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SMA Orientation Systems Review Office (Code 301)

SMA Orientation Systems Review Office (Code 301). Mark D. Goans, Chief Systems Review Office (SRO) Tel: 301-286-9763 Email: Mark.D.Goans@nasa.gov. Systems Review Office (SRO) Scope.

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SMA Orientation Systems Review Office (Code 301)

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  1. SMA OrientationSystems Review Office (Code 301) Mark D. Goans, Chief Systems Review Office (SRO) Tel: 301-286-9763 Email: Mark.D.Goans@nasa.gov

  2. Systems Review Office (SRO) Scope The Systems Review Office (SRO) supports Center and Agency leadership in the independent review and assessment of projects per NASA and GSFC directives and standards. This is accomplished in the form of life cycle reviews and represent essential elements of conducting, managing, evaluating, and approving space flight programs/projects. Independent reviews are performed at critical milestones during the life cycle of flight and flight support systems developed by; (a) the Center, (b) other NASA Centers, (c) other Agencies, (d) private industry or universities under contract to the Center, and (e) foreign governments under cooperative international programs. The SRO conducts and/or participates in the review of the overall mission design and operations, integrated payloads, spacecraft, instruments, flight support-ground based systems, and launch vehicle systems for projects implemented by the GSFC.

  3. SRO Functions The Systems Review Office (SRO) is the implementation arm of the GSFC independent review program. Planning entails participating in, or taking the lead in, the development of the Systems Review Plan, standing up review board’s, developing review team charter’s, and developing and maintaining procedural requirements and standards documentation. Facilitating a successful review involves working with the Project to establish the Success Criteria and Key Evaluation Factors used in establishing the level of success of a particular review; as well as supporting the generation and management of Requests for Action. Management functions include budgeting the manpower and cost requirements of the proposed review program, organizing an effective review process tailored to the project , and coordinating the reviews through official review team appointments and agenda review. Participation in a review by the SRO involves serving as a Subject Matter Expert on selected systems and peer review teams; as well as chairing key mission and systems-level development lifecycle reviews.

  4. Scope of Independent Reviews • Review board members can only offer advise and suggestions as individuals to the project and the convening authorities and do not have authority over any project content. • Consensus opinions are not permitted for compliance with FACA. • Review Board members cannot provide direction or participate in the projects decision-making process. • Reviews provide expert assessment of the technical and programmatic approach, risk posture, and progress against the project baseline. • Review board outputs are briefed to the project for which the review is being conducted prior to being reported to the next higher level of management. • Findings from individual panel members are compiled by the review Chair and documented along with his/her own findings and recommendations in a review summary report.

  5. Reporting of Results • Provided in the form of formal reports, electronic summaries, and briefings to Project Management, the Center Management Council (CMC), and the Center Directors Office. Additional briefings to the Mission Directorate Program Management Council (PMC) and the Agency PMC are also supported as required. • Project teams leverage upon the background and experiences of the independent review board membership, adding value through confirmation of engineering solutions and risk mitigation approaches. • Findings and recommendations are generated independently amongst the Board membership in a non-consensus manner and are oriented toward assessing risks, primarily the probability of occurrence and/or the impact of potential problems being encountered and confronted during the development lifecycle process.

  6. Independent Review Program • Primary objective is to provide an independent assessment of a project’s maturity and risk status to the appropriate decision and technical authorities enabling them to make informed decisions at key development/operations milestones and gateways. • Key Decision Point (KDP) meeting conducted by the controlling NASA Program Management Council (PMC).1 • GSFC gateway meeting conducted by the Center Management Council (CMC) 1 • Supported by: • Mission-level milestone reviews conducted by Agency chartered Standing Review Board (SRB) and CMC chartered Integrated Independent Review Team (IIRT).2 • Element/system-level milestone reviews conducted by an IIRT. • Engineering Peer Reviews conducted by a project chartered independent peer review team.3 • 1 Reference: NPR 7120.5D, NASA Space Flight Program and Project Management Requirements 2 Reference: NPR 7120.5D and GPR 8700.4, Integrated Independent Reviews 3 Reference: GPR 8700.6, Engineering Peer Reviews

  7. Key Milestone and Gateway Reviews Key Decision Point (KDP) Gateway Reviews KDP B KDP C KDP D KDP E KDP F KDP A GSFC Gateway Reviews SMSR EOPM Senior Review CRR MRR Mission-level Milestone Reviews ORR FOR MOR MPSR* SIR MCR MSRR/MDR (PNAR) PDR (NAR) CDR PLAR CERR DR MPER *Note: MPSR may be conducted by SRB in conjunction with the ORR/FRR with non-SRB members from the SRO review team in attendance. Launch Vehicle Milestone Reviews Pre-VOS LVRR LRR/FRR Element-level Milestone Reviews(spacecraft, instruments, ground systems and other key systems) SRRs PDRs CDRs PERs PSRs Engineering Peer Reviews(assemblies, components, and functional areas) Phase A Concept & Technology Development Pre-Phase A Concept Studies Phase C Final Design & Fabrication Phase D System Assembly, Integration & Test, Launch Phase B Preliminary Design & Technology Completion Phase E Operations & Sustaining Engineering Phase F Close out NASA/HQ: CMC: Launch Provider: SRB: IIRT: Project: Review Authority:

  8. Code 301 Organization Mark D. Goans/Code 301 Office Chief Carolyn Dent/Code 301 Deputy Office Chief Linda Millsap/Code 301 Secretary • GRMS & Review Management Support • Joe Polesel/SGT • Anna Montoro/SGT • Andre Young/SGT Business/Schedule Assessments Charles (Chuck) Athas/ Sigma Space Corporation • Systems Review Managers • Tom Cygnarowicz/Code 301 • GOES-R, Climate Sensors • Carolyn Dent/Code 301 • TDRS-K, LDCM, SGSS • Ted Hammer/Code 301 • JWST, GPM • Ken Lehtonen/Code 301 • Ground Systems, Operations • Linda Pacini/Code 301 • NPP, MMS, Solar Orbiter, GEMS, JPSS-1 • Susanna Petro • MAVEN, LADEE • Kirk Rhee/Code 301 • RBSP, ICESat II • Robert Savage/Code 301 • GLORY, IRIS, Astro-H • External SRMs • James Barrowman/SGT • ICESat-2 • Doug McLennan • MAVEN • Mike Weiss/Code 440 (PT) • SAM

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