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Wroclaw University Work done Module: Pupils’ World Image in Learning Science. Transformation to e-environment. Period spent on transformation to an e-environment: October 2006 – April 2007 Translation of the materials to English: September 2008 – October 2008. Version in English:
Wroclaw University Work done Module: Pupils’ World Image in Learning Science Transformation to e-environment Period spent on transformation to an e-environment: October 2006 – April 2007 Translation of the materials to English: September 2008 – October 2008 Version in English: Number of sessions: 5; 2 reading-answering questions sessions, 1 research workshop, 1 introductory test, 1 summing-up/evaluation. moodle address: project server in Aveiro http://cc-crie.dte.ua.pt/moodle/index.php, Version in Polish in a non-Moodle format is available under www.cen.uni.wroc.pl
Wroclaw University Work done Module: Pupils’ World Image in Learning Science Piloting • Period: September 2007 – March 2008 • Performed at: Wroclaw University (Teachers Education Centre) • Participants: 50 in-service teachers of science at junior secondary school (gymnasium).
Wroclaw University Work done Module: Pupils’ World Image in Learning Science Piloting results 28 reports on the results of the research workshop performed by the participants within the module in their classrooms. The subject of the research workshop was pupils’ understanding of notions in sciences and geography. Exemplary students’ reports are published together with our report from piloting in a book form, see dissemination activities. Our report on piloting in English is available in the project site: http://wsl.cemed.ua.pt/eustd-web/ The instrument originally prepared for work on the pupils’ preconceptions in sciences was also piloted in humanities. The research workshop was performed by in-service teachers of humanities in the same time as that in sciences. The results are published in a book with a project reference, see dissemination activities
Wroclaw University Work done Module: Pupils’ World Image in Learning Science Disseminationactivities Institutional web-site: www.cen.uni.wroc.pl Published Books A.Krajna, K.Sujak-Lesz (Ed.) “How is a pupil/student everyone knows. Pupils’ world image – sciences”, ISBN 978-83-7432-373-4, Wroclaw 2008. A.Krajna, E.Małkiewicz (Ed.) “How is a pupil/student everyone knows. On getting to know pupils/students better and on using that cognition in the teaching process (in Polish)”, ISBN 978-83-7432-372-7, Wroclaw 2008.
Wroclaw University Future work Module: Pupils’ World Image in Learning Science Planed activities The module in Moodle format is going to be tested with a group of University students, future teachers (pre-service studies), Period: February 2009 – June 2009, report by the end of September 2009.
Wroclaw University Future work Module: Pupils’ World Image in Learning Science Planed dissemination activities A publication is going to be prepared with reference to the project, devoted to the methods developed within the project at the Wroclaw University, Period: May 2009 – September 2009, Project presentation at the 10th Polish Forum of Science Teachers, Wroclaw September 2009, Organized by the Wroclaw University, Teachers Education Center. 1. Slide