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Scientific visa: some issues from our experience

Scientific visa: some issues from our experience. Ulg Euraxess Centre in a few words. ULg Euraxess Centre. - Created in 2005 at the initiative of the university - Motivations: priority set by ULg on internationalisation, suggestion of the EU Commission (People programme, FP6-7)

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Scientific visa: some issues from our experience

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  1. Scientific visa: some issues from our experience

  2. Ulg Euraxess Centre in a few words

  3. ULg Euraxess Centre • - Created in 2005 at the initiative of the university • - Motivations: priority set by ULg on internationalisation, suggestion of the EU Commission (People programme, FP6-7) • - Human ressources : 2 FTP on 4 campuses, adressingvarious publics: • - Liège , Sart Tilman, Gembloux, Arlon • - researchers IN and OUT, Post-docs, PHD studentsfromdeveloping countries, Erasmus mundus, … • - Integrated in international (FP7) and regional (FRS, GreaterRegion) networks

  4. EURAXESS Services ULg • -Personalised assistance • -Welcome pack • -Database about funding sources for researcher’smobility : « SI4PP-Financer mon projet personnel » • -Statistics on researcher’smobility • -See: http://www.ulg.ac.be/euraxess • ULg isdeveloping the HRS4R and plans to introduceits Action plan to the EU Commission in December 2010. 

  5. Some figures • 2006 /2: 216 interventions • 2007: 174 interventions • 2008: 521 interventions • 2009: 742 interventions • 2010/1: 201 interventions • 60 % IN (visa)- 40% OUT (funding) 2006 /2: 216 interventions 2007: 174 interventions 2008: 521 interventions 2009: 742 interventions 2010/1: 201 interventions 60 % IN (visa)- 40% OUT (funding)

  6. Scientific visa: a success story • Ekaterina T. is PHD in medicine of Georgian nationality. At the end of her contract in Japan she gets a proposal from the university hospital. • She cannot wait too long for the visa: Japan is expensive and her residence permit expires. • Thanks to the hosting agreement she did not need to go back to Georgia. Workshop on Scientific Visa- 8 Nov 2010- Euraxess Centre - Université de Liège

  7. A nice suit, but a little tight • In the CF universities, 191 researchers were hosted thanks to a Scientific visa in 2008-2009: • GxABT:0 • FUCAM:0 • FUNDP:16 • FUSL:0 • UCL:67 • ULg:21 • ULB: 51 • UMONS :35

  8. A nice suit, but a little tight • Even if the idea is good, the scientific visa is not so widely used. Why? • - Lack of information ? • - Uncertainty about the terminology, the exceptions ? • - Restrictive definitions for applicants? • - Limited advantages ?

  9. Aims of the EU directive • Facilitate the Belgian market’s access to non EU researchers by giving them a permit to enter, stay and work with the purpose of carrying out scientific research. Workshop on Scientific Visa- 8 Nov 2010- Euraxess Centre - Université de Liège

  10. How? • The visa is delivered directly by the embassy on the basis of a document (hosting agreement) provided by the research institution. • This one is responsible for the non EU researcher during his/her stay on the Belgian territory (duration of the agreement + 6 months). • No work permit needed. Workshop on Scientific Visa- 8 Nov 2010- Euraxess Centre - Université de Liège

  11. A specific perspective • The following issues are raised by Euraxess Services Centres of universities (not of research centres, or companies). • TheywerediscussedamongBelgianuniversities. Theytry to reflecttheir joint point of view. • They are raised in the perspective of improving the clarification and extension of the legal provisions governing the scientific visa in Belgium.

  12. With a little help from my friends • The figures willrise if… • - the questions raisedget an answer • - the issues are adressed in a positive way • - we gain experiencefromourneighbours

  13. What are the issues? • FAQ about the scientific visa: • this workshop is a key opportunity to list them, to find answers together, • in order to publish them on the Belpo website.

  14. PHD students? • Research professionals can apply for a scientific visa, but not students. • Questions : • Can we apply the EU recommandation to consider the PhD students as early stage researchers (see Charter and Code) • What about their status when they have fellowship grants including social security or a work contract?

  15. Professors or assistants? • Could the universities deliver a scientific visa although they come mainly to teach?

  16. Kind of legalrelationship? • If they have a fellowship and not a work contract ? • If this fellowship is paid by their country of origin?

  17. Lower salaries ? • If they earn less than than the minimum salary for a work contract in Belgium ? • (it may be the case in Africa or far East)

  18. Equivalence of social securityrights ? • If they do not get a full social security coverage in Belgium ? • (non-EU citizens do not get coverage for pension or unemployement, except if their country has signed a bilateral agreement with Belgium) • Or if they get a social security coverage from their home country that does not match Belgian standards?

  19. Short termstay, extension ? • If they are coming to do research for less than 3 months? • Can the duration of the host agreement be extended for 1 or 2 months ? • Are they allowed to stay on the Belgian territory after the research contract ended to organize their return home ?

  20. What about the family ? • If they wish to come with their spouse, companion, children ? • Should the family stay behind and wait for a reunification visa?

  21. The institution’s responsibility • Not easy to assess the researcher request from far away • The risk seems to be limited, mainly if there are links with their home institution • Could it be covered by an insurance? • Could there be a special scheme to provide full social security coverage to non EU researchers?

  22. Portability of the scientific visa • If a researcher has a scientific visa to come to Germany or France, can it be recognised in Belgium ?

  23. Thanks for your attention! • Now let’s find the answers… Centre de Mobilité Euraxess de l’ULg: Administration Recherche et Développement Place du 20 Aout 7, bât A1 Contact: Brigitte Ernst brigitte.ernst@ulg.ac.be +32 4 366 53 36

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