluation. These results support selection of the BNT162b2 vaccine candidate for Phase 2/3 large-scalesafety and efficacy evaluation, currently underway BioNTechand Pfizerlaunched an unprecedented and coordinated program to compare 4 RNA-based COVID-19 pandemic vaccine candidates in umbrella-type clinical studies conducted in Germany (BNT162-01) and the US (C4591001). The program was designed to support the selection of a single vaccine candidate and dose level for a pivotal global safety and efficacy trial. Here we report the full set of safety and immunogenicity data from the Phase 1 portion of an on-going randomized, placebo-controlled, observer-blinded dose-escalation US trial that was used to select the final vaccine candidate, BNT162b2, as well as comparison of the safety and immunogenicity of both vaccinecandidates(ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT04368728). These datainclude evaluation of 10-μg, 20-μg, and 30-μg dose levels of BNT162b1 in 65–85 year old adults and of an additional 20-μg dose level in 18–55 year old adults. The neutralization assay used a previously described strain of SARS-CoV-2 (USA_WA1/2020) that had been rescued by reverse genetics and engineered by the insertion of an mNeonGreen gene (mNG) into open reading frame 7 of the viral genome [11,12]. Both vaccines elicited lower antigen-binding IgG and neutralizing responses in 65–85 year olds compared to 18–55 year olds
The data set presented here guided our decision to advance BNT162b2 (which expresses the full-length spike) at the 30-μgdose level into the Phase 2/3, global safety and efficacy evaluationin participants 18–85 years of age Short-lived declines in post-vaccinationlymphocyte counts were without evidence of associated clinical impact, were observed across age groups, and likely reflect temporary redistribution of lymphocytes from the bloodstream to lymphoid tissuesas a functional response to the immune stimulation of immunization [13,14,15,16] The reasonfor the lower reactogenicity of BNT162b2 compared to BNT162b1is not certain, given that BNT162b1 and BNT162b2 share the same modRNA platform, RNA production and purification processes, and LNP formulation. RNA vaccines require vaccine RNA translation in the host to express antigen, thus higher reactogenicity may be associated with an innate immune shutdown of host cell translation that can result in suboptimal antigen presentation and lower immunogenicity. This study and interim reporthave several limitations. First, at the time of publication, data onimmuneresponses or safety beyond 7 daysafter Dose 2 were not available. Second, we do not yet know the relative importance of humoral and cellular immunity in protection from COVID-19.. cellular immune responses elicited by BNT162b2 are still being studied and will be reported separately. Third, although the serum neutralizing responses elicited by the vaccine candidates relative to those elicited by natural infection are highly encouraging, the degree of protection against COVID-19 provided by this or any other benchmark is unknown.
Many of the limitations to this study are now being addressed in the global Phase 2/3 portion of this study, while we expand our RNA vaccine manufacturing and distribution capacity. In this pivotal study, we are assessing the safety and efficacy of 2 doses of 30 μg BNT162b2 in up to 30,000 participants(randomized 1:1 with placebo) from diverse backgrounds and individuals from racial and ethnic backgrounds at higher riskfor severe COVID-19 [22] Role of the funding source BioNTechis the sponsor of the study. Pfizerwas responsible for the design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, and writing of the report. The corresponding authors had full access to all the data in the study and had final responsibility for the decision to submit the data for publication. All study data were available to all authors
B1 – BNT162b1; B2 – BNT162b2 10 = 10 μg; 20 = 20 μg; 30 = 30 μg; P= placebo;
BNT162b1; B2 – BNT162b2 10 = 10 μg; 20 = 20 μg; 30 = 30 μg; P= placebo;
Actual Study Start Date: April 29, 2020 Estimated Primary Completion Date: April 19, 2021 Estimated Study Completion Date: November 14, 2022 29,481 participants – 2 dose regimen
Actual Study Start Date: April 29, 2020 Estimated Primary Completion Date: April 19, 2021 Estimated Study Completion Date: November 14, 2022 29,481 participants – 2 dose regimen
This temporaryAuthorisationunder Regulation 174 permits the supply of identified COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 batches, based on the safety, quality and efficacy data submitted by Pfizer/BioNTech to MHRA in the period from 1st October to 2 December 2020
Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine - December 31, 2020 - C4591001 data 43,548 participants - 43,448 received injections: 21,720 with BNT162b2 and 21,728 with placebo. CONCLUSIONS A two-dose regimen of BNT162b2 conferred 95% protection against Covid-19in persons 16 years of age or older. Safety over a median of 2 months was similar to that of other viral vaccines. (Funded by BioNTechand Pfizer; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT04368728.) Here, we report safety and efficacy findings from the phase 2/3 part of a global phase 1/2/3 trial evaluating the safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy of 30 μg of BNT162b2 in preventing Covid-19in persons 16 years of age or older. This data set and these trial results are the basis for an application for emergency use authorization.9 Collection of phase 2/3 data on vaccineimmunogenicity and the durabilityof the immune response to immunization is on-going, and those data arenot reportedhere. Between July 27, 2020, and November 14, 2020, a total of 44,820 persons were screened, and 43,548persons 16 years of age or older underwent randomization at 152 sites worldwide (United States, 130 sites; Argentina, 1; Brazil, 2; South Africa, 4; Germany, 6; and Turkey, 9) in the phase 2/3 portion of the trial. (cut-off date: October 9) Among these 37,706 participants, 49% were female, 83% were White, 9% were Blackor African American, 28% were Hispanic or Latinx, 35% were obese. and 21% had at least one coexisting condition. The median age was 52 years, and 42% of participants were older than 55 years of age
Two BNT162b2 recipients died (one from arteriosclerosis, one from cardiac arrest), as did four placebo recipients (two from unknown causes, one from hemorrhagic stroke, and one from myocardial infarction). No deaths were considered by the investigators to be related to the vaccine or placebo. Safety monitoring will continue for 2 years after administration of the second dose of vaccine.
