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CANKAYA UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF BASIC AND ELECTIVE COURSES -ENGLISH UNIT-. ENG 106 WEEK 11&12. UNIT 4 ACTING. IMAGINATION. Character ( n ): a person in a movie, play or book. Collocations : main character supporting / minor character
Character(n): a person in a movie, play or book Collocations : maincharacter supporting/minorcharacter Ex:Themaincharacter of the film left her wifeandchildren. Ex:I think the supporting characters were much more successful than the main characters.
Imagine(v): to form a picture or idea about what something could be like Word Formation : Imagination (n), Imaginary (adj) Ex:Thecharacters in thismovieareimaginary. Ex:Imagination is moreimportantthanknowledge Ex:Themaincharacterimaginessomethingandthen it happensimmediately.
Play(n): a story performed by actors in a theater, with an audience watching. Ex:Shakespeare is one of the most famous play writers in the world. Ex:Most of her playsinvolveloveandpassion.
Plot(n): the story in a book, movie or play. Collocations : simple/ complexplot mainplot Ex:Althoughthemainplot of thestory is thelovebetweentwomaincharacters, thereareothertopicscovered in thebook. Ex:Themovie has a simpleplotand it waseasytopredictwhatwillhappennext.
Realistic(adj): something that look real Ex:Theactorsperformancewas not realistic but theplot of themoviewasexcellent. Ex:Theplaywas not as realistic as theysaid. Theactressseemedto be imitatingsomebody.
Setting (n): the place and time in history of a film, book or play Ex:Thesetting of thestory is a village in a forest. Ex:Becausethecharactersarekingsandroyalfamily, thesetting of his moviesaremostlypalacesorcastles.
Consult(v): to ask for information or advice from someone because it is their job to know something Word Formation : Consultant (n) Collocations : consultsomebodyaboutsomething Ex:I needtoconsult an expertaboutthesituation in thecompany. Ex:Theyhired a consultanttosolvetheproblems in theinstitution.
Defeat(n): failure to win or succeed Word Formation : defeat (v) Definition : towin a victoryoversomeone in warorcompetition Ex:Thetennisplayercould not admitdefeatandcommittedsuicideafterthematch. Ex:Thearmytried hard todefeattheenemyandtheydid at last at sea.
Attempt(v): to try to do something especially something difficult Word Formation : Attempt (n) Synonyms: try Collocations : attemptto do something firstattempt Ex:Sheattemptedtocatchthethief, but shecouldn’tcatchhim. Ex:In his firstattempt he could not winthegame. Aftertryingmanytimes, he wonthegame.
Turn out(phr.v.): to happen or to have a result especially in a way you did not expect Ex:At thebeginning of the film everythingseemedreal, but at theend it turnedoutthatall of themwerethedreams of maincharacter . Ex:Theservant in thehouseturnedoutto be themurderer of theoldman.
Previewing the Academic content • People enjoy watching movies or going to the theater. • It is a great way to relax and escape to another world, the world of the film or play. • This works well if the movie is realistic and if the actors’ performances are realistic. • How can an actor make his or her performance as realistic as possible?
