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THE PONY EXPRESS . A Publication of the Upper Midwest Region of The Shelby American Automobile Club. President’s Corner.
THE PONY EXPRESS A Publication of the Upper Midwest Region of The Shelby American Automobile Club President’s Corner March is here, and it’s time to start planning for your Summer activities. Being the anal person that I am, I already have most of my summer 2012 activities planned, tickets bought, and hotels reserved. There is always the exception, as plans can and do change. We as a club have several events that will need to be completed, although both car shows are well under way. I am sure that Dan Mattila and Paul Tuveson could sure use some help with final plans and getting things done for the shows. Pam Flaten has the March 24 Winter Party under control, I am sure she would not turn down any help in setting things up. From the sounds of things, and there will be an update at the meeting, March 24 will be a really fun night. Coming up at the April meeting, we will have Gary Curtis from the Brainerd International Raceway Performance Drivers School to discuss plans for a “club day” at BIR. He will also discuss events coming up for this summer at BIR in 2012. We will be looking to set a date, for a group to attend one of the school’s. That should be a ton of fun, and should be the basis of a lot of bench racing and bragging rights among us for a long time to come. Check your schedules, and let’s see if we can get a bunch of us to attend one of Gary’s fine schools. Lots of track time, and good instruction. Last, but not least. Make plans to drive your fun car (or cars). Get up early on a Saturday or Sunday morning, an evening after work, take your favorite date out for dinner. Do SOMETHING-just drive it!!! See you on the 7th! March 2012 • In this issues • President’s Corner • Winter Party • The Steg • Engine Overheating • 2012 Show classes • Fox body values It is with profound sadness and deep regret that I must inform our racing family and facebook community that Bob Youngdahl passed away yesterday in Sarasota, Florida. Reportedly, the cable to a winch on the car lift of his trailer came loose during his trip from Road Atlanta to his shop in Sarasota, Florida. Tragically, when Bob attempted to lower the lift, it came loose, struck and killed him. Bob was a good friend of mine for over twenty years, and I, along with his family and friends, deeply mourn his passing. Times such as this, remind me of how fragile life is and how quickly you can lose those close to you. In honor and recognition of his passing, I hope everyone will reach out to a loved one today just to remind them how important they are and how much you care for them. Bob lived his life doing what he loved best. He will be sorely missed by those who loved him. --Dan Iburg
UPPER MIDWEST REGION, SHELBY AMERICAN AUTO CLUBP.O. Box 390453 Edina, MN 55439 2012 CLUB OFFICERS President:Mike Boulka(612) 940-4457 Vice Pres.Pam Flaten(952) 890-0080 Treasurer:Carole Ackerman Secretary: Scott Sokol (952) 368-7262 CLUB REPRESENTATIVES Dan Mattila (763) 784-8668 John Greenwell (651) 459-4904 CLUB PHOTOGRAPHERS John Greenwell (651) 459-4904 Ericke Rosquist (612) 522-7451 CLUB COMMITTEES MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Dave Smith (952) 914-9260 John Greenwell (651) 459-4904 Scott Sokol (952) 368-7262 NON-SHOW EVENTS COMMITTEE Mike Boulka (612) 940-4457 Steve and Pam Flaten (952) 890-0080 CHARITABLE GIVING COMMITTEE Carole Ackerman Bill Cochrane Jeff Condon Dan Mattila Paul Tuveson CLUB DUES Dues are $26 for a one-year membership. New members pay $ 2.00/month through June 30th then $26 per year. All memberships expire every June 30th. CLUB LOGO ITEMS Club shirts $18, Caps $10 Snap Jackets: Winter $70 Summer $70 Zipper jackets add $4 651-766-0143, Amy Davis, Merchandise Manager FOR DISCOUNTS ON PARTS Apple Valley Ford -15% Off Motorsports Ask for Chad at (952) 431-5900 MEMBER DATA CHANGES Please send any directory changes to: Roger Stolley email: roger@stolley.us WEBMASTER Dave Smith NEWSLETTERS - WANT ADS Rolf Erickson: jre280@comcast.net Dave Smith: david.smith@biworldwide.com CLUB WEBSITE ADDRESS WWW.MIDWESTSHELBYCLUB.COM IMPORTANT DATES • March Meeting March 7 Ft. Snelling Officers’ Club • Winter Party March 24 Ft. Snelling Officer’s Club • April Meeting April 4 Ft. Snelling Officer’s Club • 4th Saturday breakfast March 28 Original Pancake House • May Meeting May 2 Ft. Snelling Officer’s Club • Apple Valley Show June 3rd Apple Valley Ford ATTENTION MEMBERS: YOU MAY BE MISSING IMPORTANT CLUB ALERTS The club data base does not have e-mail addresses for 21% of our membership. You may be missing club information by not having an e-mail address listed in the database to receive club email broadcasts. If you would like to be included in UMRSAAC Broadcast please e-mail roger@stolley.us to have your e-mail address added to the database.
