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Cinzia De Marzo European Commission, DG Enterprise & Industry Tourism Policy Unit. European tourism policy: actions and tools Bruxelles, 03 December 2013. Legal base. Articles 6 and 195 – Lisbon Treaty -.
Cinzia De Marzo European Commission, DG Enterprise & IndustryTourism Policy Unit European tourism policy: actions and toolsBruxelles, 03 December 2013
Legal base Articles6 and 195 – Lisbon Treaty - The EU can: intervene to "support, coordinate or complement the action of Member States" Its action shall in particular: encourage the creation of a favourable environment for the development" of a competitive tourism sector
Europe N°1 tourist destination in the world Thanks to great • cultural and historical heritage • natural assets • diversity of sceneries • quality services • good connectivity • … In the Framework (COM(2010) 352) INSERT
Major challenges of tourism • Insufficient socio-economic consistent data at EU level • Economic, social and environmental sustainability of tourism, • Seasonality of demand and quality of tourism jobs • Diversification of the tourism offer • Making holidays available to all • Lack of cooperation in promotional efforts at EU level • Lack of transparency and coherence in quality evaluation of tourism services • Lack of visual identity • Lack of policy coordination 4
Main objective: Making EU tourism more competitive Diversify EU tourism offer • by better exploiting our cultural / industrial heritage/cultural routes • prioritising sustainable development, professional skills and service quality; • Increasing intra-EU tourism flows by the diversification of tourism products and low-season tourism 5
CALYPSO 'TOURISM FOR ALL!' Background • Calypso was a pilot initiative launched in 2009, aiming at facilitating low-season transnational tourism exchanges between Member States, Regions and other stakeholders, addressing 4 target groups: • Pensioners (>65) • Youth (18-30years) • Disabled people • Families facing difficult social circumstances Transnational projects • 10 EU projectshave been co-financedso far, involving17 EU Member States
CALYPSO 'TOURISM FOR ALL!' • Objectives • Promote the European dimension of social tourism, inviting public and privatestakeholders to cooperate, through transnational exchanges in low-season. • A concrete IT Calypso tool • The Commission co-financed the development of a web-based platform eCalypso(STEEP project), to facilitate transnational tourism in Europe, linking the supply and demand for accommodation and tourism services, professionals (B2B) and social oriented entities, helping local economies beat the offseason. • The platform, is running since July 2013, led by an international Asbl.
Calypso plus – Senior initiative • Whenstarted: • VP Tajanisent a lettertoall EU Tourism Ministry in May '12 • Whatwas done: • 2 technicalmeetings(2012-2013) organizedwithMemberStates and Tourism and Transport Industry and otherstakeholders • FirstCallforProposalsonSeniors, published in June 2013(57 applicationssubmitted) • Nextsteps • PilotInitiative"EuropethebestdestinationforSeniors" , aiming at increasing senior tourist flows, during low/medium seasons, between European countries and/or from third countries. • 1st Workshoponseniors, Bruxelles, on 5th December 2013
ICT tools • Tourismlinkplatform • This tool, which will be launched in June 2014, will create an open-source online platform facilitating the flow of information among tourism service suppliers (such as travel agents and tour operators) and destination tourism enterprises (such as providers of accommodation, transport and complementary services). • This platform aiming at having a specific alignment for coastal and maritime tourism destinations, including sustainability tips.
European Label for Tourism Quality Schemes Objective: introduce a set of common quality principles, on a voluntary basis, able to accommodate a large circle of tourism sub-sectors and avoid any attempts of harmonisation. • Information to consumers • Involvement of the employees in the quality process • Consumer satisfaction • Cleanliness, maintenance. Whento beadopted • After the Inter-service consultation, it has been decided to propose a Recommendation on common European quality criteria, which could be published early 2014.
European Tourism Indicator System-ETISfor sustainable destinations • WHEN IT STARTED • Launched in a public conference on 22 February 2013, together with a Toolkit (guidelines), available in all EU languages on the Commission's website: http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sectors/tourism/sustainable-tourism/indicators/index_en.htm • MAIN OBJECTIVE • ETIS aims at facilitating the efforts of those tourism stakeholders who are committed to ensure a sustainable management of their destination, by providing them with an easy to use toolkit
European Tourism Indicator System-ETISfor sustainable destinations • WHAT IS ETIS AND HOW TO USE • The system has been conceived in such a way as to be usable by all kind of destination, in order to enhance their quality and sustainability • it will allow stakeholders to measure and monitor their sustainability management processes, and should enable them to share and benchmark their progress and performance. • THE ULTIMATE GOAL: • A European wide and improved comparable system • Potential use for the Virtual Tourism Observatory • .
European Tourism Indicator System-ETIS for sustainable destinations • ETIS STRUCTURE • 27 coreand 40 optionalindicators, articulatedin4 Sections as follows: • A- Destination management • B- Economic value • C- Social and cultural Impact • D- Environmental Impact
State of play • Verysuccessfull the result of first call! • 100 destinationsacross Europe have applied for the first pilot phase and they are strongmotivated to work on testing ETIS, and to send to EC their feedback through a dedicated questionnaire. • So far the countries involved are: Belgium, Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, Italy, Latvia, Ireland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Greece, Germany, Scotland, Netherland, Lithuania, Croatia, Sweden, UK, Portugal, Turkey.