1. Workwith a partner andlook at thepictures on page 56. Thenanswerthequestions. • What do thepicturestellyouaboutthesettingandcharacters? Forexample, is this in thepast ? Arethecharactersrichorpoor? • Which role do youthink is mostdifficulttoplay ? • Which role wouldyoumostliketoplay ? 2. Whenwe say thatsomeone is “a goodactor, “ what do wemean ? Whatskillsdoes a goodactorhave ? SuggestedAnswers: • they act just like the real person, we forget they are acting; • we think we areseeing the real thing; • make me want to see them more; • they memorize lines
3. Imagine you are going to play one of the roles in the pictures? What could you do to prepare for that role ? • Watching films that have similar plots • Imagining something about the character • Other ideas ??? • imagining the emotions the character might experience; • living life like thecharacter for a few weeks; • practicing parts of the film
Previewing the Academic Content • A synopsis is a summary of a film, book, or play. Read the synopsis of the movie Wag the Dog. Then answer the question. • Which of these are true for the synopsis? • It includes the main ideas in the plot. • It includes small supporting details about the plot. • It is much shorter than the movie it summarizes. ✔ ✔
Summarizing Summarizing means • Finding the most important information in a written or spoken text, • Leaving out less important details • Using this information in writing or speaking. • When summarizing: • Keep it short. Include main ideas, not unimportant details • Write in your own words. Don’t copy a lot of words from the original source
2. Work in smallgroupsandanswerthequestions. • Is thesynopsis of theWagtheDoga goodsummary ? • HaveyouseenWagtheDog? a. Ifyes: • Is thesynopsistruthful ? • Whichcharactercouldyouimagineplaying ? Why? b. If no: • Afterreadingthesynopsis, wouldyouliketowatchthemovie ? Whyorwhy not ? • Can youimagine a situationhappening in real life ? Inwhichcountry ? Why?
Appear in(v): to be an actor in a movie or play Ex:Shesaysshe is a famousactresswhohaveappeared in many film. However, nobodyrecognizes her. Ex:JimCarreyappears in mostlycomedyfilms, but he also has appeared in filmslikeEternalSunshine of theSpotlessMind.
Be based on(v): come from another source or idea Ex:ThemovieTitanic is based on a truestory. Ex:The TV seriesBehzat Ç. is based on books of Emrah Serbes.
Disabled(adj.): not to be able to use part of the body Word Formation : Disability (n) Ex:Thegovernment is organizing a campaignfordisabledpeople. Ex:Shebecamedisabledafterthe car accidentshe had.
Authentic(adj.): Just like the real thing Word Formation : Authenticity (n) Ex:Inthemovietheyusedauthenticcostumes of theperiod. Ex:Authenticity of filmsareimportantformanyaudience.
Remind(v): to make someone remember the things they must do Collocations : remindsb of something remindsbto do something Ex:Thebookremindsme of a book I readwhen I was a child. Ex:Sheremindedmeto buy milkbeforecominghome.
Define(v): to describe something Word Formation : Definition (n) Ex:Beforedealingwithstress,youneedto define yourstressors. Ex:I can not define his role in the film. He seemsto be an unimportantfigure, but actually he affectsallthecharacters.
Current(adj.): happening or existing now Word Formation : currently (adv.) Ex:Thecurrentpresident of United States is Obama. Ex:Theresults of thecurrentpoliticalsituationwill be seen at least 5 yearslater.
Before You Listen 1. Read the course notes on page 58. Then write the key words next to their definition. 1. appear in 2. disabled 3. authentic 4. (be) based on 5. sector of society 2. Work with a partner and answer the questions. 1. Why do you think some college or university courses have guest lecturers ? 2. What are the three questions that Mr. Blake might answer when he speaks to the class. Write three questions.
Global Listening • Listen to the lecture. Who speaks about these ideas? Write P for professor and G for the guest speaker. 1. P 2. P 3. G 4. G 5. G 6. G 7. X 8. G
Recognizing Digressions and Asides • Sometimes lecturers go off their main points (digression) or tell stories that are related to the point but not an important part of it (asides). • It is important to recognize when the lecturer is digressing or giving an aside, and when the lecturer is making a major point. • Digressions and asides often sound like small stories rather than statements of fact. • Do not include digressions or asides in summaries.
2. Work with a partner. Which point from Exercise 1 is a digression or aside? celebration and partying 3. What is the lecture mainly about ? Write two or three sentences in your notebook to summarize the lecture. Imagination is important for acting. The guest speaker told us how he usesimagination. He used examples from his own acting.
Focused Listening • Read the statements on page 59. They are false statements. After reading them listen to the first part of the lecture. Change each statement to make it true. 1. Gene Blake now teaches master classes at acting schools around the world. 2. Imagination is any process in which we think about anything that we are notcurrently experiencing. 3. Imagination can be based on personal experience or research.