Editor’s Note: Dave Smith is editing the January thru March 2012 newsletters. Please send all submissions to him at: Dave.smith@biworldwide.com. It’s PARTY Time Again Our annual Winter Party is approaching again and should be a unique and fun time. Thanks to Pam Flaten’s organizing talents we are set for: • Saturday March 24th • Ft. Snelling Officer’s Club (main floor) • Social hour: 4:00 – 5:30 pm • Dinner: 5:30 – 6:30 pm • Entertainment: 6:30 – 9:00 PM Dinner will be a buffet-style setup with a variety of choices. The complete dinner is paid for out of Club funds. Members are welcome to bring any family members along. Those wanting a drink can purchase from a cash bar. After dinner we have a blackjack company coming in to deal blackjack. There is no money involved, but rather you can win tickets which you later can put into raffle drawings for different door prizes. If you prefer not to play blackjack you will receive tickets that you can place in the drawings for the various prizes. Anyone having a desirable door prize can bring it along and add it to the pile of prizes. Dress for the evening is casual. The party will be held in the main floor ballroom at the Ft. Snelling Officer’s Club (same building where the Club meetings are held). Please sign up for the party at a Club meeting or by emailing/calling Pam Flaten at 952-890-0080 . The party is our annual ‘thank you’ for all the effort put into Club activities over the past year. Pam Flaten "Where Is The Steg"??? You must identify where The Steg is in each picture. The more exact the better. To the first person who can tell me the exact location of each month's picture, you will win a prize. Please send me your guess via e-mail at: mboulka@tkproduct.com. You can also call me on my cell phone, 612-940-4457, and leave your guess as well, for those of you who don't do e-mail, or are as technologically challenged as I am. The winning guess will be based on the date and time it was received, even by voice mail. Mike Boulka The Steg Want to see the newsletter in color? Newsletters are posted on the Club website and may be viewed in color there so you can see the pictures in color!
A Few Changes to Car Classes Coming at Apple Valley Although most of the classes for the Apple Valley show will remain the same as 2011, we have added two classes to reflect the large numbers of modified Mustangs at the 2011 show. 1965- 2011 coupes and fastbacks have been broken into two classes, 1) 1965-1978 and 2) 1979-2011. Hopefully this results in happier owners of these cars. Also, a street rod class not requiring Ford power has been added. The '79-'04 Fox-Body Mustang Is A Great Car Value, So Get 'Em While They're Hot Have you checked out '79-'04 Mustang resale values lately? Prices are down, and you are invited to the greatest Mustang white sale ever. Rare, collectible Fox-body Mustangs will hold their value long term. But for now, most buyers aren't willing to pay high prices thanks to the popularity of the '05-'09 Mustang. Prices for '79-'04 Mustangs are at rock bottom and not likely to rebound any time soon. The good news is, if you desire an affordable fun car, there has never been a better time to buy a Fox-body Mustang. Of course, prices will eventually rebound, much as the '65-'73s did in the '80s. If you want to understand the ups and downs of '79-'04 Mustangs, look no further than events of the period-baby boomer trends and issues such as fuel prices and the economy. Ford introduced the '79 Mustang on the heels of an automotive meltdown that was the '70s. Detroit chloroformed the factory muscle car early in the '70s due to rising insurance costs and tougher government safety and emissions standards. In 1974, the Arab Oil Embargo stopped pleasure driving overnight as fuel prices doubled. Baby boomers also plowed into adulthood. Instead of sporty Mustangs, they