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OTHER PROPERTY LINES TRAINING. Homesaver. Revision: 9/2011 – Homesaver/OPL. Welcome to Travelers of Massachusetts!. This slide presentation will show you how to input a New Business Homesaver Policy. Let's Begin!. Important Information On Running Reports, CLUE and Choicepoint.
OTHER PROPERTY LINES TRAINING Homesaver Revision: 9/2011 – Homesaver/OPL
Welcome to Travelers of Massachusetts! This slide presentation will show you how to input a New Business Homesaver Policy. Let's Begin!
Important Information On RunningReports, CLUE and Choicepoint • Prior to beginning your New Business Homesaver Policy entry please run an Insurance Score and CLUE Report. • You can run these Reports from the “Reports Tab” in Atlas3 or through Choice Point. • Again, these inquiries cannot be done during the input process.
Begin by logging on to Agent HQ: Reminder if you are an agent who Writes for multiple lines of business be sure that you enter Into the Personal Insurance Section of Agent HQ.
Search • From the Home Page of Agent HQ, under the Quote & Issue Tab, click on the “Search Criteria” drop down box and select “Name”. • Note: Continue to send in your property change requests by using our Automated Property Change Request Form, or by faxing to our Business Center at 1-888-862-1329
Customer Selection Screen: After the Search Criteria reflects the name selection, enter in the Last Name, and then State and Zip Code and Click on Search: In this example, the customer is found. You will click on the customer and then click on the “Account List” button. Customer Account List
Customer Selection Screen: After the Search Criteria reflects the name selection, enter in the Last Name, and then State and Zip Code and Click on Search: • In this example, the customer is not found. • You will need to click the “Add Customer” button to proceed.
Add Customer Screen: • The Add Customer Page is now displayed. Verify the First Name and Last Name or re-enter to correct or enter a second name. • Enter the Street Address, City, State and Zip Code. • We recommend you enter the Customer Home Phone Number, and if available their work phone number. • Now click on the “Account List” button at the bottom of the page. Account List
Account List: • The Account List page is on the page now. • From the Left Navigation Bar you will see a link called, Atlas 3-Other Property Lines
You have now navigated to the Other Property Lines Portal: • Remember, you should have already completed your CLUE and Choice Point Reports prior to starting your entries. • “On Line Quoting Customer Information Page” • In the drop down box, for Line of Business, click Homesaver then tab to the Agent/Sponsor field. This is where you will enter in your producer code. The system will prefill the Insured's Name and Mailing Address Information. • When you click on the forward button red asterisks may display on the screen. This indicates any mandatory fields that have not been completed. • In the screen below you must type the Home Phone Number, Occupation/Employer. If the customer has other lines of business with us, such as a Homeowners, Auto, PAF or Umbrella, enter the policy information. Now click on the Forward Button at the bottom of the page.
Location of Property: • You are now on the Location of Property page. On this page, you will key in the Effective Date. You do not need to input anything in to the Rate Date, the system will generate the Rate Date. Enter in the Location of the Property and provide information on whether or not the property is within the city limits. Click Forward to continue.
Homesaver Information Page: At the top there are fields that identify the various types of Homesaver programs. If you pick the “H” it will generate a Form 661 Policy (Owner Occupied Dwelling Policy), if you pick “R” it will generate a Form 663 (Rental Dwelling), “C” is for a form 662 (Condominium Unit Owner Policy), “N” is for Form 664 (Rental Condo Policy), “A” is for Form 665 (Apartment). In this example, we are inputting an R for a Rental Property. Indicate whether or not this is a Secondary or Seasonal Property, if neither of these apply you do not need to input any information. The next required field is the “Construction” Type. There is a drop down box that allows you to choose the various construction types. In addition to the Construction type you will also need to input the feet to Hydrant and the Miles to a Fire Station. Click on Forward.
Homesaver Information Page: • This page collects information regarding roofing materials. • Choose one that applies and click on the Forward button.
Homesaver Information: • Additional Homeowners information is required on this next page. Enter the Year Built, the number of families and additional information. In order to determine what information is mandatory we suggest clicking on the “Forward” Button at the bottom of the page. By doing this the system will highlight each field that is a mandatory entry. • The field entries may change depending upon the type of Homesaver policy. • A Replacement Cost Estimate is required. You need to indicate, “Y” that one has been completed you will also need to answer the question on which method was used. Please put an “X” in the Method.