Immunogenic BNT162b vaccines protect rhesus macaques from SARS-CoV-2 Accelerated Article Preview Published online 1 February 2021 The vaccine candidates protect macaques from SARS-CoV-2 challenge, with BNT162b2 protecting the lower respiratory tractfrom the presence of viral RNA and with no evidence of disease enhancement. Both candidates are being evaluated in phase 1 trials in Germany and the United States1–3. BNT162b2 is being evaluated in an on-going global, pivotal Phase 2/3 trial (Germany NCT04380701, US NCT04368728). Here, we report the preclinical development of the LNP formulated N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ) nucleoside-modified mRNA(modRNA) BNT162b vaccine candidates that encode SARS-CoV-2 S-derived immunogens (Fig. 1a). The m1Ψ-modification dampens innate immune sensing and, together with optimised non-coding sequence elements, increases efficiency of RNA translation in vivo16–18. Vaccine-induced effectson the proliferation and dynamics of immune cell populationswere assessed in injection site draining lymph nodes(dLNs), to evaluate the principal immune-educated compartments for proficient T- and B-cell priming, as well as in blood and spleen, to evaluate systemic vaccine effects. Higher numbers of plasma cells, class switched IgG1- and IgG2a-positive B cells, and germinal center B cells were observed in dLNs, and higher numbers of class switched IgG1-positive and germinal centre B cells were observed in spleensof mice 12 days afterimmunisation with 5 μg of either vaccine as compared to control
BNT162b-elicted protection in rhesus macaques Forty-one to fifty-five days afterDose 2, 6 of the 2-4 year old rhesus macaques that had been immunised with 100 μg BNT162b1 and 6that had been immunised with 100 μg BNT162b2 were challenged with 1.05 × 106 plaque forming units of SARS-CoV-2 (strain USA-WA1/2020), split equally between intranasal and intratrachealroutes, as previously described . In addition, 9 age-matched macaques (controls) that had been mock-immunised with saline received the same SARS-CoV-2 challenge, and 6 age-matched macaques (sentinels), 3 of which had been immunised with 30 μg BNT162b2, were mock-challenged with cell culture medium Neutralising titres were below the limit of detection in the control animals. The control animals responded to infectious virus challenge with an increase in SARS-CoV-2 neutralising titres, consistent with an immune response toviral infection. However, there was no trend toward increasing SARS-CoV-2 neutralising titres in response to viral challenge in the BNT162b1-immunisedor BNT162b2-immunised animals, consistent with immunisation suppressing SARS-CoV-2 infection. The maximum SARS-CoV-2 neutralising titre elicited by virus challenge of control rhesus macaques remained below 150 through the time of necropsy, whereasall immunised animals maintained neutralising titres greater than 150 throughout the challenge experiment. None of the challengedanimals, whetherimmunisedor not, showed clinical signs of illness. Radiographic abnormalities were generally minimal or mild and were not consistently associated with viral challenge. We conclude that the 2-4 year old male rhesus macaque challenge model is primarily a SARS-CoV-2 infection modelrather than a COVID-19 disease model. CD8+ T cells may also reduce the influx of monocytes into infected lung tissue, which can be associated with undesirable IL-6 and TNF production and impaired antigen presentation34,35.
