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Die Eerstejaarervaring en studente-ontwikkeling. Antoinette van der Merwe Celeste Nel Alten du Plessis Pieter Kloppers Donna Weakley. Werkswinkel program. Bekendstelling Insette Hoe lyk die voorgraadse voedermark? Hoe presteer die eerstejaars, hoekom en hoe hou ons tred?
Die Eerstejaarervaring en studente-ontwikkeling Antoinette van der Merwe Celeste Nel Alten du Plessis Pieter Kloppers Donna Weakley
Werkswinkel program • Bekendstelling • Insette • Hoe lyk die voorgraadse voedermark? • Hoe presteer die eerstejaars, hoekom en hoe hou ons tred? • Hoe lyk die studente se leefwêreld? • Watter tipe psigo-sosiale behoeftes het eerstejaarstudente? • Tafelgesprekke (4x10 minute) • Bydraes volgens tafel tot Wiki (20 minute) • Samevatting en afsluiting
Die Voorgraadse Voedermark Celeste Nel Sentrum vir Voornemende Studente 17 Augustus 2007
MATRIEKUITSLAE 2006 (528 525 kandidate) Bron: Senior Certificate Report 2006
DIE US AS KEUSE EN BEVOLKINGSGROEP • Die akademiese reputasie van die US het ’n sterker rol gespeel in die keuse van bruin (82%) en swart (77%) studente as wit studente (65%) • • Die studentelewe was nie vir die swart studente (37%) so ’n belangrike faktor soos vir die bruin (52%) en wit respondente (78%) nie • • As deel van die studentelewe het meer wit eerstejaars ook die koshuislewe (34%) as ’n belangrike faktor geïdentifiseer as die ander bevolkingsgroepe (onderskeidelik 19% bruin en 13% swart) • • Vir meer swart en bruin eerstejaars was finansiële ondersteuning (onderskeidelik 55% en 44%) ’n belangriker faktor as vir die wit respondente (6%) • • Heelwat meer bruin studente (26%) het hul skool en onderwysers as veranderlike geïdentifiseer as swart en wit eerstejaars (beide 8%) • • Bykans ’n derde (onderskeidelik 31% en 33%) van die wit en bruin studente het die feit dat klasse oorwegend in Afrikaans aangebied word as ’n rede vir die keuse van die US aangevoer, terwyl dit ’n rol by slegs 5% van die swart eerstejaars gespeel het • • Wat die invloed van ouers en familie betref, lyk dit ook asof wit (35%) en bruin (26%) respondente meer hierdeur beïnvloed word as hul swart portuurgroep (16%)
INLIGTINGSBRONNE EN BEVOLKINGSGROEP • Die meeste wit eerstejaars het inligting oor die Universiteit deur die internet (56%), van hul ouers en familie (52%) of van huidige studente (50%) bekom • • Vir die meeste bruin studente was die onderwysers en die skool (58%), sowel as die Universiteit se pamflet en prospektus (53%) en skoolbesoeke (38%), die belangrikste inligtingsbronne • • Die swart eerstejaars het die Universiteit se pamflet en prospektus (35%), die internet (34%) en ouers of familie (27%) aangedui as inligtingsbronne • • In volgorde van voorkeur, lyk dit asof meer wit en swart eerstejaars inligting deur die internet bekom het as hul bruin portuurgroep • • Meer wit en swart studente het ook hul ouers en familie as inligtingsbronne bo die onderwysers of die skool verkies, terwyl die meeste bruin studente hul onderwysers en die skool as inligtingsbron gebruik het • • In ooreenstemming hiermee het meer bruin respondente as die ander bevolkingsgroep skoolbesoeke, ’n verteenwoordiger van die Universiteit en loopbaanuitstallings (wat meestal by skole of deur skole aangebied word) as inligtingsbronne geïdentifiseer
Hoe presteer die eerstejaars, hoekom en hoe hou ons tred? Alten du Plessis Hoofkoördineerder: Tredhou 17 Augustus 2007
Wie is ons eerstejaars: Enkele waarnemings • Meer as 2 uit elke 3 eerstejaars het ‘n matriekpunt > 70% • Eerstejaarprestasie meer as 2 simbole laer as in graad 12 • Ongeveer 85% van eerstejaars bly behoue na jaar 1 • Eerstejaars slaag gemiddeld ongeveer 75% van hulle krediete • Ongeveer 1 uit elke 3 BA, BSc en BComm eerstejaars verlaat die US uiteindelik sonder ‘n kwalifikasie • Matriekprestasie enkele beste voorspeller van eerstejaarprestasie • Toegangstoetse, welwees, goeie gewoontepatrone en persepsies oor self belangrike addisionele voorspellers • Eerstejaarprestasie beste voorspeller van 2de en 3de jaar prestasies!