Underwriting Information: • Tab to the Ins. Score field and click on Help. This will provide you a list of appropriate abbreviations for this field. To return back to the original page. Any time you use the Help button, click your ENTER key. • We have entered the Insurance Score and the Insurance Source (C = Choicepoint). • No Insurance reason codes are required. Answer the remaining questions using “N” or “Y”.
Example of Help when your Cursor Is in the Insurance Score Value
Underwriting Information • If you chose “Y” for the Woodstove from the previous Underwriting page, the next page you will see is the Wood/Coal/Pellet Stove Information page that will need to be completed. This information can be found from your woodstove certificate.
Renovation Information: • This page is triggered because we indicated that there had been some updates or modernization to the residence.
Limits/Coverage Information: • On this screen you will input the appropriate limits. When inputting the limits do not put a comma, enter in just the numeric values. (If commas are entered the fields will highlight in red.) • For those fields where there is a letter next to each option, you have the option of inputting the actual amount as we have below or entering the applicable letter next to the amount.
Dwelling – 661, 663 • This page is displayed when entering a 661 or 663 policy. On this page, select any additional coverages. Please note, if you do not request either Broad Perils or Special Coverage, you are requesting a DP1 policy with just named perils. • Click the Forward button to continue. • At any time you may click on the Notepad to add Underwriting Notes. Once completed, click the enter key to return to the previous page.
Price Selection Information: • On this screen any Underwriting Edits generated from your entries, will be displayed. • In the example below, note that the Alternate Heating Device requires referral. • As you can see the system has “X” in the Referral, since Underwriting Edits were triggered. The system has also setup a referral to the appropriate Underwriter; you will see that the Mail ID has been filled in. • Click on Forward or Click on Notepad to provide notes to the underwriter.
Notepad: • By clicking on the Notepad from the previous page you can enter a message about the customer, policy or any additional information that you would like the underwriter to consider or know. For example you could include notes such as “woodstove questionnaire in file”, if applicable. This will assist the underwriting decision process without the need for further contact. • Once you have completed the underwriting notes. Hit your “Enter Key” to return to the Price Selection page.
Returning to the Price Selection Screen afterNotepad Entry: • Be sure that the Refer/Issue field has an “X” if there are referral edits. • Now click the Forward button.
Property Quotation Page: • You will want to print this page to provide a quote to your customer. On the page, click the right button on your mouse. This should bring up a gray box where one of the options is to print. The system does not currently provide a Print Quote Option. • Click on Forward to continue.
Billing Information Page: • Do not enter the down payment amount. Send down payments to the Travelers of Massachusetts Remittance Center, Travelers Personal Insurance, PO BOX 660307, Dallas, MA 75266-0307 • IMPORTANT: Please provide the Policy Number in the memo area of the check. • Complete the applicable information for Billing Options and Click on the Forward Button.
Mortgagee Information • Be sure to provide the correct name of the Mortgagee, complete street address, town, state and zip
Policy Issuance Page: • The assigned policy number is displayed on this page. In addition on this page you will find the “Agency ID for Insured” field. In this field you will enter your id to your Agency Management System so that the information is included in your download
Inspection Report/Method Information: • Please complete the information that you obtained when producing a cost estimator on this risk.
Quote Status Information: • This is the final page for completing the Homesaver Quote. In our page example you can see that it was referred to an Underwriter. The quote status shows “REFER UND” • You will also see in “RED” that the mail notification was sent to the underwriter’s mailbox for review. The initials of the underwriter appear in the last three-digit box, in this example “KES”. • At this point you can log off the system by clicking on “Logoff Customer”. Status = Refer Und (Referred to Underwriter Mail id of the underwriter, The underwriters Initials.
This completes the demo of entering a Homesaver Policy. • For Assistance with Travelers Other Property Lines Portal, please contact Travelers Agency Automation Staff at 1-800-222-4184, press option 3 from your telephone key pad. • For Underwriting Assistance, please contact your Travelers of Massachusetts Underwriter.