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Transforming the Way Your Community Deals with Conflict

Learn effective strategies for dealing with community conflicts and transforming the way your community deals with conflict. Explore the power of dialogue and cooperation in resolving issues and building positive relationships.

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Transforming the Way Your Community Deals with Conflict

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  1. Common Ground Communities Transforming the Way Your Community Deals with Conflict Search for Common Ground - USA

  2. There are seven billion people on this planet, we will never all agree, we can only learn how to disagree in peace. Community Conflicts – A Given Neighbor to Neighbor Interpersonal Intergroup Interethnic Intragroup Land Use Misdemeanors

  3. Conflict is neither positive or negative in itself . . . it’s the way we deal with the issue and each other that is the key. Dealing with Community Conflicts – A Choice Unite Flight Fight

  4. When in conflict, we can either try to be the winner or look at how can we work this out together. Why Does Your Choice Matter? • Festering resentments • Injustice Flight • Peace and Quiet • Order • Justice • Imposed outcomes • Damaged relations Fight • Time • Effort • Commitment • Mutual agreements • Improved relations • Lightened court caseload Unite

  5. Resolving conflicts as partners is a learning experience for all involved – it is rarely the easy route, but ultimately it is the most rewarding approach.

  6. Not all conflicts can be resolved by dialogue, much harm could be avoided by a change of approach. What Is A Better Approach? Flight Flight Fight Fight Unite Unite “now” “then”

  7. Given the right tools, we can learn how to manage conflicts as partners so that everyone wins. Generate Options Develop Agreements Raise Issues Discover Interests The Cooperative Problem Solving Path

  8. To resolve conflicts as partners, we must be prepared to stop finger-pointing and labeling – honest listening and expression are fundamental to positive resolution. Manage Emotions Effectively Communicate Respect Perceptions

  9. How? Widespread Individual Skills Cooperative Problem Solving Processes Supportive Leadership

  10. Widespread Individual Skills • Conflict Analysis • Conflict Management • Problem Solving How and When to Access Third Party Processes Positions  Interests Brainstorming Active Listening Anger Management

  11. Cooperative Problem Solving Processes • Develop the Processes to Match the Problems Neighbor to Neighbor Mediation Interethnic Study Circle, Media Programming Land Use/ Safety Neighborhood Problem Solving Process Misdemeanors Restorative Justice Processes

  12. Endorse Overall Vision of Change Supportive Leadership • Provide Support • Walk the Talk Government Community Groups Religion Business Education

  13. How Does This Happen? Search Homeport Change Skills + Leadership Processes Partners

  14. Role of Homeport Partner • Act as a catalyst for change, be “applied visionaries” • Identify and proactively respond to systemic and emergent community conflicts • Build a network of volunteers and professionals who provide resources and services to community members • Enlist support of community leaders • Develop partnerships with and among other community organizations

  15. Search supports: Strategic Planning • Articulate Vision • Identify Barriers • Define achievable pieces of the vision • Agree on a plan of action • Implement • Evaluate / Improve

  16. Search provides: Ongoing Support • Mentoring, coaching, advising • Sources of information • Training • Materials • Networking

  17. Search for Common Ground “. . . transform how individuals, organizations, and governments deal with conflict – away from adversarial approaches and toward cooperative solutions” Mission D. R. Congo Middle East Angola Morocco Liberia Iran Where United States Sierra Leone Macedonia Ukraine Greece-Turkey Burundi

  18. Contacting Search for Common Ground Search for Common Ground www.sfcg.org

  19. Every day we choose how to respond to crisis, those in our lives and in the world . . . we are all connected, each individual makes a difference.

  20. Map of Cooperative Problem-Solving Principles Process Results Attack Problems Use conflict as a natural resource Attack problems, respect people Good agreements Good relations Raise Issues Discover Interests Generate Options Develop Agreements Respect People Emotions Communication Perceptions

  21. Training • Individual Conflict Resolution Skills • Facilitating the Community Problem Solving Process

  22. Materials • Communities That Work – Together Guidebook • Processes Guide

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