were buying station wagons, minivans, and economy cars. For '79, the Mustang was reengineered on an all-new platform, code-named "Fox," which first appeared as the '78 Fairmont and Mercury Zephyr to replace the Maverick and Comet. For the Mustang, the Fox platform incorporated European-style McPherson strut/four-link suspension, metric wheels and tires, slippery lines, sculptured console, and even optional turbocharged power. It was a car with a fresh attitude thanks to Ford's Jack Telnack, the new vice president of Ford North American Design. With more than 4.3 million Fox-body Mustangs produced over 25 years, which should you consider and what should you do with it? Should you buy a '79 Indy Pace Car, '79-'81 Cobra, or other low-mileage original from this era? Much depends on how you feel about these cars. If they were hot when you were in high school and you would like to relive your youth, buy one and enjoy the memories. But don't buy one to restore because parts are hard to come by. Don't restore one with an eye on resale value because you're going to be disappointed. Every so often, low-mileage time capsules show up on eBay or in trader publications, complete with the original bill of sale and factory paperwork. If you can find a seller desperate to move one of these originals, they're a terrific deal for buyers nostalgic for the '80s. Read more: http://www.mustangmonthly.com/featuredvehicles/mump_0812_best_fox_mustang_buys/viewall.html#ixzz1n2y8POfK
UMRSAAC monthly meeting minutes February 1, 2012 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. by President Mike Boulka New Members: Prospective members: James Mills (’69 Fastback) and Tim Benjamin. Officer’s reports: VP: Pam Flaten is making a quilt for Dave Hackman. Treasurer: Carole Ackerman detailed the financial report. Secretary: The Club breakfast at the Crossroads Delicatessen was nice with good food. Committee Reports: Non-Show Events Committee: Gary Curtis from BIR will be at the April meeting and will have a Club discount available. Charitable Donations Committee: Top 21 Show: The concessions stand for the show will be run by the Venture Crew 619 which is a male/female youth group ages 14-21. This group is a division of the Boy Scouts and is based in Shakopee. This group has done car shows in the past and is a mature group of scouting kids. This group is centered on High Adventure and outdoor activities. The Ft. Snelling Honor Guard will not be attending the show. The Club will be donating $2000 rather than $3000 as the Club had authorized due this change. June Show Committee: Dan Mattila spoke about the Spring Show (Sunday June 3rd). Dash plaques are back. We will not have a Teen Driven or Club Participation trophy this year. The 1965-2010 Modified Mustang/Cougar class will be split up into two classes due to volume from last year. A Street Rod class will be added. Roger Stolley is starting the new Club Directory. He hopes to have it completed by April. If you have changes, please call or email him. New Business: Rolf Erickson is looking to train someone for the Newsletter Editor position, Dave Smith to run through April. The Winter Party will be held Saturday March 24th 4 - 8:30 pm. at the Ft. Snelling Officer’s Club in the ballroom. (4 pm social hour, 5:30 pm dinner and 6:30 pm Black Jack tables) Contact Pam Flaten to sign-up. Dress is casual. We will have our own bartender—cash bar, buffet style dinner. There will be Bingo for the kids. Dan LeVesque brought over a couple of automotive books to Dave Hackman who was in the hospital. He has been moved temporarily to a nursing home and should be home by the end of the month. The “Steg” was outside the IMAX theater at the MN Zoo. 50/50 Drawing was won by Paul Tuveson in the amount of $25. Upcoming Events: February 25th: Breakfast at Original Pancake House in Maple Grove 7:30am. March 7th: Club Meeting at Fort Snelling Officer’s Club, Meeting at 7pm, order dinner by 6:30pm March 24th: Club Winter Party at Ft. Snelling Officer’s Club (4 - 8:30 pm) Secretary Scott Sokol
