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Europe in Turmoil: World War II Unfolds

Learn how Austria and Czechoslovakia fell to Hitler's tactics, the Munich Pact, Polish Blitzkrieg, the Fall of France, Battle of Britain, and Italy's entry into the war.

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Europe in Turmoil: World War II Unfolds

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  1. War in EuropeChapter 16.2 • Austria and Czechoslovakia Fall • Hitler meets with Austrian chancellor Kurt von Schushnigg – Hitler bullies Kurt to appoint Austrian Nazis to key government posts • When the Chancellor returns home he has a change of heart, tells Hitler

  2. Hitler’s Reaction • March 12, 1938 German troops marched into Austria, force Chancellor to resign • The U.S. and the rest of the world did nothing • The Sudetenland • Czechoslovakia next target • After WWI Sudetenland along with 3 million German-speaking people had been joined with Czechoslovakia

  3. The Sudetenland • Germany began accusing the Czechs of mistreating the German people • Mass killings of women and children not true • Munich Pact • Hitler told French Premier Edouad Daladier and Prime Minister Chamberlin that the Sudetenland would be Germany’s last demand for land.

  4. Sudetenland Continued • Sept. 30, 1938 signed Munich Pact with hopes of stopping another war • Winston Churchill political opponent of Chamberlin, saw the Munich Pact as appeasement or giving up principles

  5. German Offensive Begins • Poland – German speaking people • Soviet Union neighbor of Poland • Hitler and Stalin sign Non-aggression Pact Aug. 23, 1939 in which they agree not to fight each other • They also decide to divide Poland between them

  6. Blitzkrieg in Poland • Blitzkrieg means lightning war • Heavy air and artillery bombardment, next paratrooper landings • Infantry on both sides with enemy in the center • Tanks • Sept. 1, 1939 Germany uses blitzkrieg in Poland

  7. Poland • German attack successful in Poland • Sept. 3, 1939 France and Great Britain declare war on Germany

  8. The Phony War • Period of time after Sept. 3, 1939, waiting for Germany to attack Great Britain • British, French and German troops sitting waiting for something to happen • Soviet Union first to act, starts annexing regions the Soviet Union had lost during WWI • April 7, 1940 German newspaper announces that Germany is ready • Surprise invasion Denmark and Norway • Next, Netherlands, Belgium & Luxembourg

  9. France • The Fall of France • Germans cut off France and allies, pushed them back to the beaches of Dunkirk on the English Channel • In less that one week these soldiers were taken across the Channel. Total number was 340,000

  10. Italy • Italy enter the war on German side • March into France, Germany on the other side • France falls June 17, 1940 • General Charles de Gaulle • Fled to England, set up a government in exile

  11. Battle of Britain • Luftwaffe (German Air force) • 2,600 planes at German hands • Aug. 15, 1940, 1,000 planes over England • Every night for two months bombing • Battle of Britain went through summer to fall • Targets first airfields, next cities and civilians

  12. RAF (Royal Air Force) • Fought back with help of radar, it was new • Sept. 15, 1940 RAF shot down 56 German planes, RAF lost only 26 • The German ire assault stopped against Britain • Made civilians mad not scared

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