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Market Enhancement Task Force (METF) Update November 1, 2012 TAC Meeting. Kenneth Ragsdale ERCOT. METF Activities to Date.
Market Enhancement Task Force (METF) Update November 1, 2012 TAC Meeting Kenneth Ragsdale ERCOT
METF Activities to Date • Formed by TAC in February 2012 to “Evaluate the costs and benefits of enhancements to ERCOT Nodal processes and to recommend market efficiency improvements to Real-Time SCED that provide better Resource Commitment and Dispatch”. • Listed and prioritized “Enhancement Opportunities”. • Improve Commitment and Dispatch of QSGRs, Load Resources and Storage Resources. • Reviewed and discussed 3 vendor/ISO presentations on the features of their Real-Time Market Systems. • All of the vendors have a common framework comprising of a multi-interval Real-Time Commitment (RTC) and Real-Time Dispatch (RTD). TAC
June 28, 2012 TAC Direction for METF • Provide to TAC by October • a recommendation on the scope of work and approach for a project to provide “Enhancements to the Real-Time Market” that • uses the framework of a multi-interval Real-Time Commitment and Real-Time Dispatch • takes into consideration information from the Brattle report and concepts in approved and in-flight NPRRs • a plan for a phased implementation of RTC and RTD features. TAC
Two Proposals Presented at METF in August 2012 • Real-Time Market Enhancement Strawman (21 page word document) • http://www.ercot.com/content/meetings/metf/keydocs/2012/0830/05_real_time_mkt_enhancement_strawman_8_24_2012.doc • Hour Ahead Market (14 slide PPT) • http://www.ercot.com/content/meetings/metf/keydocs/2012/0830/07_pres_hour_ahead_market.ppt TAC
Comments Have Been Submitted by Market Participants on the Two Proposals • The two proposals are significantly different from each other and provide different types of enhancements. • Market Participants have provided comments based on the given description of each of the proposals and other ongoing Resource Adequacy discussions. • Have discussed (at a high level) the “Market Impact” of each of the proposals. TAC
Over-Mitigation Issue and NPRR 444 • The “Over-Mitigation issue” is being addressed by CMWG. • NPRR 444 and any modifications of NPRR 444 are being addressed by WMS. (Note that the concept of a pricing run is included in the RTM Enhancement Strawman.) TAC
Next Steps • Before the 11-27-12 METF meeting, ERCOT plans to prepare and distribute a draft “single document” summarizing the key issues on the two proposals. • At the 11-27-12 METF meeting --- METF to finalize the summary document. • At the 11-29-12 TAC meeting ----TAC to discuss (in detail) the two proposals and next steps. TAC
Questions or Suggestions Questions and/or Suggestions. TAC