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The Age of Enlightenment (Mid 1700s)

The Enlightenment, a European movement of the 18th century, applied reason and the scientific method to society and government, leading to political revolutions and the promotion of individual rights. Key philosophers advocated reason, happiness, nature, progress, and liberty, shaping the era. Famous Enlightenment figures include Thomas Hobbs, John Locke, Voltaire, and Mary Wollstonecraft.

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The Age of Enlightenment (Mid 1700s)

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  1. The Age of Enlightenment (Mid 1700s)

  2. What was the Enlightenment? Age of Enlightenment – an 18th Century European movement in which thinkers attempted to apply the principles of reason & scientific method to all aspects of society and government. (Also known as the Age of Reason) • Also known as the Age of Reason, the Enlightenment grew out of the Scientific Revolution of the 1500s & 1600s and reached its peak in the mid 1700s. • If scientists could understand the physical world using reason, then reason could also be used to discover natural laws which shape the human experience and the relationship between people and their governments.

  3. What was the Enlightenment? • Resulted in the move away from Absolutism and Divine Right of Kings • and toward democracy and • individual rights. • Enlightenment ideas encouraged political • revolutions in France, Latin America, and • America! Philosophes: Enlightenment thinkers who debated the relationship between governments and their people.

  4. 5 Concepts for Advocating Reason • Reason: By using logical thinking and reasoning the philosophers analyzed truth in the world. Logic and reason can lead you to the right and moral answer.  • Happiness: During the mid-evil times people believed that life was meant for suffering and happiness was to be acquired in the after life. The philosophes' idea contradicted that notion; they claimed that people were meant to find happiness in the hereafter and wanted people to seek happiness and joy on earth.  • Nature: The philosophes believed that anything natural was good, true, and reasonable. They supported the natural laws regarding human nature and society.  • Progress: The philosophes believed that each human being and any society could improve. Citizens should always strive to make their society the best it can be.  • Liberty: They believed in the English had the best form of liberty. Because the English had won in their Revolution and had the bill of rights, the philosophes were influenced by this liberty. 

  5. Famous Enlightenment Philosophes • Thomas Hobbs • John Locke • Baron de Montesquieu • Voltaire • Jean Jacques Rousseau • Ceasare Beccaria • Mary Wollstonecraft

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