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PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Thema: Leistungsbeurteilung im Praktikum • Was lernen die Studierenden in PBB? • Welches ist das Pflichtprogramm der Studierenden für den Erwerb der ECTS-Punkte? • Wo können die Studierenden in der Fachdidaktik ergänzend unterstützt werden? • Wo können die Studierenden im Praktikum ergänzend unterstützt werden? • Diskussion • For all of our materials go to: see https://tinyurl.com/Leistung2019
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) 15.15 - 17.30 Uhr: Arbeit in Fachgruppen Wo können die Studierenden in der Fachdidaktik und im Praktikum ergänzend unterstützt werden? 17.30 Uhr Apéro riche im Lichthof
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Programme • 15.15-15.30 Plenary - Needs Analysis • 15.30-16.15 HP and FZ - Input ‘Fachdidaktik‘ • 16.30-16.50 Group Work - Supporting Trainees • 16.50-17.10 Plenary - Discussion of Results • 17.10-17.30 Plenary - Other Questions
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • WelcheElementeaus der Vorlesung PPB würden Sie gerneimPraktikumerproben und anwenden? • «Bewertung der mündlichenMitarbeitimalltäglichenUnterricht: wieschaffeiches, effizient (ohnegrossenZeitaufwand) und nichtanfechtbarzubenoten?» • «Ich würdegerneeinemündliche Note setzenkönnen. Um zusehen, welcheHerangehensweiseaus der Vorlesungfürmichfunktionierenkönnte.» • «Istesmöglich, an einermündlich Matura dabeizu sein als stiller Beobachter? … ganzimSinne von learning by doing? Und anschliessend das Gesehenezubesprechen und die Bewertungmitzuerleben?» • (Prof. Dr. Franz Eberle: Beurteilung von Leistungen der Schülerinnen und Schüler im Praktikum, 25 January 2019)
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • WelcheElementeaus der Vorlesung PPB würden Sie gerneimPraktikumerproben und anwenden? • «Wiekorrigieren LPs Deutsch- Englisch- und Französischaufsätze (Bewertungsrasterinkl. Begründung, eventuellErfahrungsberichte, wiesosie dieses Raster / kein Raster verwenden)?» • «Wiewerden die Schülerinnen und Schüler auf die Aufsätzevorbereitet (Aufsatzarten, Übungendazu? Wirdihnen das Bewertungsrasterabgegeben / erklärt?)?» • (Prof. Dr. Franz Eberle: Beurteilung von Leistungen der Schülerinnen und Schüler im Praktikum, 25 January 2019)
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • WelcheElementeaus der Vorlesung PPB würden Sie gerneimPraktikumerproben und anwenden? • «WelcheAufgabenformensind in der Regel (gemässErfahrungen) am bestenfürValidität, Reliabilität und Objektivität?» • «Eine schriftlichePrüfungwiediejenige, die ichfür die Arbeit erstellthabe, nochmalserstellen und durchführen.» • «Eswäreauchschön, die gleichenPrüfungenwie die Betreuungs- person korrigierenzudürfen, um zuschauen, ob die Notengebungähnlichausfällt.» • (Prof. Dr. Franz Eberle: Beurteilung von Leistungen der Schülerinnen und Schüler im Praktikum, 25 January 2019)
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • 15.30 - 16.15 Supporting Student Teachers in GD/FD • Prof. Franz Eberle’s Lecture PBB • Franziska Zeller: • Bloom’s Taxonomy • Sacher’s ‘Gütekriterien‘ • Writing Tasks • Hansjürg Perino: • Digital Correction Apps • Oral Assessment
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • 15.30 - 16.15 Supporting Student Teachers in GD/FD • Franziska Zeller: • Bloom’s Taxonomy (Anderson and Krathwohl) • Sacher: Objectivity, Reliability, Validity • Formulating and Assessing Writing Tasks
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Franziska Zeller: Fachdidaktik I (and II) - Testing • Students analyse the quality of (bad) tests with a view to • Bloom’s Taxonomy (Anderson and Krathwohl) • Sacher’s key criteria: objectivity, reliability, validity • Students learn how to design, formulate, mark and assess writing tasks (as parts of a test) at elementary- • intermediate level
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 (Prof. Dr. Franz Eberle: Beurteilung von Leistungen der Schülerinnen und Schüler im Praktikum, 25 January 2019) ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (InstitutfürErziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich)
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) Bloom’s Taxonomy (Anderson and Krathwohl) https://thesecondprinciple.com/teaching-essentials/beyond-bloom-cognitive-taxonomy-revised/
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) https://www.teachthought.com/learning-models/25-question-stems-framed-around-blooms-taxonomy/
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) https://www.teachthought.com/learning-models/25-question-stems-framed-around-blooms-taxonomy/
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Level 1: Remember – Recalling Information • What is…? • Who was it that…? • Can you name…? • Describe what happened after… • What happened after…? • http://blog-temp.curriculet.com/38-question-starters-based-blooms-taxonomy/
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Level 2: Understand – Demonstrate an • understanding of facts, concepts and ideas • Can you explain why…? • Can you write in your own words? • Write a brief outline of… • Can you clarify…? • Who do you think…? • What was the main idea?