Want Ads-Buy and Sell Send your ads, changes or renewals to Rolf Erickson jre280@comcast.netDeadline for next issue: December 21, 2011. Ads will be dated and run for 6 issues. Non-member ads will be run for 1 issue. FOR SALE: Lots of cool club merchandise. New styles and colors. See Merchandise Manager Amy Davis . 651-766-0143 or amyrose1977@msn.com FOR SALE: 1969 black high back bucket seats Shelby, Mach 1 and Boss Mustangs. All Black with some vinyl checking on one seat and a tear on the other side interior bolster. Frames, tracks, hardware, plastic backs all complete and in good shape. $350 for the set. 1969 date coded Holley 715 CFM LeMans carb – Original service replacement for ’66-’67 GT350 Holley carb. Nice patina – no need for expensive restoration, but it’s been sitting for a few years and would likely need a kit. Otherwise very complete including choke assembly. $725 – Call Troy (763)545-2232 9-11 For Sale: Full set of 2007 Mustang (Fan Blade) Wheels - 8.5” wide BFG’s 235/50/18. TPMS sensors are intact. I did the chrome exchange last year and they have absolutely no curb rash. $500.00 Contact: roger@stolley.us7-11 For Sale: Complete set of front seat belts (left and right buckles and clasps). They fit 1965 Mustang, black color. Includes original bolts and washers. They work fine and look good. Front Left and Right wing-window frames (chrome, Ford parts# C4ZB-6522222-C and C4ZB-6522223-C)--these fit 1964-66 Mustangs. Damon Laudahl 612/871-2904 9-11 FOR SALE: 1969 black high back bucket seats Shelby, Mach 1 and Boss Mustangs. All Black with some vinyl checking on one seat and a tear on the other side interior bolster. Frames, tracks, hardware, plastic backs all complete and in good shape. $350 for the set. 1969 date coded Holley 715 CFM LeMans carb – Original service replacement for ’66-’67 GT350 Holley carb. Nice patina – no need for expensive restoration, but it’s been sitting for a few years and would likely need a kit. Otherwise very complete including choke assembly. $725 – Call Troy (763)545-2232 9-11 FOR SALE: 429 cylinder heads DOVE-C Both are 9K30. Full Rebuild by Total Engine Service. 429 cast iron intake DOVE-9425B. OF26 date code. Restored, painted and prefect for immediate use. $800 for all. Dan LeVesque 651-768-9536 11-11 FOR SALE: 4 Mustang GT Rims $225. They are 16" x 7.5" and in like new condition. I'm near Madison, WI. Kathy taylog17@gmail.com 608-370-3862. 7-11 WANTED: 2 barrel stock carb for a 67 289, even a newer 302 would work- KEN LAURSEN 1729 AVOCET LANE MOUND MN 55364 612-735-8955 rockabillyrebel61@yahoo.com. 7-11 FOR SALE: Large floor standing stereo speakers, Cerwin-Vega Model D-7E. Driver Suspension has been redone. Dan LeVesque, 651-768-9356 12/11 For Sale: Custom laser cut wood auto logos for your bar, garage or what have you. Approximately 1 foot diameter. (picture next month) Available for Mustang, Ford Pickup and other makes. $35.00 Contact Gale Epettee, 651-210-9502 For Sale: Art Carr AOD Transmission, non-electric version. Fits 429-460 motors. Wide Ratio gear set, Kevlar Clutches, Custom Billet Torque Converter-2200 stall. Brand new in shipping crate. Asking $2,000 Dan LeVesque, 651-768-9356 9/11 For Sale: 1968 Cougar XR-7: $ 14,500. 302 cid engine, 4 bbl carb and merc-o-matic auto transmission with new gaskets and dual exhaust. The Nordic blue body & white vinyl roof all in show condition. NADA book value rates the cougar between $16,335 to $42,255. Call Jerry at (612) 201-3543 for more details. (March issue only)
Next Meeting 7:00pm • Dinner at 6:00 on • Wednesday March 7th • Fort Snelling • Officer’s Club Upper Midwest Region SAAC P.O.Box 390453 Edina, Minnesota 55439