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  1. Jaguars Jaguars like to live close to a source of water. They are fairly good swimmers and are capable of hunting and killing small sized crocodiles. Jaguars habitat is dense lowland rainforests where it is humid and damp. They avoid open grasslands and seasonally dry forests. It is mainly found in the rain forests of Central and South America and in the Amazon rainforest. The jaguar is a very adaptable cat. Jaguars are known to prefer thick and dense forests. It uses the dense forest cover to stalk its prey. It can also be seen on open terrain at times. They have big paws to pounce on their biggest prey The jaguar weighs between 120-290 pounds. The jaguars height is27-30 inches for an adult.

  2. Jaguars The jaguar most closely resembles the leopard physically, although it is usually larger and of sturdier build and its behavioral and habitat characteristics are closer to those of the tiger. The jaguar is largely a solitary, opportunistic, stalk-and-ambush predatorat the top of the food chain The jaguar is a beautiful creature, the ground-colour of the fur a rich golden-red tan, abundantly marked with black rings, enclosing one or two small spots within. This is the typical colouring, and it varies little in the temperate regions; in the hot region the Indians recognise three strongly marked varieties, which they regard as distinct species – the one described; the smaller jaguar, less aquatic in his habits and marked with spots, not rings; and, thirdly, the black variety.

  3. Jaguars They regard it as wholly distinct, and affirm that it is larger and much more dangerous than the spotted jaguar. Some structural adaptations for a jaguar is that a jaguar has skin/fur that helps it blend in with its surroundings when hunting. Jaguars are known for their preference for large preys and are particularly fond of meat. The food palate for jaguars is wide; it can range from tapirs, birds, sloths, turtles, rodents, reptiles, monkeys, frogs and deer. Jaguars are known to eat humans when they feel provoked. Jaguars also eat livestock.

  4. Wolves They have thick coats which camouflage and insulate them, sharp canines which tear apart the hides of their prey and large padded feet which allow them to run fast over snow while their hoofed prey sinks and stumbles. They hunt in packs.Wolves travel heavily during the winter, following traveling and migrating prey populations. However things come to a complete halt during the summer. During the summer, the winter fur begins to molt into the fur they will have during the summer, Life during the summer focuses primarily around the den site, the pack will hunt and take care of the pups, and until winter comes around again, the pack will not move. Sadly, most of the pups die during their first winter, unable to keep up with the moving pack.  They have exceptional hearing. 

  5. Wolves The wolf habitat includes almost all Northern Hemisphere habitat types including artic tundra, plains, savannahs, hardwood, softwood, and mixed forest environments. Wolves are carnivores . If food is scarce, wolves will eat other foreign foods. Wolves eat their food very fast to avoid it from being stolen. That makes the chances of losing their meal less. They eat the best parts of the carcass first, then the wolves will come back later for the other parts. They will hide the food in the snow or the icy soil, which will help preserve it. Wolves can eat every five to six hours when there is plenty of food or they can live on scraps for two weeks if there is less food. Wolves eat several large animals such as moose, deer, elk, caribou, and musk oxen. Wolves will also eat smaller animals such as beavers, rabbits, hares, voles, fish, muskrats, lemmings, raccoons, shrews, woodchucks, shellfish, ground squirrels, mice, and birds.

  6. Wolves eat several large animals such as moose, deer, elk, caribou, and musk oxen. Wolves will also eat smaller animals such as beavers, rabbits, hares, voles, fish, muskrats, lemmings, raccoons, shrews, woodchucks, shellfish, ground squirrels, mice, and birds. A male wolf eats about twenty pounds of food in every kill that equals eighty hamburger patties.

  7. Thank You For your kind attention

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