Distinguishing Major from Minor Points • It is important to notice difference between major and minor ideas when listening to a lecture. • Summaries contain only the major points and to find major points, ask: • Is the idea the speaker’s main point? • Is the idea a reason or an explanation of the main point? • Is the idea signaled with expressions such as Most importantly or First of all? • If you can not answer yes to any of these questions, the point is probably minor. • Examples, digressions, and asided are often minor points, so they are not useful in summaries.
2. Which of the ideas you corrected in Exercise 1 (Page 59) is a minor point? The first idea is a minor point. It is not the main point because it does not helpyou understand the main point. It does not add useful information to the mainpoint it is not signaled as being important or as one of the main points of thetalk.
3. Work in two groups: A and B. Look at the statements for your group only and listen to the second part of the lecture. Complete the statements. 4. Work with someone from other group. Share your answers to Exercise 3. Discuss which points are major and minor. MJ MJ MJ MJ MN MN MN MJ MN MJ MN MN MN MJ
5. Work in small groups and discuss the questions. 1. Think back to your answers in exercise 3 on page 56. After hearing the lecturei how would you prepare differently for the roles you talked about in that exercise ? 2. Next time you watch a film, how will you think differently about the acting ? 3. In what ways has the lecture helped you understand acting better ?
Creative(adj): involving the use of imagination to produce new ideas or things Word Formation : Creativity (n) Ex:Youneedtofind a creativesolutionforthis problem Ex:There has been a lack of creativity in thestudents in recentyears.
Aspect(n): a part of an idea, process or plan that has many parts Collocations : important/ keyaspect negative/positiveaspect Ex:Dealingwithpeople is themostimportantpart of mywork Ex:Whatarethenegativeaspects of technologicalimprovement ?
Survive(v): to continue to live, even though there are many problems Word Formation : Survival (n) Ex:Ifshesurvivesthiscrisis, nobodywill be ableto stop her. Ex:Smallcompanieshavetofightforsurvival in thetimes of economicproblems.
Tool(n): a thing or a skill that helps someone do their job Ex:Internet is an effectivetoolforpeopletolearn a secondlanguage Ex:His voice is a keytool in his success.
Effective(adj.): successful and working in the way that was wanted Antonym: Ineffective Ex:Trainingwaslesseffectivethan I expected . Ex:Memorizingthelines is an effectiveway of actingrealistic. Ex:Thedrugswereineffective in treatingthewomanandshediedyesterday.
Present(adj): happening or existing now Ex:They do not liketheirpresentcolleagues, thepreviouswasmuchbetterthanhim. Ex:Thepresent problem can not be solvedbecause of lack of necessaryequipment.
Audience(n): a group of people who come to watch or listen to someone speaking or performing in public. Collocations : Pulltheaudience Ex:It is not alwayseasytopulltheaudienceintotheplayormovie. Ex:Audiencebeganclappingafterthesingersang her song.
Truthful(adj.): realistic Ex:Ifyourperformance is truthful, you can catchtheattention of theaudience.
Explore(v): to discuss or think about something carefully Synonyms: look at Ex:Youneedtoexplorethepossibility of losingyourjob. Ex:Theyareexploringthewaystoimprovethesecurity in theinstitution.
Treat(v):to behave towards someone/something in a particular way Collocations : treatsomebody as/likesomething Ex:Her step mothertreated her like a servantandmade her do allworks on her own. Ex:Youneedtotreatyourworkersequalifyou do not wantany problem in thecompany.
Go through(phr.v.): to experience a particular process Ex:Youneedtogothroughtheseprocessesifyouwanttoreachyourgoal Ex:She has gonethroughmanycrisis in her work life andshe has alwaysbeensuccesful.
Apply(v): to use something such as method, idea or law in a particular situation Collocations : applysomethingtosomething Ex:Youneedtoapplywhatyouhavelearnt in thiscoursetoyourreal life. Ex:Ideasaregood but theyare hard toapply in practice.
Before You Read • Work with a partner and match the statements about acting. 1. d 2. a 3. c 4. b