The psycho-social needs of first year students visiting the Centre for Student Counselling & Development Donna Weakley Educational Psychologist Centre for Student Counselling and Development
Overview • Do 1st year students actually visit the CSCD? • Who are the students who do visit the CSCD? • So we know who they are, but what are the difficulties they experience? • Academic difficulties • Emotional difficulties • How do these difficulties affect their academic progress?
Do 1st Year Students actually visit the CSCD?Yes!!In 2004 - 28% of all CSCD clients were 1st year students.
While there has been a slight decrease in the number of 1st year students visiting the CSCD (thanks to the great work of SOL & the FYA??), they still form the MAJORITY of the CSCD’s clientele!
Demographics of the 1st year population visiting the CSCD Private vs residential students Male vs female clients
We know who they are, but what are their needs? • 1st Year students generally face a number of problems as they are, often for the first time, facing life on their own. This results in them presenting at the CSCD with a myriad of both academic and emotional needs – many of which are more severe than in the past. • Academic needs: • Difficulty coping with the heavy workload and fast pace • Under-developed reading & writing skills • Poor time management skills • Poor study skills – summarising, goal setting, etc • Language difficulties – academic language, language of tuition • Inability to make good notes in class – lecturers go to quickly! • Extreme test anxiety • Lack of information regarding academic structures Inadequate career counselling, planning and goal setting.
We know who they are, but what are their needs? Emotional needs: • Adjustment difficulties • Mood disorder (Depression) • Anxiety disorder and stress • Substance abuse – dagga, cocaine, alcohol • Sexual Orientation issues • Sexual & other trauma • Grief • Eating disorders • Relationship difficulties – divorce, conflicts, breakups • Pressure from families & communities-expectations, care of dependents • Attention deficit disorder/attention deficit hyper-activity disorder • Guilt – financial pressures, underachievement
National & Global Trends • Severity of presenting problems has increased. Depression, social isolation, substance abuse, anxiety and stress levels seem to be on the increase. • Increasing difficulties finding social connections, being faced with many decisions, a lack of role models, and an emphasis on survival often coupled with financial difficulties are increasingly complicating the situation. • High rate of violence and unemployment • Challenges of living in multicultural environment – perception of ‘anything goes’ has blurred certain boundaries and students find it difficult to come to terms with their own identities within society.
We know who they are and what their difficulties are, but how does this relate to their academics? • Students who have failed experience some or all of the following feelings – very low self-esteem, a sense of hopelessness, feelings of despair and desperation, anxiety, shame, depression or guilt. • Black students who enrol in universities are known and know themselves to be very capable. They often suffer extreme psychological dissonance when they fail • Lack of motivation, difficulty concentrating & asking for help – energy to access resources & courage to consult with lecturers decreases. • Extreme anxiety - tests, talking in class, consulting with lecturers, visiting the CSCD. • Sleep difficulties – inability to sleep, or excessive sleeping • Substance abuse – way of escape, pleasurable, social interaction • Lack of career counselling – what is the point? • Unrealistic perceptions of their studies – or unrealistically negative self-talk or low self-esteem • These (and more more!) factors play a role in the high drop-out rate of 1st year students!
What can lecturers do to support 1st year students? • Encourage students to make use of available consulting hours – or to work together to improve their academic progress. • Attempt to get to know your students. • Refer at-risk students to the CSCD, or to other appropriate support services. • Encourage students to attend study skills, time management and other workshops. • Encourage help seeking behaviour – attempt to decrease fear of the consequences of seeking help (embarrassment, appearing to be ‘stupid’) • ??????????????????????????????
Wat is ’n wiki? A wiki is a collaborative website which can be directly edited by anyone with access to it. Ward Cunningham, developer of the first wiki WikiWikiWeb, originally described it as "the simplest online database that could possibly work". www0.sun.ac.za/firstyearexperience