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Origins of WWI

1. Germany 2. Balkans 3. Arms Race 4. Alliance system. Origins of WWI. “Shot heard ‘round the world.” 28 June 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. Sarajevo , Bosnia Gavrilo Princip ; Black Hand. Germany. Empire (1871) ‏ Industrial growth Leadership Bismarck Wilhelm II.

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Origins of WWI

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  1. 1. Germany 2. Balkans 3. Arms Race 4. Alliance system Origins of WWI

  2. “Shot heard ‘round the world.” 28 June 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. Sarajevo, Bosnia GavriloPrincip; Black Hand

  3. Germany • Empire (1871)‏ • Industrial growth • Leadership • Bismarck • Wilhelm II

  4. Steel Productions of European Powers, 1870-1914 (in million tons)‏ 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1914 *Germany0.3 0.7 2.3 6.7 13.814.0 Austria-Hungary-- -- 0.5 1.2 2.2 2.7 France 0.3 0.4 0.7 1.6 3.4 3.5 *Great Britain0.7 1.3 3.6 5.0 5.96.5 Russia-- -- 0.4 1.5 3.5 4.1

  5. Bismarck ‏(1815-98) Chancellor (1871-90) German foreign policy Balance of power in Europe 1879 Dual Alliance 1881 Three Emperors’ League 1882 Triple Alliance Isolate France Otto von Bismarck

  6. “France will have but one thought: to reconstitute her forces, gather her energy…raise her young generation to form an army of the whole people…to become again a great France, the France of 1792, the France of an idea with a sword. Then one day she will be irresistible. Then she will take back Alsace-Lorraine.” French writer Victor Hugo (1802-85)‏

  7. Bismarck ‏(1815-98) Chancellor (1871-90) German foreign policy Balance of power in Europe 1879 Dual Alliance 1881 Three Emperors’ League 1882 Triple Alliance Isolate France Otto von Bismarck

  8. Kaiser Wilhelm II (1888-1918)‏ Destabilizing factor Belligerent foreign policy Forced Bismarck to resign (1890)‏ Weltpolitik: “world policy” Allowed alliance with Russia to lapse (1890)‏ Focused support on Austria-Hungary War between Aus-Hung & Russ more likely? Wilhelm in 1897: “Nothing must henceforth be settled in the world without the intervention of Germany and the German Emperor.”

  9. “The Emperor is like a balloon; if one did not hold him fast on a string, he would go no one knows whither” - Bismarck

  10. Ottoman Empire (1299-1922)‏ Pan-Slavism Serbia (1878)‏ Austria-Hungary Russia Balkans

  11. Austro-Hungarian Empire 1867-1918

  12. Ottoman Empire (1299-1922)‏ Pan-Slavism Serbia (1878)‏ Austria-Hungary Russia Balkans

  13. Arms Race (militarism) Germany Britain Dreadnought (1906)‏

  14. Alliances • 1879 Dual Alliance • 1882 Triple Alliance • 1894 Franco-Russian alliance • ended French isolation • 1904 Entente Cordiale • 1907 Triple Entente • Bismarck's nightmare • ‘

  15. Europe c. 1907 Europe: two allied camps Balkans: unstable area – forces of nationalism Austria-Hungary & Russia: struggle for influence in Balkans Germany & Austria-Hungary: strong relationship

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