ETIS – Next steps • 2 pilot phases of 9 months each • - The first phase is running since the 15th July '13, till the 15th April'14; • - The second phase will start the beginning of 2014 • 10 professional expert have been seletected, to help the EC to assess the feedback and results of the testing phases • In order to help EC steering the testing process, a short and simple report (max 1 page) about what the destinations have concretely done in the testing of the ETIS was requested by 25 November2013 (about 4°month of testing).
SKILLS • Better skills for a more competitive industry, by: • Creating a “hospitality” section in EURES (EU Job Mobility Portal) (short term); Integration of other dedicated sections for adventure, blue, and cultural tourism segments by spring 2014. • Mainstreaming tourism skills in other EU policies (e.g. employment, regional development etc…) (medium term);Mapping of available training and education and performance check of the extent to which they provide for the requirements and needs of the labour market. • Tourism Skills Competence Framework (long term) to bridge training and competence gaps; integrating tourism specific initiatives in the EU funding programmes for training, such as the Lifelong Learning Programme (Erasmus, Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig), the forthcoming 'Erasmus+' and 'Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs'
Trans-European cultural & industrial tourism • Improve EU supply by supporting the development of new touristic products based on European cultural and industrial heritage and direct funding, i.e. • Physical routes (e.g. iron curtain route, pilgrims routes, cultural route along the Danube, …) and thematicproducts (e.g. European route of Historic Thermal Townsincluding Spa, Bath, Baden-Baden; Itinéraire culturel des Ports & Cultures de la Méditerranée, …) • CooperationwithCouncil of Europe – European Institute of Cultural Routes through the Join Management Program 2013-2014
Sustainable transnational thematic tourism products (2009-2011)Preparatory Action on SustainableTourism » Objectives: • Promote sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism especially cycling tourism, its benefits and regional economic impacts • Promote a trans-border cycle-tourism trail, which follows the former iron curtain (Iron Curtain Trail). • Promotecultural tourism– transnational thematic tourism products • http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sectors/tourism/sustainable-tourism/index_en.htm
11 Projects co-financed under the Preparatory Action on Sustainable Tourism - (2009-2011) • 2010 - 6 projects to support the development of cycling tourism ( Iron Curtain Trail, EuroVelo Network coordination and EuroVelo 3 – St James Way • 2011 - 5 projects to support the development and promotion of transnational thematic tourism products ( trails/itineraries/routes focused on different themes : cycling , culture…) • 2012 (under Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme) – 7 projects co-financed • 2013 call for proposals – 6 projects will be co-financed under this year's call. • http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sectors/tourism/cycling-tourism/index_en.htm
EDEN Launched in 2006 as a pilot project and then preparatory action, and so far itinvolves 100 European destinations Co-financed under EIP budget since 2011 • 2011: 850.000 EUR • 2012: 750.000 EUR • 2013: 750.000 EUR Annual national competitions resulting in the selection of a tourist "destination of excellence" for each participating country Different annual themes: • 2007 – rural tourism • 2008 – local intangible heritage • 2009 – protected areas • 2010 – aquatic tourism • 2011 – tourism and regeneration of physical sites • 2013 – accessible tourism • 2015 - gastronomy (call for proposals for National Authoritywillbepublished on February 2014)
119 EDEN destinations • 26 EIP member countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, • Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, • France, Germany, Greece, • Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Lithuania, Latvia, • Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey.
COSME 2014-2020 What is the Programme about? • Strengthening the competitiveness and sustainability of European enterprises • Encouraging entrepreneurship and promoting SMEs • Main target: SMEs, Entrepreneurs, Business Support Organisations, regional and national Administrations • Foreseen overall budget: € 2.5 billion from 2014 to 2020
Financing of tourismunder MFF COSME • Budget: €109.9 million for the 7 - year period to tourism-related actions. • Five main objectives: • to increase demand for EU tourism services, in particular during the low season; • to diversify EU tourism offer and products; • to enhance tourism quality, sustainability, accessibility, skills and innovation • to improve socio-economic knowledge of the sector and • to promote Europe as a set of unique, sustainable and high-quality destinations within Europe and in third markets.
Upcoming tourism events 2013 - 14 • Conference on 'Accessible tourism in Europe', Bruxelles, 3rd December 2013 • European Tourism Day, Brussels, 4th December 2013 • Workshop on 'Europe the best destination for seniors”, Bruxelles, 5th December 2013 • European Excellence Award Accessible Tourism, Brussels, 13thDecember 2013 • Cultural Tourism Festival and Conference “Carrefour d’Europe”,Ferrol, Galicia, 17-19 June 2014
Contact details Unit E1. Tourism policy ENTR-TOURISM-POLICY@ec.europa.eu Thank you for your attention!