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Level 3: Apply – Solve problems by applying know-ledge, facts, techniques and rules in a unique way • Do you know of another instance where…? • Demonstrate how certain characters are similar or different. • Illustrate how the belief systems and values of the characters are presented in the story. • What questions would you ask of…? • Can you illustrate…? • What choice does … (character) face?
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Level 4: Analyze – Breaking information into parts to explore connections and relationships • Which events could not have happened? • If … happened, what might the ending have been? • How is… similar to…? • Can you distinguish between…? • What was the turning point? • What was the problem with…? • Why did… changes occur?
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Level 5: Evaluate – Justifying or defending a position or course of action • Judge the value of… • Can you defend the character’s position about…? • Do you think… is a good or bad thing? • Do you believe…? • What are the consequences…? • Why did the character choose…? • How can you determine the character’s motivation when…?
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Level 6: Create – Generating new ideas, products or ways of viewing things • What would happen if…? • Can you see a possible solution to…? • Do you agree with the actions?…with the outcomes? • What is your opinion of…? • What do you imagine would have been the outcome if… had made a different choice? • Invent a new ending. • What would you cite to defend the actions of…?
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Franziska Zeller: Fachdidaktik I (and II) - Testing • Students analyse the quality of (bad) tests with a view to • Bloom’s Taxonomy (Anderson and Krathwohl) • Sacher’s key criteria: objectivity, reliability, validity • Students learn how to design, formulate and assess writing tasks (as parts of a test)
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) Designing, formulating, marking, and assessing/evaluating writing tasks at A1-B1-level: Example 1 (A1: personality adjectives, present simple): Describe your best friend. What is s/he like?
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) Example 2a (level A1): In a text of 80-100 words, write about your favorite day of the week. You can get 12 points in total, 6 for content and 6 for language.
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) Example 2b In a text of 80-100 words, write about your favorite day of the week. Which day is it? Why? (2 reasons) What do you usually do then? (3 things). What do you never do on that day? (1 thing). You can get 6 points for content and 6 for language (grammar, vocabulary, spelling)
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) Example 3 (level A2): In einem Text von ca 100 Wörtern erzähl mir, was du am Wochenende gemacht hast. Wo warst du, und mit wem? (2 Punkte). Was habt ihr da gemacht? (brauche zwei verschiedene Vollverben = 2 Punkte). Mochtest du das, was du unternommen hast? Warum (nicht)? (2 Punkte) You can get 10 points in this part of the test: 6 for content and 4 for language (2 for vocabulary and spelling, and 2 for grammatical accuracy).
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (InstitutfürErziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) Example 4 (level B1, connected to graded reader): Tell me where you see the horror and the adventure elements in The Body. Mention 6 things in total, and end your text by saying whether (= ob) you think The Body is a typical horror story and/or a typical adventure story (at the same time). You can get 14 points in total, 7 points for content and 7 for language (3 for grammar, 3 for accuracy / range of vocabulary and spelling, 1 for the structure of the text).
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) Example 5 (level B1, connected to graded reader): Write a text of about 120 words and ... ... describe Biko’s philosphy. Your text should refer to three things that are important to Biko and provide (=give) reasons why they are important to him. ... write about the Apartheidsystem (in 1970s South Africa). Your text should refer to three things that are characteristic of the Apartheidsystem. Say what you personally think of each of these three aspects ... say what ‚banned’ people (in 1970s South Africa) could / could not do. Your text should refer to three rules in total and explain the ’use’ of them (from the white government’s point of view). You can get 12 points in total for this part of the test: 6 points for content and 6 points for language (3 for vocabulary and spelling, 3 for grammar and sentence complexity).
