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The Catholic or Counter Reformation

The Catholic or Counter Reformation. Revival of the Old. Revived best features of medieval Catholicism and adjusted them Revival of mysticism – St. Theresa of Avila Revival of monasticism – old and new orders Capuchins Theatines Ursulines. The Society of Jesus.

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The Catholic or Counter Reformation

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  1. The Catholic or Counter Reformation

  2. Revival of the Old • Revived best features of medieval Catholicism and adjusted them • Revival of mysticism – St. Theresa of Avila • Revival of monasticism – old and new orders Capuchins Theatines Ursulines

  3. The Society of Jesus • Jesuits became the chief instrument of the Catholic Reformation • Founded by Ignatius of Loyola • Spanish nobleman • Injured in battle; experienced religious torment; submitted his will to the will of the Church – unlike Luther • Soldier of God – The Spiritual Exercises

  4. Society of Jesus recognized by papal bull in 1540 • Order grounded on 4 principles: 1) Absolute obedience to papacy 2) Strict hierarchical order for the Society 3) Use of education to achieve goals 4) Dedication to engage in “conflict for God”

  5. 1) Established highly disciplined schools education crucial to combating Protestantism • 2) Propagation of the Catholic faith • among non-Christians Francis Xavier in the East Matteo Ricci in China • 3) Fight Protestantism Successful in parts of Germany and eastern Europe Major Activities of the Jesuits

  6. Revived Papacy • Protestant Reformation jolted the papacy • Pope Paul III appointed reform cardinals: Contarini and Caraffa appointed reform committee to study church • Colloguy in Regensburg – 1541 • Pope Paul IV (Cardinal Caraffa) increased power of Inquisition created index of Forbidden Books

  7. The Council of Trent • Called by Pope Paul III • Three major sessions 1545 – 1563 • Final doctrine reaffirmed traditional Catholic teachings 1) Scripture and tradition affirmed as equal authorities in religious matters 2) Both faith and good works necessary for salvation 3) Seven sacraments confirmed 4) Transubstantiation confirmed 5) Clerical celibacy confirmed 6) Purgatory and indulgences confirmed; but hawking forbidden

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