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Factors Leading to the Renaissance in Western Europe

Factors Leading to the Renaissance in Western Europe. How Trade, Travel, Disease and Humanism give rise to the Renaissance. Increased Traveling. Crusades – European knights traveled to the Holy Land (Jerusalem) in the Middle East Learned about the advancements in the Middle East and Far East

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Factors Leading to the Renaissance in Western Europe

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  1. Factors Leading to the Renaissance in Western Europe How Trade, Travel, Disease and Humanism give rise to the Renaissance.

  2. Increased Traveling • Crusades – European knights traveled to the Holy Land (Jerusalem) in the Middle East • Learned about the advancements in the Middle East and Far East • Golden Age of Islam

  3. Increased Trade • Crusaders brought back technology (rare in western Europe) and then set up trade routes to sell eastern goods to western Europeans. • Compass & Astrolabe (Mid East) • Silk & Spices (Far East) • Traders make money, growth of merchant class (Middle Class grows) • Educate their children

  4. Disease • Plague and Disease come to western Europe. • 1/3 of Europe dies! • Cause – God was angry. Solution – Pray harder, punishment. • In reality, disease carried by fleas on the backs of rats transmitted the disease • Result: despite constant prayer, people still die. Some loose faith in religion. Look elsewhere for answers • education.

  5. Humanism • Balance religious faith with the power of the human mind. • Took interest in human society, and the natural world. Looked for beauty in this world, not the afterlife. • Spawns interest in learning. • reading Classical texts, learn how the ancients (Greeks and Romans) achieved greatness. • Art, music, literature make tremendous leaps

  6. Impact of Humanism on Renaissance

  7. Renaissance Begins • Starts in Northern Italy – Florence becomes the center of culture and learning in the west. • Renaissance translates to “rebirth” • Rebirth in the interest to read the classics (works of the ancient Greeks and Romans)

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