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Designing, formulating, marking, and assessing/evaluating writing tasks: • Integrate writing tasks into your tests (put them last as they are integrative test items, cf Bloom) • Connect the writing task to your teaching (combine course book vocabulary, grammar with what you do in literature lessons; cf Sacher: reliability and validity)
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Designing, formulating, marking, and assessing/evaluating writing tasks: • Do not ask students to simply reproduce a model • text in the course book (product vs process writing) • Set clear, manageable, but also challenging and inspiring tasks
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Designing, formulating, marking, and assessing/evaluating writing tasks: • If possible, give students a choice of two equally difficult tasks • Do not use too much of the target language in your instructions (when does it make sense to use L1?) • Make sure students know your marking criteria (assign points for content and language/form)
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Designing, formulating, marking, and assessing/evaluating writing tasks: • When marking first short texts, be as generous, supportive, and motivating as possible • Underline mistakes (but not necessarily all of them; Scrivener: selective marking) • When you write in the solutions, ask yourself why • you do so (consider the heterogeneity of classes)
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Designing, formulating, marking, and assessing/evaluation writing tasks: • Circle (or use a different colour for) things that • deserve praise (criterion-referenced, but also ipsative • assessment) • Decide when it is time to start using a correction • code (= preparation for essays; too time-consuming • and confusing for lower levels?)
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Designing, formulating, marking, and assessing/evaluating writing tasks: • Evaluate your students’ texts and draw conclusions regarding future / remedial teaching • Discuss the texts in class and allow students to learn from each other (not just from you, and not just from mistakes)
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Designing, formulating, marking, and assessing/evaluating writing tasks: • Decide how you want your students to revise their texts (for example by analyzing mistakes and finding strategies to avoid making the same mistake again)
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Designing, formulating, marking, and assessing/evaluating writing tasks… • … at post-intermediate level
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Designing, formulating, marking, and assessing/evaluating writing tasks at B1.2-C1 level: • New: literary, discursive, persuasive 5§-essays • New: more marking criteria (register, style, form) • New or refined: correction code (also for content!) • New: weighting of essays (two full marks) • —> time-consuming for both students and teachers
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Conclusions and Recommendations: • enough classroom time for essay writing practice needs to be allocated before the ‘real essay‘ is written (validity, reliability and objectivity!) • combine product writing and process-writing with collaborative writing (peer feedback)
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Conclusions and Recommendations: • students need to be introduced to the idiosyncrasies of different types of essays • (in a product writing approach) • concepts such as topic sentences, paragraphs, coherence and cohesion must be taught (again) • and practiced (process writing)
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Conclusions and Recommendations: • students need to be made familiar with the teacher’s assessment criteria and marking scheme • time permitting, students write and mark each other’s mock essays, using the teacher’s assessment criteria before they write the ’real essay’ (peer feedback)
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • 15.30 - 16.15 Supporting Student Teachers in GD/FD • Hansjürg Perino: see https://tinyurl.com/Leistung2019 • Digital Correction Apps • Oral Assessment
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Programme • 15.15-15.30 Plenary - Needs Analysis • 15.30-16.15 HP and FZ - Input ‘Fachdidaktik‘ • 16.30-16.50 Group Work - Supporting Trainees • 16.50-17.10 Plenary - Discussion of Results • 17.10-17.30 Plenary - Other Questions
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) 16.30 - 16.50 Group Work - Supporting Trainees Based on Prof. Franz Eberle, Hansjürg Perino and Franziska Zeller’s input, as well as your own experience, suggest how you could coach student teachers on: - - - -
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • 16.50 - 17.10 Plenary: Discussion of Results • 17.10 - 17.30 Plenary: General Questions (Praktikum) • 17.30 Apero im Lichthof
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) • Thema: LeistungsbeurteilungimPraktikum • Wo können die Studierenden in der Fachdidaktikergänzendunterstütztwerden? • Wo können die StudierendenimPraktikumergänzendunterstütztwerden? • Diskussion • THANK YOU!
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) Literature: Anderson, Lorin and David Krathwohl. A Taxonomyfor Learning, Teaching andAssessing. Pearson, 2013. Bloom, B. S. (1956). "Taxonomyof Educational Objectives, Handbook I: The Cognitive Domain." New York: David McKay Co Inc. Eberle, Franz: Beurteilung von Leistungen der Schülerinnen und Schüler im Praktikum (Referat, 25. Januar 2019, )Universität Zürich Sacher, W. (2014). Leistungen entwickeln, überprüfen und beurteilen (6., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt. Scrivener, Jim. Learning Teaching. Macmillan, 2005.
PLP-Tagung 25.1.2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hansjürg Perino, MA and Franziska Zeller, MA (Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft/LLBM, Universität Zürich) Online Sources: https://www.teachthought.com/learning-models/25-question-stems-framed-around-blooms-taxonomy/TeachThought - WeGrowTeachers, 19 January, 2019 http://blog-temp.curriculet.com/38-question-starters-based-blooms-taxonomy/ Blog of ‘Curriculet – Ignite a Love of Reading’,19 January, 2019 https://thesecondprinciple.com/teaching-essentials/beyond-bloom-cognitive-taxonomy-revised/ The Second Principleby Leslie Owen Wilson, Ed. D., 19 January 2019