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US and WWI 1914-1918

Explore the factors leading to US entry into WWI, including alliances and economic interests, and the aftermath domestically, like Wilson's Fourteen Points and the League of Nations.

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US and WWI 1914-1918

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  1. US and WWI1914-1918

  2. LG: Explain what led to US involvement in WWI andhow was the US affected after it?

  3. 1) US Neutrality a. For as long as possible, the United States and President Woodrow Wilson aimed to keep the country out of a “European War” over “there”. i. Proclaimed neutrality. b. Neutrality from 1914 to 1917… i. What finally pushed us into “their” war?

  4. 2. The MAIN(E) Reasons a) Militarism i. National policy of maintaining a large military establishment; in Europe.

  5. b) Alliances i. Countries formally agreeing to protect one another if attacked.

  6. c) Imperialism i. Expansion and competition pushes empires into one another.

  7. ***Empires of the World in 1914

  8. d) Nationalism i. Intense pride for one’s homeland and culture; many want own country (self- determination).

  9. ***Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1910

  10. e) (E)conomics i. By 1917, US banks loaned $2 Billion in the Allied powers that were at war. *** War starts in 1914. If Allies lose the war, does the US get their money back?

  11. ***Nationalism sparks War

  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ijk4j-r7qPA

  13. 3. War in Europe a) June 1914: i. Heir to Austrian-Hungarian throne, Franz Ferdinand, is assassinated by a Serbian nationalist.

  14. *** GavriloPrincip: 19 y/o member of the Serbian nationalist group the “Black Hand”

  15. b) Alliances take sides; war starts August 1914. i. Allies vs. Central Powers

  16. 4) US is Pushed into WWI because… *** Analyze the following documents to figure out why the US entered WWI.

  17. 4) US is Pushed into WWI because… a) What economic reason did the US have to enter the war on the side of the Allies?

  18. b) How did propaganda like America’s attitude towards Germany?

  19. c) According to this document, why would many Americans support Great Britain during WWI? “Why is English the US’s national language?” - Mr. Kajfasz, December 10, 2014 That was an excellent quote, Mr. Kajfasz. True. Can I have your autograph. 

  20. d) What was theZimmerman Note and how did it push America closer to entering WWI?

  21. e) How did the Germany’s sinking of the Lusitania push America closer to entering WWI?

  22. US Entry and Involvement in WWI

  23. US Military Deaths… 116,516

  24. ***Open to page 399.

  25. 5. US and After WWI a) President Wilson delivers his Fourteen Points speech to Europe. i. 1-5: To prevent another war. *** pg. 399 ii. 6-13: New countries/boundary changes based on distinct ethnic identities. ***Maps pg. 400 iii. 14: League of Nations - Forum for countries to talk and not resort to war.

  26. Show League of Nations Portion of WWIAmerica’s Time.

  27. b) Wilson, Congress, and the League of Nations i. Wilson wants US in LoN; his baby. ii. Congress does not. - Avoid being dragged into Euro. drama. iii. US does not enter LoN and it stays out.

  28. **** Did people all of a sudden remember George Washington’s Farewell Address again????? Like, wassup wit dat?

  29. 6) WWI Changes the US Domestically

  30. 6) WWI Changes the US Domestically ***Copy Chart on pg. 403 and draw a picture for each one. - And you don’t have to get all Iggy Azalea with it and get all fancy like.

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