Isolation and characterization of SARS-CoV-2 from the first US COVID-19 patient (not certified by peer review) The first US patient was diagnosed by the State of Washington and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on January 20, 2020 (January 22, 2020 official Isolation date) We found that the virus replicated to high titers in Vero-CCL81 cells and Vero E6 cells in the absence of trypsin (Vero cells were trypsinized) Initial characterization of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein indicate that it binds the same receptor (ACE2) as SARS-CoV, which is expressed in both the upper and lower human respiratory tracts (8) Isolates from the first passage of an OP(oropharyngeal) and an NP(nasopharyngeal) specimenwere used for whole genome sequencing. The genomes from the NP specimen (GenbankaccessionMT020880) and OP specimen (Genbankaccession MT020881) matched each other 100%.The isolatesalso matched the corresponding OP clinical specimen 100% (Genbankaccession MN985325). After the second passage, OP and NP specimens were not cultured separately, and the isolate was named SARS-CoV-2 USA-WA1/2020. Virus isolate was passaged two more times in Vero CCL-81 cells, and titrated by TCID50. Of note, we passaged this virusin the absence of trypsin. The spike protein coding sequence of SARS-CoV-2 has an RRAR insertion at the S1-S2 interface that may be cleaved by furin(11). Highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses have highly basic furin cleavage sites at the hemagglutinin protein HA1-HA2 interface that permit intracellular maturation of virions and more efficient viral(12). The RRAR insertion in SARS-CoV-2 may serve a similar function
We subsequently generated a fourth passage stock of SARS-CoV-2 on VeroE6 cells, another fetalrhesus monkey kidney cell line. Viral RNA from SARS-CoV-2 passage four stock was sequenced and confirmed to have no nucleotide mutations compared with the original reference sequence (Genbankaccession MN985325). Both SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV had been found to grow well on VeroE6 and Vero CCL81 respectively (13, 14). Together, the results suggest that VeroE6 may be the best choice for amplification and quantification, but both Vero cell types support amplification and replication of SARS-CoV-2. Spike mutation D614G alters SARS-CoV-2 fitness and neutralization susceptibility A spike protein mutation D614Gbecame dominant in SARS-CoV-2 during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the mutational impact on viral spread and vaccine efficacy remains to be defined. Here we engineer the D614G mutation in the SARS-CoV-2 USA-WA1/2020 strainand characterize its effect on viral replication, pathogenesis, and antibody neutralization. The D614G 36 mutation significantly enhances SARS-CoV-2 replication on human lung epithelial cellsand primary human airway tissues, through an improved infectivity of virions with the spike receptorbinding domainin an “up” conformation for binding to ACE2 receptor. Hamstersinfectedwith D614 or G614 variants developed similar levels of weight loss. A spike protein mutation D614G emerged and became dominant soon after the pandemic started. By engineering the D614G mutationinto an authentic 51 wild-type SARS-CoV-2 strain, we demonstrate the importance of this mutation
For SARS-CoV-2, analyses of over 28,000 spike protein gene sequences in late May 2020 revealed a D614G amino acid substitution that was rare before Marchbut increased in frequency as the pandemic spread, reaching over 74% of all published sequences by June 2020 [7]. The D614G substitutionwas accompanied by three other mutations: a C-to-T mutation in the 5’ un-translated genome region at position241, a synonymous C-to-T mutation at position3,037, and a nonsynonymous C-to-T mutation at position14,408 in the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene [8] The correlation of this mutation with higher nasopharyngeal viral RNA loads in COVID-19 patients [6,9] also supported a putative advantage of the mutant in transmission, which is key for viral fitness. However, direct measurements of fitness were needed to confirm this hypothesis. Compared with the original D614 virus, the emergent, now dominant G614 virus replicated to a higher level in the human lung Calu-3 cells and primary human upper airway tissues. The replication differences were more dramatically observed in the human airway culture, with up to a 13.9-foldadvantagewhen the two viruses were compared in a head-to-head competition test. The robust replication of SARS-CoV-2 in the human upper airway may be partially conferred by a higher ACE2 receptor expression in the nasal cavitycompared to that in the lower respiratory tract [27, 28]. Patients infectedwith G614 virus developed higher levels of viral RNA in the nasopharyngeal swabsthan those infected with D614 virus, but disease severity is not associated with the D614G mutation [6,7,9] The G614 virus developed higher infectious titers than the D614 virus in nasal washesand tracheas, but notlungs. Similar nasal-driven transmission was recently reported for human influenza A virus in a ferret model [30] For recovering the mutant viruses, the RNA transcripts were electroporated into Vero E6 cells. The viruses from electroporated cells were harvested at 40 h post electroporation and served as seed stocks for subsequent experiments. All virus preparation and experiments were performed in a biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) facilities.
*vaccine adjuvant activity **50% of cohorts ***After 2nd dose, 30 µg and 100 µg ****Bayesian beta-binomial model vaccine efficacy
1Samples from volunteers participating in phase I and phase II clinical trialsare tested at the UK’s Official Medicines Control Laboratory (NIBSC). The institute is a WHOCollaborating Centre for Reference and Research on Poliomyelitis and a WHO Essential Regulatory Laboratory for Influenza. The NIBSC is also home to the UK Stem Cell Bank and the Centre for AIDS Reagents.CEPI was launched at Davos in 2017